
Ever since the Gang of Four came down from the mountaintop with their stone tablets, life just hasn’t been the same. They gave us 23 canonical design patterns, promising solutions to problems you didn’t even know you had. Some people thought these patterns were a way to talk about complex problems and describe tested solutions — a kind of common language that could help prevent programmers from reinventing the wheel. Other people just treated them like magic pixie dust to sprinkle over questionable code. But everyone agreed that design patterns were a Very Important Topic.

Ë版本,因为四人帮从山顶下来与他们的石碑,生活只是一直没有相同的。 他们为我们提供了23种规范的设计模式 ,为您甚至不知道遇到的问题提供了有希望的解决方案。 有些人认为这些模式是讨论复杂问题和描述经过测试的解决方案的一种方式,这是一种常见的语言,可以帮助防止程序员重新发明轮子。 其他人只是把它们像魔术般的尘土一样撒在可疑的代码上。 但是每个人都同意设计模式是一个非常重要的主题 。

But maybe we made a mistake. Instead of inventing names to describe the common solutions coders create, perhaps we should have coined terms for the most popular disasters we leave behind. Because the only thing more popular than design patterns are these, the 23 enduring patterns of software negligence. Check them out. Are you guilty of practicing them?

但是也许我们犯了一个错误。 与其发明名称来描述编码人员创建的常见解决方案,不如我们应该为我们留下的最流行的灾难创造术语。 因为唯一比设计模式流行的是这些,所以23种持久的软件过失模式。 去看一下。 您对实践有罪吗?

The Chain of Responsibility pattern. When your code is criticized, climb the ladder of convenient excuses. The testers missed the bug. The user used the software wrong. The specs asked for it to be this way! The tools are broken!

责任链模式。 当您的代码受到批评时,爬上方便借口的阶梯。 测试人员错过了该错误。 用户使用软件错误。 规格要求它是这种方式! 工具坏了!

The Forgiveness pattern. When you precede a block of indecipherable code with an apologetic comment that says // This is legacy code or // TODO: Fix this wonky algorithm.

宽恕模式。 当您在一段无法理解的代码之前加上道歉注释,表示// This is legacy code// TODO: Fix this wonky algorithm

The Prototype Promotion pattern. You wrote a fast and dirty prototype. The boss loved it and wants to make it a real product. But rewriting it properly ain’t gonna get you there in time. The only way to get it out as fast as they want it is to recompile your prototype and call it a release.

原型推广模式。 您编写了一个快速而肮脏的原型。 老板喜欢它,并希望使其成为真正的产品。 但是正确地重写它并不能使您及时到达那里。 尽快获得所需的唯一方法是重新编译原型并将其称为发行版。

The Immortality pattern. If code lives long enough, you don’t need to fix it anymore. After all, changing old code is just asking for problems to appear. (Closely related to the Zombie pattern, when you keep around old bits of code “just in case.”)

不朽模式。 如果代码的寿命足够长,则无需再对其进行修复。 毕竟,更改旧代码只是在问问题。 (与僵尸模式密切相关,当您保留旧代码“以防万一”时。)

The Decorator pattern. When you add design patterns to make your solution look more pro. Similar to the way you might accessorize a house with a plastic bowl of fruit, and just as inedible.

装饰器模式。 当您添加设计模式以使您的解决方案看起来更专业时。 类似于您用塑料碗水果装饰房子的方式,并且同样不可食用。

The Random Poke pattern. Your code isn’t working. Maybe change some random details and recompile? You never know…

随机戳模式。 您的代码无法正常工作。 也许更改一些随机细节并重新编译? 你永远不会知道…

The Clone pattern. Ctrl+C on StackOverflow. Ctrl+V in your code editor.

克隆模式。 在StackOverflow上按Ctrl + C。 在代码编辑器中按Ctrl + V。

The Procrustes pattern. Procrustes was an innkeeper in Greek mythology who chopped the legs off his patrons while they slept, so they would better fit in his too-short beds. In software development, the Procrustes patterns is when you set a drop-dead date for your schedule, then cut the software features down to fit.

Procrustes模式。 Procrustes是希腊神话中的客栈老板,他在睡觉时将顾客的腿砍掉了,因此最好放在他的床太短的地方。 在软件开发中,Procrustes模式是您为计划设置一个失效日期,然后将软件功能缩减为适合的时间。

The Golden Silence pattern. Don’t let exceptions derail your code. Catch them quietly and carry on. Bonus points if you catch the base exception class to suppress all errors (which is known as the Blackout pattern).

金色的沉默模式。 不要让异常破坏您的代码。 安静地抓住它们并继续前进。 如果捕获基本异常类以抑制所有错误(称为停电模式 ),则可得到加分。

The Apology pattern. Similar to the Golden Silence pattern, except you report the exception back to the user with a meaningless error message and stack dump. (See, we didn’t ignore it after all!)

道歉模式。 与Golden Silence模式类似,不同之处在于您通过无意义的错误消息和堆栈转储将异常报告给用户。 (看,我们毕竟并没有忽略它!)

The Retroactive Formalization pattern. Write the program first, then write the specs. That way they always match.

追溯形式化模式。 首先编写程序,然后编写规格。 这样他们总是匹配的。

The Homebrew pattern. There could be libraries that accomplish what we want to do, but someone doesn’t trust/understand/know them. We’re going to build our own. Quality example: homemade encryption.

自酿模式。 可能有一些库可以完成我们想做的事情,但是有人不信任/不了解/不了解它们。 我们将建立自己的。 质量示例:自制加密。

The Insurance pattern. Make the code just weird enough that they’ll always need you to decipher it. Bonus points if you leave out all your comments in the name of “clean code.”

保险模式。 使代码足够奇怪,以至于他们总是需要您对其进行解密。 如果您以“干净代码”的名义遗漏所有注释,则可以得到加分。

The Special Case pattern. Bail out of whatever control structure you’re in if this magic condition/value occurs. This is a pattern of software enhancement — it crops up when you want to change an existing program as quickly as possible. Multiply the special cases, multiply the fun.

特殊情况模式。 如果发生这种不可思议的条件/值,则可以摆脱您所处的任何控制结构。 这是软件增强的一种模式-当您想要尽快更改现有程序时会出现。 乘以特殊情况,乘以乐趣。

The Wall O‘ Buttons pattern. What happens when a developer improvises the user interface.

Wall O'Buttons模式。 当开发人员临时使用用户界面时会发生什么。

The Jenga pattern. How many changes can you make before the whole structure is teetering on the edge of collapse? Also known as the Change Paralysis pattern.

积木图案。 在整个结构崩溃之前,您可以进行多少更改? 也称为“ 更改麻痹”模式

The It Came From Above pattern. This nonsensical feature must stay as-is, because it was requested from the powers that be. This pattern short-circuits all investigation and trumps all other patterns.

它来自上方图案。 这个无意义的功能必须保持原样,因为它是从存在的能力中提出的。 此模式使所有调查短路,胜过所有其他模式。

The Wild West pattern. Everyone picks their own validation rules and domain logic to enforce at various points. You never know how far bad data can travel.

狂野西部模式。 每个人都选择自己的验证规则和域逻辑以在各个时间点执行。 您永远不知道坏数据可以传播多远。

The God Object pattern. You started with an OO design, but for some reason all the logic is now in one very special and very big class.

上帝对象模式。 您从OO设计开始,但是由于某种原因,所有逻辑现在都属于一个非常特殊且非常庞大的类。

The Special Order pattern. Every operation works perfectly, if you use them in the right order.

特殊订单模式。 如果您以正确的顺序使用它们,则每个操作都将完美运行。

The Nudist pattern. When you started, your classes kept things private. But then someone need to peek inside at something, and now you can’t look sideways without seeing the internal state of every object totally exposed and out there in the open.

裸体主义者模式。 开始时,您的课程将所有内容保密。 但是,然后有人需要向内部窥视某些东西,而现在您不能不侧眼看去,而无法看到每个物体的内部状态完全暴露在外面。

The Gone Fishing pattern. When your program hasn’t crashed, but it isn’t responding either. It’s doing something, but what?

消失的捕鱼模式。 当您的程序没有崩溃时,它也没有响应。 它正在做某事,但是呢?

The Optimism pattern. That won’t happen. The user won’t do that. You’ll never get that kind of data. Also known as the Fuzzy Outline pattern, because you don’t have any edge cases to test.

乐观模式。 那不会发生。 用户不会这样做。 您将永远不会获得此类数据。 也称为“ 模糊轮廓”模式 ,因为您没有要测试的边缘情况。

To get more programming humor in your life, go here. Or, for a more serious (but almost as much fun) take on design patterns, read Is It Time to Get Over Design Patterns?

要获得生活中更多的编程幽默, 请转到此处 或者,如果要更认真地(但几乎是那么有趣)接受设计模式,请阅读 是否该克服设计模式了

翻译自: https://medium.com/young-coder/the-design-patterns-programmers-really-use-c2e7790a900e




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