Word Preparation

  1. work overtime:加班加点
    Bob might have to work overtime to get this project done.

    If I work efficiently, then it won't be necessary to work overtime.

  2. help with:帮助做...
    After that I began to help with making the improvised explosive devices. 

    If he were to come tomorrow, I might ask him to help with my paper.

  3. Bother you with that:麻烦你
    It's okay. I didn't mean to bother you with that.

    You can rest assured that I won't bother you with that.

  4. I'd love to help out. 我很愿意帮忙。
    - I'd love to help out.我很愿意帮忙。
    - Thank you very much. 太谢谢了。

    It's okay. I'd love to help out. 

  5. Would it be possible for you to ...? 你能不能...?
    - Would it be possible for you to fix my computer? 你可以帮我修一下电脑吗?
    - Certainly. 当然可以。

    Would it be possible for you to sign on this paper for me?

  6. Not a problem. 没关系;没问题
    - Could you help me with my final exam? 你可以帮我准备期末考试吗?
    - Not a problem. 当然没问题。

    - Thanks you so much. 太谢谢了。
    - Not a problem. 没关系的。


Offering help to a neighbor 给邻居提供帮助

除了I'd love to help out,还可以说,

  • I can help you with that.
  • Do you need my assist?
  • Are you seeking for help?
  • I'm willing to help.


  • - Oh, I can't get the right answer for this question.
    - I can help you with that.
  • You look bothered. Do you need my assist?
  • Are you seeking for help? You can always come to me.
  • Are you in trouble? I'm willing to help.

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