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给定一个有相同值的二叉搜索树(BST),找出 BST 中的所有众数(出现频率最高的元素)。

假定 BST 有如下定义:


给定 BST [1,null,2,2],




Given a binary search tree (BST) with duplicates, find all the mode(s) (the most frequently occurred element) in the given BST.

Assume a BST is defined as follows:

The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than or equal to the node's key.
The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than or equal to the node's key.
Both the left and right subtrees must also be binary search trees.

Given BST [1,null,2,2],

return [2].

Note: If a tree has more than one mode, you can return them in any order.

Follow up: Could you do that without using any extra space? (Assume that the implicit stack space incurred due to recursion does not count).


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public class Program {public static void Main(string[] args) {var root = new TreeNode(1) {left = new TreeNode(3) {left = new TreeNode(5),right = new TreeNode(7)},right = new TreeNode(9)};var res = FindMode(root);ShowArray(res);Console.ReadKey();}static void ShowArray(int[] array) {foreach(var num in array) {Console.Write($"{num} ");}Console.WriteLine();}public static int[] FindMode(TreeNode root) {if(root == null) return new int[0];var dic = new Dictionary<int, int>();PreOrder(root, ref dic);var max = dic.Values.Max();return (from r in dicwhere r.Value == maxselect r.Key).ToArray();}public static void PreOrder(TreeNode root, ref Dictionary<int, int> dic) {if(root == null) return;if(dic.ContainsKey(root.val)) {dic[root.val]++;} else {dic[root.val] = 1;}PreOrder(root?.left, ref dic);PreOrder(root?.right, ref dic);}public class TreeNode {public int val;public TreeNode left;public TreeNode right;public TreeNode(int x) { val = x; }}}


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1 3 5 7 9


显而易见,以上算法的时间复杂度为:  。

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