

Less Time, More profit

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)


The city planners plan to build N plants in the city which has M shops.

Each shop needs products from some plants to make profit of proi units.

Building ith plant needs investment of payi units and it takes ti days.

Two or more plants can be built simultaneously, so that the time for building multiple plants is maximum of their periods(ti).

You should make a plan to make profit of at least L units in the shortest period.


First line contains T, a number of test cases.

For each test case, there are three integers N, M, L described above.

And there are N lines and each line contains two integers payi, ti(1<= i <= N).

Last there are M lines and for each line, first integer is proi, and there is an integer k and next k integers are index of plants which can produce material to make profit for the shop.

1 <= T <= 30
1 <= N, M <= 200


For each test case, first line contains a line “Case #x: t p”, x is the number of the case, t is the shortest period and p is maximum profit in t hours. You should minimize t first and then maximize p.

If this plan is impossible, you should print “Case #x: impossible”


sample input

1 1 2
1 5
3 1 1

1 1 3
1 5
3 1 1

sample output
Case #1: 5 2
Case #2: impossible






using namespace std;
#define X first
#define Y second
#define mkp make_pair
//#define lson (o<<1)
//#define rson ((o<<1)|1)
//#define mid (l+(r-l)/2)
#define sz() size()
#define pb(v) push_back(v)
#define all(o) (o).begin(),(o).end()
#define clr(a,v) memset(a,v,sizeof(a))
#define bug(a) cout<<#a<<" = "<<a<<endl
#define rep(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i<(b);i++)typedef long long LL;
typedef vector<int> VI;
typedef pair<int,int> PII;
typedef vector<pair<int,int> > VPII;const int INF=0x3f3f3f3f;
const LL INFL=0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3fLL;
const double eps=1e-8;
const double PI = acos(-1.0);//start----------------------------------------------------------------------const int maxn=444;struct Edge {int u,v,cap,flow;Edge(int u,int v,int c,int f):u(u),v(v),cap(c),flow(f) {}
};struct Dinic {int n,m,s,t;vector<Edge> egs;vector<int> G[maxn];bool vis[maxn];int d[maxn];int cur[maxn];void init(int n) {this->n=n;rep(i,0,n+1) G[i].clear();egs.clear();m=0;}void addEdge(int u,int v,int cap) {egs.pb(Edge(u,v,cap,0));egs.pb(Edge(v,u,0,0));m=egs.sz();G[u].pb(m-2);G[v].pb(m-1);}bool BFS() {clr(vis,0);queue<int> Q;Q.push(s);d[s]=0;vis[s]=1;while(!Q.empty()) {int x=Q.front();Q.pop();rep(i,0,G[x].sz()) {Edge& e=egs[G[x][i]];if(!vis[e.v]&&e.cap>e.flow) {vis[e.v]=1;d[e.v]=d[x]+1;Q.push(e.v);}}}return vis[t];}int DFS(int x,int a) {if(x==t||a==0) return a;int flow=0,f;for(int& i=cur[x]; i<G[x].size(); i++) {Edge& e=egs[G[x][i]];if(d[x]+1==d[e.v]&&(f=DFS(e.v,min(a,e.cap-e.flow)))>0) {e.flow+=f;egs[G[x][i]^1].flow-=f;flow+=f;a-=f;if(a==0) break;}}return flow;}int Maxflow(int s,int t) {this->s=s;this->t=t;int flow=0;while(BFS()) {clr(cur,0);flow+=DFS(s,INF);}return flow;}
} dinic;PII plants[maxn];
int pi[maxn],vis[maxn];
vector<int> G[maxn];int n,m,L;int isok(int mid) {dinic.init(n+m+2);clr(vis,0);for(int i=1; i<=m; i++) {rep(j,0,G[i].size()) {int v=G[i][j];if(plants[v].Y>mid) {vis[i]=1;break;}}}int sumv=0;for(int i=1; i<=m; i++) {if(vis[i]) continue;sumv+=pi[i];dinic.addEdge(0,i,pi[i]);rep(j,0,G[i].size()) {int v=G[i][j];dinic.addEdge(i,v+m,INF);}}rep(i,1,n+1) {if(plants[i].Y>mid) continue;dinic.addEdge(i+m,m+n+1,plants[i].X);}return sumv-dinic.Maxflow(0,n+m+1);
}void init() {rep(i,0,maxn) G[i].clear();
}int main() {int tc,kase=0;scanf("%d",&tc);while(tc--) {scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&m,&L);init();rep(i,1,n+1) {scanf("%d%d",&plants[i].X,&plants[i].Y);}rep(i,1,m+1) {scanf("%d",&pi[i]);int cnt;scanf("%d",&cnt);while(cnt--) {int x;scanf("%d",&x);G[i].push_back(x);}}printf("Case #%d: ",++kase);int l=0,r=1000000000;if(isok(r)<L) {puts("impossible");continue;}while(l+1<r) {int mid=l+(r-l)/2;if(isok(mid)>=L) r=mid;else l=mid;}printf("%d %d\n",r,isok(r));}return 0;
5 3 50
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
100 2 1 4
1 0
1 0


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