
Last month I described how it was to be hit by Panda 4.0 on May 20th. As we’re now one month further, it’s time to make up make up the score again.

上个月,我描述了如何在5月20日受到Panda 4.0的冲击 。 现在距离我们又有一个月了,该重新弥补一下分数了。

让我们看看一些数字! (Let’s see some numbers!)

This is what you don’t want to see when using the Panguin tool)

这是使用Panguin工具时不希望看到的内容 )

Unfortunately my largest site (a job site) didn’t recover fully, but it’s getting there. There were a few major drops though:

不幸的是,我最大的站点(工作站点)没有完全恢复,但是正在恢复。 但是有一些主要的下降:

  • Visitors: – 28% 访客:– 28%
  • Pageviews: -38% 浏览量:-38%
  • Revenue: -36% 收入:-36%
  • Average ranking: -15% 平均排名:-15%

Ouch! My most profitable pages got hit the hardest. These pages account for the highest pageview per visit, as well as the highest CPM. That’s why my revenue got hit relatively hard and my pageview per visit count dropped.

哎哟! 我最赚钱的页面受到的打击最大。 这些页面占每次访问的最高浏览量以及最高的CPM。 这就是为什么我的收入受到较大冲击,而每次访问的综合浏览量却下降的原因。

My site has a few pages which together account for around 45% of the total traffic. These pages weren’t hit, causing my average ranking to remain quite steady.

我的网站上有几页,总共约占总访问量的45%。 这些页面没有被点击,导致我的平均排名保持相当稳定。

And It wasn’t all bad: one of my more content rich sites saw an increase of around 40% in both visitors and pageviews, as well as an 20% increase in rankings. Its revenue jumped up a staggering 300%.

而且这还不是全部:我的一个内容更丰富的网站的访问者和综合浏览量均增加了约40%,排名也提高了20%。 它的收入猛增了300%。

But as its total monthly revenue is only worth as much as two days income on my larger site, that won’t help much. It’s still a nice increase, and it neatly illustrates what Panda 4.0 was designed for.

但是,由于在我的大型网站上,其每月总收入仅相当于两天的收入,所以并没有太大帮助。 这仍然是一个不错的增长,并且巧妙地说明了Panda 4.0的设计目的。

地平线上有光? (Light on the horizon?)

As I predicted in my previous article, some of my rankings recovered in the weeks following Panda 4.0.

正如我在前一篇文章中所预测的那样,在Panda 4.0之后的几周内,我的一些排名得以恢复。

While my rankings are steadily moving up again, there are some strange effects noticeable along the way.


Two weeks after getting hit by Panda 4.0, my job site had its busiest day ever. On the evening of June 2nd there was an explosion in traffic. I like watching my traffic coming in real time, and I started making screenshots.

在受到Panda 4.0的攻击两周后,我的工作现场经历了有史以来最繁忙的一天。 6月2日晚上,车流量激增。 我喜欢观看实时流量,并开始制作屏幕截图。

It didn’t even stop here, as I saw it go up to 100 active users on site at a time. That’s about three times more than usual. It went up in minutes, as if someone at Google decided to flip the switch just a few minutes before the traffic burst.

它甚至还没有止步于此,因为我看到它一次可以在站点上吸引100位活跃用户。 大约是平时的三倍。 它在几分钟之内就上升了,好像Google的某人决定在流量突然爆发前几分钟就将开关拨开。

It marked the recovery of my site from most of its losses. Too bad the 2014 FIFA World Cup started, which has had a negative impact on traffic. Luckily my visitors are mostly female, but it is still not as busy as it normally would be during important soccer matches.

它标志着我的网站从大部分损失中恢复了过来。 糟糕的是,2014年FIFA世界杯开始了,这对流量产生了负面影响。 幸运的是,我的访客大多是女性,但仍然不像在重要的足球比赛中那样繁忙。

那世界其他地方呢? (What about the rest of the world?)

Well, I’m in good company since some pretty large companies got hit even harder.


  • eBay: Although rumors still persist that eBay got hit manually, the site lost about 30% of its traffic. Its stock took a beating as well, after it became clear what happened. But as it was already declining, Panda 4.0 just accelerated the fall. eBay hasn’t shown any real recovery yet.

    eBay :尽管仍然有谣言称eBay受到手动攻击,但该网站损失了约30%的访问量。 事情发生后,它的股票也受到了打击。 但是由于它已经在下降,Panda 4.0加速了下降。 eBay尚未显示任何真正的复苏。

  • RetailMeNot: RMN is a coupon site, and it’s funded by Google itself. But the Big G’ doesn’t care about its babies that much, so RMN lost about 30% of its traffic. Its stock plunged, with a loss of 18% in 2 days. Its traffic is going up again, but is still at about 20% loss.

    RetailMeNot :RMN是一个优惠券网站,由Google自己资助。 但是Big G'并不太在乎其婴儿,因此RMN失去了大约30%的流量。 其股票暴跌,在两天内下跌了18%。 它的流量再次增加,但仍然损失约20%。

  • Ask: Already one of the biggest losers in traffic losing about 75%, it hasn’t been showing any improvement. In fact, traffic seems to be on a further decline.

    :交通损失最大的公司之一已经损失了约75%,但并没有表现出任何改善。 实际上, 流量似乎在进一步下降。

What about some winners? Well let’s see:

那一些获奖者呢? 走着瞧:

  • Glassdoor: I guess the people at Glassdoor are still celebrating, and I hope they even adopted some pandas. These guys are one of the largest winners in the whole Panda 4.0 update, having more than doubled their traffic and still growing.

    Glassdoor :我想Glassdoor的人们仍在庆祝,我希望他们甚至收养了一些熊猫。 这些家伙是整个Panda 4.0更新中最大的赢家之一,他们的访问量增加了一倍以上,并且还在不断增长。

  • MedTerms: You can’t really call this one content rich (just check this page for a very important term), offering a dictionary for medical terms. Still they gained a nearly 10x increase in traffic. What?

    MedTerms :您不能真正称呼这一内容丰富(只需在此页面上查找非常重要的术语),就可以提供医学术语的词典。 他们的流量仍然增加了近10倍。 什么?

  • ShopStyle: Another strange rise. ShopStyle is basically a collection of links to fashion webstores. Yet they gained a 5x raise in traffic.

    ShopStyle :另一个奇怪的上升。 ShopStyle基本上是指向时尚网上商店的链接的集合。 但是他们的流量却增长了5倍。

Glassdoor is the most content rich site of there three, but it’s hardly a site where you can spend hours reading long in-depth articles. It is basically a job site with content on the side. But they saw a significant increase in traffic which surely accounts for millions in added revenue dollars.

在这三个网站中,Glassdoor是内容最丰富的网站,但几乎没有一个网站可以让您花费数小时阅读深入的文章。 基本上,它是一个侧面有内容的工作现场。 但是他们看到流量显着增加,这肯定会增加数百万美元的收入。

The other two sites aren’t any better either. So I still stand by my conclusion which I made in my previous Panda 4.0 article that Google is being really indecisive on this one.

其他两个站点也都没有。 因此,我仍然坚持我在上一篇Panda 4.0文章中得出的结论,即Google对此确实持优柔寡。

I did a survey on about 15 large sites, which were mentioned as winners or losers before. Generally speaking, there’s haven’t been large shifts in traffic since Panda 4.0 was rolled out.

我对大约15个大型站点进行了调查,这些站点以前曾被称为赢家或输家。 一般而言,自Panda 4.0推出以来,流量并没有发生太大变化。

My site is out of the ordinary for this matter, but maybe it shouldn’t have been hit that hard in the first place.


I also found out that some sites mentioned as “winners” actually lost a large part of their traffic a few days before Panda 4.0. This basically means they recovered their lost rankings with Panda 4.0, but this doesn’t make them a winner.

我还发现,在Panda 4.0之前的几天,一些被称为“赢家”的网站实际上失去了很大一部分流量。 这基本上意味着他们使用Panda 4.0恢复了失去的排名,但这并没有使他们成为赢家。

所以,我又喜欢熊猫吗? (So, Do I Like Pandas Again?)

Well, we can’t really blame real pandas do we? I just hope Google would name its next major update something like Naked Mole Rat 1.0, or something less cute.

好吧,我们真的不能怪大熊猫吗? 我只是希望Google将其下一个主要更新的名称命名为Naked Mole Rat 1.0或不太可爱的名称。

The naked mole rat, in all its glory. Source: Wikipedia

赤裸裸的mole鼠,光彩夺目。 资料来源: 维基百科

I did learn a lot from Panda 4.0. Google has shown they really care about the quality of their results, and won’t hesitate to show its muscles. I used those lessons learned for my new job site, for which I will make sure to focus on quality content.

我确实从Panda 4.0中学到了很多东西。 Google已经表明他们真的很在意结果的质量,并且会毫不犹豫地展示自己的实力。 我将这些经验教训用于我的新工作网站,因此我将确保重点关注高质量的内容。

I still don’t like the fact that even though Google claims otherwise, sites displaying mostly links are still dominating the search results on many terms. But it’s clear that if you’re not one of the big boys, you’re better off focusing on providing quality content.

我仍然不喜欢这样的事实,即使Google声称不是,但显示链接最多的网站仍在许多方面主导搜索结果。 但是很显然,如果您不是个大人物,那么最好还是专注于提供高质量的内容。

As for my current job site, I’m not complaining, since all the important visitor metrics are going up again. I have updated and improved my content, and put more of a focus on social, which is turning out quite well.

至于我目前的工作地点,我没有抱怨,因为所有重要的访客指标都在上升。 我已经更新和改进了我的内容,并且将更多的注意力放在社交上,事实证明这很好。

My revenue is on a steady rise as well. Since my least profitable pages were still going strong, I went looking for a better way to monetize these pages.

我的收入也在稳定增长。 由于我最不赚钱的网页仍然发展强劲,因此我一直在寻找一种更好的方法来利用这些网页获利。

I added a new affiliate program which is doing so well that it almost covers my losses, making these pages coming up to par with the rest of the site.


So who knows, maybe I’ll end up loving pandas more than ever before.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/panda-4-0-one-month-on-signs-of-recovery/



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