
Adding hyperlinks to your Word document is an easy way to give your readers quick access to information on the web or in another part of a document without having to include that content right on the page. Let’s look at how to insert, manage, and delete different kinds of hyperlinks in your Word documents.

将超链接添加到Word文档是一种简便的方法,使读者可以快速访问Web或文档的另一部分中的信息,而不必在页面上直接包含该内容。 让我们看一下如何在Word文档中插入,管理和删除不同种类的超链接。

插入到外部网页的超链接 (Insert a Hyperlink to an External Web Page)

You can link a word or phrase in your Word document to an external web page, and they work much like links you’d find on the web. First, load up the web page to which you want to link in your web browser. You’ll want to copy the URL in just a bit.

您可以将Word文档中的单词或短语链接到外部网页,它们的工作方式就像您在网络上找到的链接一样。 首先,在网络浏览器中加载要链接到的网页。 您只需要复制一下URL。

In your Word document, highlight the text you would like to link. You can also use this same technique to add a link to an image.

在您的Word文档中,突出显示要链接的文本。 您也可以使用相同的技术将链接添加到图像。

Right-click the selected text, point to the “Link” option, and then click the “Insert Link” command.


In the Insert Hyperlink window, select “Existing File or Web Page” on the left.


Type (or copy and paste) the URL of the web page into the “Address” field.


And then click “Ok” to save your hyperlink.


And just like that, you’ve turned that text into a link.


将超链接插入到同一文档中的另一个位置 (Insert a Hyperlink to Another Location in the Same Document)

If you’re working with a long Word document, you can make things easier on readers by linking to other parts of the document when you mention them. For example, you might tell a reader that they’ll “find more information on the subject in Part 2.” Instead of leaving them to find Part 2 on their own, why not turn it into a hyperlink. It’s the same kind of thing Word does when you automatically generate a table of contents.

如果您使用的是较长的Word文档,则在提及读者时可以链接到文档的其他部分,从而使读者更轻松。 例如,您可能告诉读者,他们将“在第2部分中找到有关该主题的更多信息。” 与其让他们自己寻找第2部分,不如将其变成超链接。 这与Word在自动生成目录时所做的事情相同。

In order to hyperlink to a different location within the same document, you must first set up a bookmark to which you’ll link.


Place your cursor where you want to insert the bookmark.


Switch to the “Insert” tab on Word’s Ribbon.


On the Insert tab, click the “Bookmark” button.


In the Bookmark window, type the name you want for your bookmark. The name must begin with a letter, but can include letters and numbers (just no spaces).

在“书签”窗口中,键入所需的书签名称。 名称必须以字母开头,但可以包含字母和数字(只能有空格)。

Click “Add” to insert your bookmark.


Now that you’ve got a bookmark set up, you can add a link to it. Select the text you want to turn into a link.

现在您已经设置了书签,您可以为其添加链接。 选择要变成链接的文本。

Right click on the selected text, point to the “Link” option, and then click the “Insert Link” command.


In the Insert Hyperlink window, click the “Place In This Document” option on the left.


On the right, you’ll see a list of bookmarks in the document. Select the one you want.

在右侧,您将在文档中看到书签列表。 选择所需的一个。

And then click the “OK” button.


Now whenever you click that link, Word will jump to the bookmark.


将超链接插入电子邮件地址 (Insert a Hyperlink to an Email Address)

If you’re including contact information in your document, you can also link to an email address.


Select, and then right-click the text you want to turn into a link.


Point to the “Link” option, and then click the “Insert Link” button.


Select the “E-mail Address” option on the left of the Insert Hyperlink window.


Type the email address you want to link to. Word automatically adds the “mailto:” text at the beginning of the address. This helps the link open in the reader’s default mail client.

输入您要链接的电子邮件地址。 Word会在地址开头自动添加“ mailto:”文本。 这有助于在阅读器的默认邮件客户端中打开链接。

Click “OK” to insert your link.


And now, whenever you click the link, a blank message should open in the default email client, already addressed to the linked recipient.


插入创建新文档的超链接 (Insert a Hyperlink That Creates a New Document)

You can also insert a link that creates a new, blank Word document when you click it. This can be useful when you’re building a set of documents.

单击链接时,您还可以插入一个链接,该链接创建一个新的空白Word文档。 当您构建一组文档时,这可能很有用。

Select the text you’d like to turn into a link, and then right click it.


Point to the “Link” option, and then select the “Insert Link” command.


Select “Create New Document” on the left.


Type the name that you want used for the new document.


Select whether you want to edit the new document later or right away. If you select the option to edit the new document now, Word creates and opens the new document will open immediately.

选择是以后还是立即编辑新文档。 如果选择立即编辑新文档的选项,Word将创建并打开新文档,将立即打开。

Click “OK” when you’re done.


更改超链接 (Change a Hyperlink)

Occasionally, you made need to change an existing hyperlink in your document. To do so, right-click the hyperlink, and then choose “Edit Hyperlink” from the context menu.

有时,您需要更改文档中的现有超链接。 为此, 右键单击超链接,然后从上下文菜单中选择“编辑超链接”。

Change or type a new hyperlink into the “Address” box.


And then click the “OK” button.


删除超链接 (Delete a Hyperlink)

Removing a hyperlink from your document is also easy. Just right-click the linked text, and choose “Remove Hyperlink” from the context menu.

从文档中删除超链接也很容易。 只需右键单击链接的文本,然后从上下文菜单中选择“删除超链接”。

And, voila! The hyperlink is gone.

而且,瞧! 超链接不见了。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/353603/how-to-insert-delete-and-manage-hyperlinks-in-microsoft-word/


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