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Professional Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007
[LanguageEnglish ] [Channel:SharePoint ] 
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Professional Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007
Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 is a versatile application that provides all the necessary tools to modify nearly every aspect of a SharePoint web site's look and feel. Yet, SharePoint Designer can do far more than just customize SharePoint sites and this book shows you how to maximize the potential of this fully featured web design tool.
Packed with step-by-step examples, sample code, and helpful screen shots, this resource begins with an overview of SharePoint Designer and SharePoint technology and then quickly moves on to teach you how to use SharePoint Designer to customize various aspects of your sites. The team of experienced authors demonstrates how SharePoint Designer is able to create powerful applications that would have normally required considerable programming effort, and they take you past the built-in features of SharePoint Designer with extensions, add-ins, migration, and conversion tools. With this book, you'll be able to perfectly match a SharePoint site to an enterprise's standards, connect SharePoint with other enterprise resources, or create something entirely new.
What you will learn from this book
*Ways to create extensions to SharePoint and SharePoint Designer, with examples in both C# and Visual Basic .NET
*Techniques for customizing lists, libraries, and more
*How to maximize your use of SharePoint Site Components
*The anatomy of SharePoint master pages and themes
*Methods for working with CSS editing tools in SharePoint Designer
*How to use Visual Studio and other tools to extend the capabilities of SharePoint and SharePoint Designer
*Things to consider when building SharePoint Designer workflows
*Considerations for governing the use of SharePoint Designer in your enterprise


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