
原文链接: 理解Golang中的[]interface{}interface{}


Do(ctx, "HKEYS", "KEY")


func (c *Redis) Do(ctx context.Context, commandName string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {//// ...//reply, err := conn.Do(commandName, args...)//// ...//return reply, c.err
func (c *conn) Do(cmd string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {return c.DoWithTimeout(c.readTimeout, cmd, args...)
func (c *conn) DoWithTimeout(readTimeout time.Duration, cmd string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {//// ...//reply := make([]interface{}, pending)//// ...//return reply, err

在Goland中有一种特殊类型:interface{}空接口interface{} 类型是没有方法的接口。由于没有 implements 关键字,所以所有类型都至少实现了 0 个方法,所以 所有类型都实现了空接口。这意味着,如果编写一个函数以 interface{} 值作为参数,那么可以为该函数提供任何值,并且,[]interface{}golang中也可以认为是interface{}

func main() {method("string")method(123)method(make(map[string]int))method(make([]interface{}, 0))method(true)
}func method(arg interface{}) {}



func main() {var a interface{} = method()bytes := a.([]byte)fmt.Println(bytes)
}func method() interface{} {ans := make([]interface{}, 0)return append(ans, []byte{96, 97, 98, 99})





type eface struct {_type *_typedata  unsafe.Pointer


var (a interface{} = 123b interface{} = "string"
fmt.Println(a == b) // false


func main() {var a = make([]interface{}, 0)a = append(a, []int{123, 456})a = append(a, []string{"abc", "ijk"})fmt.Println(a) // [[123 456] [abc ijk]]


func main() {a := method()_, ok := a.([]int)fmt.Println(ok) // false
}func method() interface{} {var a = make([]interface{}, 0)a = append(a, []int{123, 456})a = append(a, []int{789, 111})return a

Each interface{} takes up two words (one word for the type of what is contained, the other word for either the contained data or a pointer to it). As a consequence, a slice with length N and with type []interface{} is backed by a chunk of data that is N*2 words long.

This is different than the chunk of data backing a slice with type []MyType and the same length. Its chunk of data will be N*sizeof(MyType) words long.

The result is that you cannot quickly assign something of type []MyType to something of type []interface{}; the data behind them just look different.


func main() {a := method()ans := make([][]int, 0)b, ok := a.([]interface{})if ok {for _, element := range b {ans = append(ans, element.([]int))}}fmt.Println(ans) // [[123 456] [789 111]]
}func method() interface{} {var a = make([]interface{}, 0)a = append(a, []int{123, 456})a = append(a, []int{789, 111})return a


InterfaceSlice · golang/go Wiki (github.com)


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