


 1 import pika 2 #连上rabbitMQ 3 connection=pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost')) 4 channel=connection.channel()       #生成管道,在管道里跑不同的队列 5  6 #声明queue 7 channel.queue_declare(queue='hello1') 8  9 #n RabbitMQ a message can never be sent directly to the queue,it always needs to go through an exchange.10 #向队列里发数据11 channel.basic_publish(exchange='',      #先把数据发给exchange交换器,exchage再发给相应队列12                       routing_key='hello1', #向"hello'队列发数据13                       body='HelloWorld!!')  #发的消息14 print("[x]Sent'HelloWorld!'")15 connection.close()


 1 import pika 2  3 connection=pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters('localhost')) 4 channel=connection.channel() 5  6 # You may ask why we declare the queue again  we have already declared it in our previous code. 7 # We could avoid that if we were sure that the queue already exists. For example if send.py program 8 # was run before. But we're not yet sure which program to run first. In such cases it's a good 9 # practice to repeat declaring the queue in both programs.10 channel.queue_declare(queue='hello1')#声明队列,保证程序不出错11 12 13 def callback(ch,method,properties,body):14     print("-->ch",ch)15     print("-->method",method)16     print("-->properties",properties)17     print("[x] Received %r" % body)         #一条消息被一个消费者接收后,该消息就从队列删除18 19 20 channel.basic_consume(callback,              #回调函数,一接收到消息就调用回调函数21                       queue='hello1',22                       no_ack=False)    #消费完毕后向服务端发送一个确认,默认为False23 24 print('[*] Waiting for messages.To exit press CTRL+C')25 channel.start_consuming()


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  1. 先运行rabbitMQ_1_send.py发送数据,rabbitMQ_2_receive.py未运行。发现当receive运行时仍能接收数据。

  2. 运行多个(eg:3个)接收数据的客户端,再运行发送端,客户端1收到数据,再运行发送端,客户端2收到数据,再运行发送端,客户端3收到数据。




Doing a task can take a few seconds. You may wonder what happens if one of the consumers starts a long task and dies with it only partly done. With our current code once RabbitMQ delivers message to the customer it immediately removes it from memory. In this case, if you kill a worker we will lose the message it was just processing. We'll also lose all the messages that were dispatched to this particular worker but were not yet handled.

But we don't want to lose any tasks. If a worker dies, we'd like the task to be delivered to another worker.

In order to make sure a message is never lost, RabbitMQ supports message acknowledgments. An ack(nowledgement) is sent back from the consumer to tell RabbitMQ that a particular message had been received, processed and that RabbitMQ is free to delete it.

If a consumer dies (its channel is closed, connection is closed, or TCP connection is lost) without sending an ack, RabbitMQ will understand that a message wasn't processed fully and will re-queue it. If there are other consumers online at the same time, it will then quickly redeliver it to another consumer. That way you can be sure that no message is lost, even if the workers occasionally die.

There aren't any message timeouts; RabbitMQ will redeliver the message when the consumer dies. It's fine even if processing a message takes a very, very long time.

Message acknowledgments are turned on by default. In previous examples we explicitly turned them off via the no_ack=True flag. It's time to remove this flag and send a proper acknowledgment from the worker, once we're done with a task.

Using this code we can be sure that even if you kill a worker using CTRL+C while it was processing a message, nothing will be lost. Soon after the worker dies all unacknowledged messages will be redelivered.






We have learned how to make sure that even if the consumer dies, the task isn't lost(by default, if wanna disable  use no_ack=True). But our tasks will still be lost if RabbitMQ server stops.

When RabbitMQ quits or crashes it will forget the queues and messages unless you tell it not to. Two things are required to make sure that messages aren't lost: we need to mark both the queue and messages as durable.

First, we need to make sure that RabbitMQ will never lose our queue. In order to do so, we need to declare it as durable:

      1 channel.queue_declare(queue='hello', durable=True)

Although this command is correct by itself, it won't work in our setup. That's because we've already defined a queue called hello which is not durable.RabbitMQ doesn't allow you to redefine an existing queue with different parameters and will return an error(会曝错) to any program that tries to do that. But there is a quick workaround - let's declare a queue with different name, for exampletask_queue:

      1 channel.queue_declare(queue='task_queue', durable=True)

This queue_declare change needs to be applied to both the producer and consumer code.

At that point we're sure that the task_queue queue won't be lost even if RabbitMQ restarts. Now we need to mark our messages as persistent - by supplying a delivery_mode property with a value 2.

      1 channel.basic_publish(exchange='',
      2                       routing_key="task_queue",
      3                       body=message,
      4                       properties=pika.BasicProperties(
      5                          delivery_mode = 2,      # make message persistent
      6                       ))


  • 持久化队列。通过代码实现持久化hello队列:channel.queue_declare(queue='hello', durable=True)

  • 持久化队列中的消息。通过代码实现:properties=pika.BasicProperties( delivery_mode = 2, )



因为: RabbitMQ doesn't allow you to redefine an existing queue with different parameters and will return an error.






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我在运行上面程序时对消费者端里回调函数的一句代码(ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag =method.delivery_tag))十分困惑。这句代码去掉消费者端也能照样收到消息啊。这句代码有毛线用处??

生产者端消息持久后,需要在消费者端加上(ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag =method.delivery_tag)): 保证消息被消费后,消费端发送一个ack,然后服务端从队列删除该消息.



An exchange is a very simple thing. On one side it receives messages from producers and the other side it pushes them to queues. The exchange must know exactly what to do with a message it receives. Should it be appended to a particular queue? Should it be appended to many queues? Or should it get discarded(丢弃). The rules for that are defined by the exchange type.


fanout: 所有bind到此exchange的queue都可以接收消息

direct: 通过routingKey和exchange决定的那个唯一的queue可以接收消息


表达式符号说明: #代表一个或多个字符,*代表任何字符
            注:使用RoutingKey为#,Exchange Type为topic的时候相当于使用fanout



fanout: 所有bind到此exchange的queue都可以接收消息


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  • fanout-广播,send端的routing_key='', #fanout的话为空(默认)

  • receive端有一句代码:result=channel.queue_declare(exclusive=True),作用:不指定queue名字(为了收广播),rabbitMQ会随机分配一个queue名字,exclusive=True会在使用此queue的消费者断开后,自动将queue删除。

2、有选择的接收消息(exchange type=direct)

RabbitMQ还支持根据关键字发送,即:队列绑定关键字,发送者将数据根据关键字发送到消息exchange,exchange根据 关键字 判定应该将数据发送至指定队列。


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其实最开始我看代码是一脸懵逼的~ 下面是我在cmd进行测试的截图(配合着截图看会容易理解些),一个send端,两个receive端(先起receive端,再起receive端):





Although using the direct exchange improved our system, it still has limitations - it can't do routing based on multiple criteria.

In our logging system we might want to subscribe to not only logs based on severity, but also based on the source which emitted the log. You might know this concept from the syslog unix tool, which routes logs based on both severity (info/warn/crit...) and facility (auth/cron/kern...).

That would give us a lot of flexibility - we may want to listen to just critical errors coming from 'cron' but also all logs from 'kern'.


举例: 如果是系统的错误,就把信息发送到A,如果是MySQL的错误,就把信息发送到B。但是对B来说,想实现接收MySQL的错误信息,可以用有选择的接收消息(exchange type=direct),让关键字为error就实现了啊!现在B有个需求:不是所有的错误信息都接收,只接收指定的错误。在某种信息再进行过滤,这就是更细致的消息过滤topic。


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六、RPC(Remote Procedure Call)


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 1 import pika 2 import uuid 3  4  5 class FibonacciRpcClient(object): 6     def __init__(self): 7         self.connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host='localhost')) 8  9         self.channel = self.connection.channel()10         #随机建立一个queue,为了监听返回的结果11         result = self.channel.queue_declare(exclusive=True)12         self.callback_queue = result.method.queue   ##队列名13 14         self.channel.basic_consume(self.on_response,  #一接收客户端发来的指令就调用回调函数on_response15                                    no_ack=True,16                                    queue=self.callback_queue)17 18     def on_response(self, ch, method, props, body):  #回调19         #每条指令执行的速度可能不一样,指令1比指令2先发送,但可能指令2的执行结果比指令1先返回到客户端,20         #此时如果没有下面的判断,客户端就会把指令2的结果误认为指令1执行的结果21         if self.corr_id == props.correlation_id:22             self.response = body23 24     def call(self, n):25         self.response = None    ##指令执行后返回的消息26         self.corr_id = str(uuid.uuid4())   ##可用来标识指令(顺序)27         self.channel.basic_publish(exchange='',28                                    routing_key='rpc_queue', #client发送指令,发到rpc_queue29                                    properties=pika.BasicProperties(30                                        reply_to=self.callback_queue, #将指令执行结果返回到reply_to队列31                                        correlation_id=self.corr_id,32                                    ),33                                    body=str(n))34         while self.response is None:35             self.connection.process_data_events() #去queue接收数据(不阻塞)36         return int(self.response)37 38 39 fibonacci_rpc = FibonacciRpcClient()40 41 print(" [x] Requesting fib(30)")42 response = fibonacci_rpc.call(30)43 print(" [.] Got %r" % response)


1 import pika 2 import time 3  4 connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters( 5     host='localhost')) 6  7 channel = connection.channel() 8  9 channel.queue_declare(queue='rpc_queue')10 11 12 def fib(n):13     if n == 0:14         return 015     elif n == 1:16         return 117     else:18         return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)19 20 21 def on_request(ch, method, props, body):22     n = int(body)23 24     print(" [.] fib(%s)" % n)25     response = fib(n)  #从客户端收到的消息26 27     ch.basic_publish(exchange='',   ##服务端发送返回的数据到props.reply_to队列(客户端发送指令时声明)28                      routing_key=props.reply_to,  #correlation_id (随机数)每条指令都有随机独立的标识符29                      properties=pika.BasicProperties(correlation_id= \30                                                          props.correlation_id),31                      body=str(response))32     ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag)  #客户端持久化33 34 35 channel.basic_qos(prefetch_count=1)  #公平分发36 channel.basic_consume(on_request,    #一接收到消息就调用on_request37                       queue='rpc_queue')38 39 print(" [x] Awaiting RPC requests")40 channel.start_consuming()




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