

Exploratory Testing Examples探索性测试实例

Example# :

Testing Approach测试方法

Make use of heuristics to guide testing.利用启发式方法指导测试




What is Exploratory Testing?(什么是探索性测试?)

“Exploratory testing” – as the name suggests, is a simultaneous learning, test design, and test execution process. We can say that in this testing test planning, analysis, design and test execution, are all done together and instantly.

“探索性测试” - 顾名思义,是一种,测试设计和测试执行同步进行过程。 我们可以说,在测试中,测试计划,分析,设计和测试执行中,所有这些都是一起完成的。

This testing is about exploring the system and encouraging real-time and practical thinking of a tester.




In layman terms, exploratory testing involves concurrent test case design and test execution of an application or system under test. The tester will create or write down a test idea to give direction, and explore the system while testing to further create critical, practical and useful tests for the successful testing of an application.

通俗地说,探索性测试涉及并行地进行测试用例设计和待测的应用程序或系统的测试执行。 测试人员将创建或记下测试想法以指导方向,并在测试时探索系统,以进一步为成功测试应用程序创建关键,实用和有用的测试。

This requires minimal planning. Testers continuously make a decision on her next step of action. It completely depends upon the tester’s thought process.

这需要最少的计划。 测试人员不断对下一步行动作出决定。 它完全取决于测试人员的思维过程。

Sometimes this testing can be more beneficial than the formal testing approach for finding some subtle defects which go missing in formal testing.


Consciously or unconsciously each and every tester would have done exploratory testing at some point in their career.


As we all know, a learner will learn better through hands-on experience rather than cramming the theory.


Same way, a tester will know the application better only while exploring and learning about all the functionality it provides by itself. It is always good to have a customer and business perspective while testing to ensure successful testing of an application.

同样,测试人员,只有在探索和了解其应用程序提供的所有功能时,才能更好地了解应用程序。 在测试期间拥有客户和业务视角以确保成功的测试应用程序,这总是好的。

For Example, if you open a shopping website, you have a general idea that this shopping website will let you shop by selecting a product of your choice and then paying for the same.


During this process, you might learn that the website provides you with virtual human look-alike which helps you in product selection process. You also found that you can order a number of products for home trial or that you can make payment through rewards points of some banks, etc.

在此过程中,您可能会了解到该网站为您提供了虚拟的人类外观,可以帮助您进行产品选择。 您还发现您可以订购一些产品进行家庭试用,或者您可以通过某些银行的奖励积分等进行支付。

As a tester, you not only need to verify whether a system is working as expected but also check if that system is not behaving in a way which is not expected.


Few things to remember while performing this testing(执行这种测试时要记住的几件事情):

  • Your mission should be clear你的任务应该是清晰的.
  • Make sure to create notes and report on what you are doing and how a system is behaving, which could be a potential bug.确保创建笔记并报告您正在做什么以及系统的行为方式,这可能是一个潜在的错误
  • Learn, observe and then come up with new test cases.学习,观察并提出新的测试用例

Exploratory Testing Examples探索性测试实例

Example# :

I was once included in a small project which involved the addition of a new Mutual fund in the application. My task was to test the application to make sure that the new Mutual fund is available for users to buy and check if the associated valuation is correct. I had only 2 days to complete my testing.

我曾经被纳入一个小项目,该项目涉及在申请中增加一个新的共同基金。 我的任务是测试应用程序,以确保新的共同基金可供用户购买并检查相关评估是否正确。 我只有2天时间完成测试。

Being given the tight deadline and severity of testing, I used the exploratory approach of testing. My goal was to test new features and to find violations of compatibility requirements.

由于测试的紧迫期限和严格性,我使用了探索性的测试方法。 我的目标是测试新功能并发现违反兼容性要求的行为。

The above-mentioned goal became my charter for this test session.


Following test cases were evolved during this testing(以下测试案例在此测试期间得到了执行):

  • Testing to make sure that the new Mutual fund has been added to the application.进行测试以确保新的共同基金已添加到应用程序中
  • New MF is bought successfully.新MF可以成功购买。
  • Valuation of new MF is correct.新MF的评估是正确的。
  • Tried to buy new MF for an existing portfolio.试图为现有的投资组合购买新的MF。
  • Can new MF be added to all Portfolios?可以将新MF添加到所有投资组合吗?
  • Impact of New MF on a valuation of existing.新MF对现有估值的影响。
  • So in other test cases were evolved.其他测试用例也类似进行。

I prepared notes and reports during my testing to discuss my observation with the BA and client involved.


The fundamental strategy of exploratory testing is to a have a plan of attack. Start testing with your idea and improvise new test cases based on your knowledge and observation.

探索性测试的基本策略是制定攻击计划。 根据您的想法开始测试,并根据您的知识和观察即兴创建新的测试用例。

Testing Approach测试方法

  • Make use of heuristics to guide testing.利用启发式方法指导测试

  • Test cases execution and test case creation go hand in hand.测试用例执行和测试用例创建齐头并进。
  • Test cases keep on evolving based on the tester observation and learning.基于测试人员的观察和学习,测试用例不断扩展
  • Different testing techniques like Boundary value analysis, equivalence testing etc. can be applied to ET.边界值分析,等效性测试等不同的测试技术可以应用于ET。
  • Session-based ET can be used to make it more structured and focused.基于会话的ET可用于使其更具结构性和聚焦
  • Testers can branch out there ideas but never stray from your mission.测试人员可以提出想法但不会偏离自己的目标。
  • ET testing does not use scripts, instead depends on tester’s intuition, skill, and experience.ET测试不使用脚本,而是取决于测试人员的直觉,技能和经验


Benefits of this testing include(这种测试包括的优点):

  • Promote real-time thinking and helps in uncovering more defects.促进实时思考,并帮助发现更多缺陷。
  • Promote use cases and scenario-based testing.促进使用用例和基于场景的测试。
  • Minimal documentation, maximum testing.最少的文档,最大化的测试。
  • Emphasis is more on learning and broadening the horizon of a tester.重点更多的放到了测试人员的学习和拓宽视野上。
  • Avoid duplicate work.避免重复工作。
  • Useful when you want to audit other tester’s work.当您想要审核其他测试人员的工作时很有用。


Demerits are enlisted below(缺点如下):

  • Testing depends on tester experience, skill, and knowledge.测试依赖测试人员的经验,技能和知识
  • Require time to learn the application. Tester is more likely to miss if they know less about the application.需要时间来学习应用程序。 如果他们对应用程序知之甚少,测试人员更容易错过。
  • Not appropriate for projects with long execution time.不适合执行时间长的项目。




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