1、今天更新完代码,突然间报了这个错误:'<' not supported between instances of 'SafeText' and 'int'


    if value is not None and value != '':# 将要格式化的数值转成字符串对象if type(value) == 'str':value = valueval = Decimal(value)else:val = valuevalue = str(value)# 处理负数flag = '-' if val < 0 else ''




发现类型为<class 'django.utils.safestring.SafeText'>,安全文本类型,因此代码底下的if条件不通过,走到else里了,而val直接赋值为value了,所以后面判断时就会报上面的错误


    if value is not None and value != '':# 将要格式化的数值转成字符串对象if type(value) == 'str':value = valueval = Decimal(value)else:val = Decimal(value)value = str(value)# 处理负数flag = '-' if val < 0 else ''


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