只要4步,就完成skype for asterisk的安装。相信下面的英文都能看个70-80%

Skype For Asterisk (SFA) is the first and only native channel driver to connect Asterisk to the Skype network. The channel driver supports an unlimited number of simultaneous users and an unlimited number of simultaneous calls per user. To purchase license keys vist http://www.digium.com/skype/

Skype For Asterisk is currently supported on:

*- Asterisk 1.4 versions >= 1.4.25
*- Asterisk 1.6.0 versions >=
*- Asterisk 1.6.1 versions >=

Previous versions of Asterisk WILL NOT work properly with Skype For Asterisk.

The, follow the instructions below to download and install Digium's Skype For Asterisk in 5 steps.

Step 1: Download and execute the 'register' tool to generate a valid license.
 1) Download the 'register' tool to generate a valid license from: http://downloads.digium.com/pub/register/linux/register

As an example, logged in as root:

# cd ~
# wget 
# chmod 500 ~/register
# ~/register

The registration utility will prompt you for your Skype For Asterisk license key.

Step 2: Download Skype For Asterisk.
You can download Skype For Asterisk from:

After you download Skype For Asterisk you have to extract and install Skype For Asterisk.
For example, if the file downloaded is for a 32-bit install on Asterisk 1.4 and the version of Skype For Asterisk is 0.9.12, the commands for installation (as root) would be:

# tar -xvzf skypeforasterisk-1.4_0.9.12-x86_32.tar.gz
# cd skypeforasterisk-1.4_0.9.12/
# make
# make install
# make samples

Asterisk must be restarted for Skype For Asterisk to load.

To Verify that Skype For Asterisk is loaded and properly licensed by running the Asterisk CLI command:
CLI> skype show licenses

Step 3: Setup Skype account.
 First of all you should have a Skype business account. to create Skype business account you have to login to:


With your current account Skype.Once you Add new members:

You have to configure the chan_skype.conf with the username and password that we have created:




context= default

Onec you have done. you have to reload chan_skype

Asterisk CLI command:
CLI> reload chan_skype.so

To Verify that Skype business account is configure and running the Asterisk CLI command:

CLI> skype show users
Skype Users
voiptoday.org: Connecting to P2P Network

CLI> skype show users
Skype Users
voiptoday.org: Logged In

Step 4: configure Skype in Asterisk dialplan.
You have to edit the extensions.conf with:

exten => 100,1,Dial(Skype/voiptoday.org/xxxxxx)

or you can user default Skype user account

exten => 100,1,Dial(Skype/xxxxxx)


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