
Time: pop O(n) 其余 O(1)
Space: O(n)

讨论区有人给出了O(1)的办法。。牛逼。 我就不考虑了。

class MyStack {Queue<Integer> q = new LinkedList<Integer>();int head = 0;// Push element x onto stack.public void push(int x) {q.add(x);head = x;}// Removes the element on top of the stack.public void pop() {Queue<Integer> temp = new LinkedList<>();while (q.size() != 1) {temp.add(q.poll());}q.poll();while (!temp.isEmpty()) {q.add(temp.peek());head = temp.poll();}}// Get the top element.public int top() {return head;}// Return whether the stack is empty.public boolean empty() {return q.isEmpty();}


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