
  • Word Preparation
    • bookworm: 极爱读书的人;书虫;书迷
    • text: 书,文字作品
    • page-turner: 令人爱不释手的书;扣人心弦的读物
    • classic novel: 经典小说
    • main character: 主要人物;主角;主人公
    • renowned author: 著名作家
  • Grammar
    • past participle acting as 'adjective'

Word Preparation

bookworm: 极爱读书的人;书虫;书迷

a person who reads a lot

Mark is quite a bookworm. Every time I see him, he is reading a book.

I know a library that will be perfect for you if you are a bookworm.

text: 书,文字作品

a book or piece of writing

We’ll be analyzing the language of these literary texts.

We’re studying dramatic texts by sixteenth-century playwrights.

page-turner: 令人爱不释手的书;扣人心弦的读物

a very interesting book or story that is difficult to stop reading

Do you have any books that are real page-turners that you could recommend?

Jerry thought this book was boring, but I thought it was a page-turner.

classic novel: 经典小说

a book of high quality that has been popular for a long time

To Kill a Mockingbird is a classic novel that most high school students read.

We read three classic novels in the literature class this semester.

main character: 主要人物;主角;主人公

the most important person in a book or story

The main character becomes a different person at the end of the story.

The main character in this book is a girl of great perseverance and bravery.

renowned author: 著名作家

a famous writer

J.K Rowling is a renowned author who has millions of readers.
J.K Rowling是一个著名作家,拥有数百万读者。

It’s easy to become an author, but it’s not easy to become a renowned one.


past participle acting as ‘adjective’

It’s a classic novel written by Jane Austen.
相当于定于从句:which is written by Jane Austen.

  • There was nobody injured in the accident.
  • The gate damaged in the storm has now been repaired.
  • Is this the book recommended by the teacher?
  • Children introduced to reading earlier develop stronger verbal skills.

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