
var settings = $.extend({// Required Settings,这3个必须的咯。id : $this.attr('id'), // The ID of the DOM object,IDswf : 'uploadify.swf', // SWF file 路径  uploader : 'uploadify.php', // 服务器处理路径// Options,下面是可设置的属性auto : true, // Automatically upload files when// added to the queue,是否添加以后就自动上传。buttonClass : '', // A class name to add to the// browse button DOM objectbuttonCursor : 'hand', // The cursor to use with// the browse buttonbuttonImage : null, // (String or null) The path to// an image to use for the Flash// browse button if not using// CSS to style the buttonbuttonText : 'SELECT FILES', // The text to use// for the browse// button 文件上传的名字checkExisting : false, // The path to a server-side// script that checks for// existing files on the// server,判断是否已存在相应文件debug : false, // Turn on swfUpload debugging modefileObjName : 'Filedata', // The name of the file// object to use in your// server-side script,对应request的name是什么 **fileSizeLimit : 0, // The maximum size of an// uploadable file in KB// (Accepts units B KB MB GB if// string, 0 for no limit) 文件大小限制,0表示不限制。fileTypeDesc : 'All Files', // The description for// file types in the// browse dialog 文件描述fileTypeExts : '*.*', // Allowed extensions in the// browse dialog// (server-side validation// should also be used),允许的扩展类型height : 30, // The height of the browse button,按钮高度itemTemplate : false, // The template for the file// item in the queuemethod : 'post', // The method to use when// sending files to the// server-side upload script,提交方法,默认为postmulti : true, // Allow multiple file selection in// the browse dialog,是否允许多文件选择,默认为trueformData : {}, // An object with additional data to// send to the server-side upload// script with every file uploadpreventCaching : true, // Adds a random value to// the Flash URL to prevent// caching of it (conflicts// with existing parameters)progressData : 'percentage', // ('percentage' or// 'speed') Data to// show in the queue// item during a// file uploadqueueID : false, // The ID of the DOM object to// use as a file queue (without// the #),文件队列。queueSizeLimit : 999, // The maximum number of// files that can be in the// queue at one timeremoveCompleted : true, // Remove queue items from// the queue when they are// done uploading,完成以后自动移除。removeTimeout : 3, // The delay in seconds before// removing a queue item if// removeCompleted is set to// true,移出的时间requeueErrors : false, // Keep errored files in the// queue and keep trying to// upload them,保持错误的文件在队列里面,并可以重新上传successTimeout : 30, // The number of seconds to// wait for Flash to detect// the server's response// after the file has// finished uploading,完成以后等待服务器30秒uploadLimit : 0, // The maximum number of files// you can upload,上传限制。width : 120, // The width of the browse button,按钮宽度// Events,重载的事件,不重载的话,则会执行自己的再执行原生的
                            overrideEvents : []}, options);


onCancel     :function(file){}//取消方法

onUploadComplete: function(file) {alert('The file ' + file.name + ' finished processing.'); }


$('#file_upload').uploadify('cancel',"*");  // 有*的话,则队列里的所有会// 删掉或上传,没有则作用于// 第一个
$('#file_upload').uploadify('disable', true); // true -  disable,false - enable


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