


[root@szm Downloads]# cd /media/CentOS_6.0_Final/repodata/

[root@szm repodata]# ls











[root@szm repodata]# createrepo -h
Usage: genpkgmetadata.py [options]
--version             show program's version number and exit
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-q, --quiet           output nothing except for serious errors
  -v, --verbose         output more debugging info.----显示数据库的更新过程
--profile             output timing/profile info.
-x EXCLUDES, --excludes=EXCLUDES
files to exclude
--basedir=BASEDIR     basedir for path to directories
-u BASEURL, --baseurl=BASEURL
baseurl to append on all files
  -g GROUPFILE, --groupfile=GROUPFILE------为仓库内的软件包建立分组信息
path to groupfile to include in metadata
-s SUMTYPE, --checksum=SUMTYPE
specify the checksum type to use (default: sha256)
-p, --pretty          make sure all xml generated is formatted
-c CACHEDIR, --cachedir=CACHEDIR
set path to cache dir
-C, --checkts         check timestamps on files vs the metadata to see if we
need to update
-d, --database        create sqlite database files: now default, see --no-
database to disable
--no-database         do not create sqlite dbs of metadata
--update              use the existing repodata to speed up creation of new
use the existing repodata  for --update from this path
--skip-stat           skip the stat() call on a --update, assumes if the
filename is the same then the file is still the same
(only use this if you're fairly trusting or gullible)
--split               generate split media
-i PKGLIST, --pkglist=PKGLIST
use only the files listed in this file from the
directory specified
add this pkg to the list - can be specified multiple
<dir> = optional directory to output to
-S, --skip-symlinks   ignore symlinks of packages
only import the last N changelog entries
include the file's checksum in the filename, helps
with proxies
do not include the file's checksum in the filename,
helps with proxies
keep around the latest (by timestamp) N copies of the
old repodata
--distro=DISTRO       distro tag and optional cpeid:
tags for the content in the repository
--repo=REPO_TAGS      tags to describe the repository itself
--revision=REVISION   user-specified revision for this repository
--deltas              create delta rpms and metadata
paths to look for older pkgs to delta against
the number of older versions to make deltas against
output the paths to the pkgs actually read useful with
max size of an rpm that to run deltarpm against (in
--workers=WORKERS     number of workers to spawn to read rpms
--xz                  use xz for repodata compression
which compression type to use

生成数据库信息:[root@szm ~]# createrepo -g /media/CentOS_6.0_Final/repodata/67e74ebb80b8882defa7712a4a7192a65bd68d33894f6013fca41f4954845aa1-c6-i386-comps.xml.gz .



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