
效果: demos


  • 支持点击label实现checkbox组选择.
  • 头部选项,如全选/ 取消全选 /关闭功能.
  • 支持键盘选择.
  • 支持5种不同的事件回调函数.
  • 以列表方式显示选中项目,并且可以设置最大显示值.
  • 方便改变位置,渐变速度,滚动容器的高度,链接文字,文本框默认内容等.
  • 最小版只有 6.9kb.


  • Firefox 2 – 3.6
  • IE 6 – 8
  • Chrome Beta/4
  • Safari 4
  • Opera 10


首先需要引入 jquery 1.4、jQuery UI theme, 和 jquery.multiselect.css . 我们在这用的不是jQuery UI library本身,而是他的主题文件. 最简单的绑定select box方法:

<select id="MySelectBox" multiple="multiple" name="MySelectBox"> <option value="1">Option 1</option> <option value="2">Option 2</option></select>


比如其中的 onOpen 回调函数, 如:

$("#MySelectBox").multiSelect({onOpen: function(){var $checkboxes = $(this).find('input');}

onClick 回调函数. Example:

$("#MySelectBox").multiSelect({onClick: function(){if(this.checked){alert("I was just checked!");}}



参数选项均在 $.fn.multiSelect.defaults中保存 , 你可以如下改变默认选项:

 // set the minWidth parameter for all instances to 500 pixels
$.fn.multiSelect.defaults.minWidth = 500;

Passing a function to the selectedText parameter

As of 0.5, the selectedText parameter can accept an anonymous function with three arguments: the number of checkboxes checked, the total number of checkboxes, and an array of the checked checkbox DOM elements. As you can see in the example, this gives you 100% control of the display:

$("#MySelectBox").multiSelect({selectedText: function(numChecked, numTotal, checkedInputs){// example: emulating the default behaviorreturn numChecked + " checked"; // example: emulating the selectedList optionreturn (numChecked < = 5)? checkedInputs.map(function(element){ return element.title; }).join(', '): numChecked + " checked";}


Parameter Description Default
showHeader A boolean value denoting whether or not to display the header containing the check all, uncheck all, and close links. true
maxHeight The maximum height in pixels of the scrolling container that holds the checkboxes. 175
minWidth The minimum width in pixels of widget. Setting to auto (default) will inherit the width from the original select element. 200
checkAllText The default text of the “Check all” link. Check all
unCheckAllText The default text of the “Uncheck all” link. Uncheck all
Renamed from noneSelected in 0.5!

The default text the select box when no options have been selected.

Select options
selectedList A boolean/numeric value denoting whether or not to display the checked opens in a list, and how many. A number greater than 0 denotes the maximum number of list items to display before switching over to the selectedText parameter. A value of 0 or false is disabled. false
selectedText The text to display in the select box when options are selected (if selectedList is false). The pound sign (#) is automatically replaced by the number of checkboxes selected. If two pound signs are present in this parameter, the second will be replaced by the total number of checkboxes available. Example: “# of # checked”.

New in 0.5!

As of 0.5, this parameter can also accept an anonymous function with three arguments: the number of checkboxes checked, the total number of checkboxes, and an array of the checked checkbox DOM elements. See the examples.

# selected
position The position of the options menu relative to the input control: top, middle, or bottom. bottom
shadow A boolean value denoting whether to apply a css shadow (class ui-multiselect-shadow). false
fadeSpeed How fast (in ms) to fade out the options menu on close. 200
New in 0.5!

The default state of the widget. Either open or closed.

New in 0.5!

Whether or not to disabled the widget by default. Important: see the “Known Issues” section below for more documentation on this.

onCheck A callback to fire when a checkbox is checked. Function
onOpen A callback to fire when the options menu is opened. Function
onCheckAll A callback to fire when the “Check all” link is clicked. Function
onUncheckAll A callback to fire when the “Uncheck all” link is clicked. Function
onOptgroupToggle A callback to fire when the opgroup header is clicked. An array of checkboxes inside the optgroup is passed as an optional argument. Function


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