
为什么…的40个原因 (40 Reasons Why…)

This is the era of JavaScript fatigue. JavaScript innovation and fragmentation has become so persistent that it’s hard to know where to begin when starting a new project. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

这是JavaScript疲劳的时代。 JavaScript创新和碎片化变得如此持久,以至于在启动新项目时很难知道从哪里开始。 但这不一定是这种方式。

What if your team had a rich, rapid feedback development environment?What if each time you started a new JavaScript project, you got bundling, transpiling, automated testing, minification, cache busting, continuous integration and more for free?


Starting from scratch is no longer practical. There are too many best practices for any individual to track. The era of starter kits is here.

从头开始不再可行。 有太多最佳做法可供任何个人跟踪。 入门套件的时代就在这里。

I just spent the last year exploring this topic in detail. My investigation culminated in a comprehensive new course that dives deep into how your team can create a rich JavaScript development environment from scratch.

去年,我刚刚详细探讨了这个主题。 我的调查最终以一门全面的新课程告终,该课程深入探讨了您的团队如何从头开始创建丰富JavaScript开发环境 。

您需要入门套件 (You Need a Starter Kit)

Why is this so important? Because the number of decisions JavaScript developers have to consider today is overwhelming:

为什么这个这么重要? 由于JavaScript开发人员今天必须考虑的决策数量众多:

That’s over 40 decisions. I couldn’t fit them all on a single Powerpoint slide. This list is so long that most teams overlook dozens of important concerns. I’m consulting front-end developers all over the world and see a common theme: Automated testing is extremely rare. As is minification, cache busting, bundle splitting, linting and more.

那是40多个决定。 我无法将它们全部放在一张Powerpoint幻灯片上。 这个清单很长,以至于大多数团队忽略了许多重要的问题 。 我正在咨询世界各地的前端开发人员,并看到一个共同的主题:自动化测试非常罕见。 正如最小化一样,缓存破坏,捆绑包分裂,掉毛等等。

Here’s why:


JavaScript developers are so overwhelmed that they’re ignoring huge opportunities to improve quality, enhance performance, and automate away pain.


All too often, developers are choosing the path of least resistance. This means most of the concerns above are ignored.

开发人员经常选择阻力最小的路径。 这意味着上述大多数问题都将被忽略。

It’s a classic problem: Cutting corners in the short-term slows us down in the long-term.

这是一个经典的问题: 从长远来看,在短期内偷工减料会使我们放慢脚步。

解决方案 (The Solution)

The first step toward a solution is simple: Schedule a team meeting with a simple agenda:


  1. What are our JS pain points?我们的JS痛点是什么?
  2. Would we benefit from a JS starter kit?我们将从JS入门套件中受益吗?
  3. Would we benefit from a demo app?我们将从演示应用程序中受益吗?

Answer these questions, and you’ll have a clear direction for creating your own JavaScript starter kit. Sure, there are countless boilerplates, generators, starter kits on the web. Those are a great start.

回答这些问题,您将为创建自己JavaScript入门工具包提供明确的指导。 当然,网上有无数样板,发电机,入门套件。 这些是一个很好的开始。

But in reality, each team has unique needs and opinions, so most teams benefit greatly from creating their own starter kit. By all means, explore a few boilerplates that are popular for your library or framework of choice. But I suggest starting from scratch, using your favorites as inspiration. This assures you understand how it all works.

但是实际上,每个团队都有独特的需求和意见,因此大多数团队都可以从创建自己的入门工具包中受益匪浅。 无论如何,请探索一些适合您的库或所选框架的样板。 但我建议从头开始,以您的收藏夹为灵感。 这样可以确保您了解所有操作方式。

I walk through the long list of options and build a robust JavaScript development from scratch in “Building a JavaScript Development Environment” on Pluralsight. This course is a playbook of 40+ decisions you need to consider when building your own environment.

我将浏览一长串的选项,并在Pluralsight上的“ 构建JavaScript开发环境 ”中从头开始构建健壮JavaScript开发。 本课程是一本包含40多个决策的剧本,您在构建自己的环境时需要考虑这些决策。

Inspired? I’d love to see what you build!

启发? 我很想看看你建造了什么!

Cory House is the author of many courses on JavaScript, clean coding, architecture and more on Pluralsight. Cory is principal consultant at, a software Architect at VinSolutions, a Microsoft MVP, and trains software developers internationally on software practices like front-end development and clean coding.

Cory House是许多关于JavaScript,简洁代码,架构以及Pluralsight的课程的作者。 Cory是reactjsconsulting.com的首席顾问, VinSolutions的软件架构师(Microsoft MVP),并就前端开发和干净编码等软件实践对国际软件开发人员进行培训。




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