
张正友棋盘法定标--Matlab【Camera Calibration Toolbox】

  • 一、Kinect2.0采集RGB-D数据
    • 1.1 安装驱动及数据采集
    • 1.2 棋盘格子文件
    • 1.3 数据
  • 二、Camera Calibration Toolbox下载安装
    • 2.1 Camera Calibration Toolbox下载
    • 2.2 Camera Calibration Toolbox路径
  • 三、MATLAB中操作步骤
    • 3.1
    • 3.2
    • 3.3
    • 3.n-x
    • 3.n 过程代码


1.1 安装驱动及数据采集


1.2 棋盘格子文件


1.2.1 云盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/158qM2XZhD7E5rSUbC_leDA

1.2.2 CSDN【设置了0积分下载】chess5x7x0.03、chess7x9x0.025、chess9x11x0.02

1.3 数据


二、Camera Calibration Toolbox下载安装

2.1 Camera Calibration Toolbox下载

Camera Calibration Toolbox下载

2.2 Camera Calibration Toolbox路径



【待补充,可见 3.n过程代码】





3.n 过程代码

>>calib_gui.            color10.jpg  color13.jpg  color16.jpg  color19.jpg  color21.jpg  color5.jpg   color8.jpg
..           color11.jpg  color14.jpg  color17.jpg  color2.jpg   color3.jpg   color6.jpg   color9.jpg
color1.jpg   color12.jpg  color15.jpg  color18.jpg  color20.jpg  color4.jpg   color7.jpg   Basename camera calibration images (without number nor suffix): color
Image format: ([]='r'='ras', 'b'='bmp', 't'='tif', 'p'='pgm', 'j'='jpg', 'm'='ppm') j
Loading image 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11...12...13...14...15...16...17...18...19...20...21...
doneExtraction of the grid corners on the images
Number(s) of image(s) to process ([] = all images) =
Window size for corner finder (wintx and winty):
wintx ([] = 15) = 5
winty ([] = 15) = 5
Window size = 11x11
Do you want to use the automatic square counting mechanism (0=[]=default)or do you always want to enter the number of squares manually (1,other)? Processing image 1...
Using (wintx,winty)=(5,5) - Window size = 11x11      (Note: To reset the window size, run script clearwin)
Click on the four extreme corners of the rectangular complete pattern (the first clicked corner is the origin)...
Size of each square along the X direction: dX=33mm
Size of each square along the Y direction: dY=33mm   (Note: To reset the size of the squares, clear the variables dX and dY)
If the guessed grid corners (red crosses on the image) are not close to the actual corners,
it is necessary to enter an initial guess for the radial distortion factor kc (useful for subpixel detection)
Need of an initial guess for distortion? ([]=no, other=yes)
Corner extraction...Processing image 2...
Using (wintx,winty)=(5,5) - Window size = 11x11      (Note: To reset the window size, run script clearwin)
Click on the four extreme corners of the rectangular complete pattern (the first clicked corner is the origin)...
Size of each square along the X direction: dX=33mm
Size of each square along the Y direction: dY=33mm   (Note: To reset the size of the squares, clear the variables dX and dY)
If the guessed grid corners (red crosses on the image) are not close to the actual corners,
it is necessary to enter an initial guess for the radial distortion factor kc (useful for subpixel detection)
Need of an initial guess for distortion? ([]=no, other=yes)
Corner extraction...........#一共21张图像,重复操作,逐个手动找角点,过程相同。Processing image 21...
Using (wintx,winty)=(5,5) - Window size = 11x11      (Note: To reset the window size, run script clearwin)
Click on the four extreme corners of the rectangular complete pattern (the first clicked corner is the origin)...
Size of each square along the X direction: dX=33mm
Size of each square along the Y direction: dY=33mm   (Note: To reset the size of the squares, clear the variables dX and dY)
If the guessed grid corners (red crosses on the image) are not close to the actual corners,
it is necessary to enter an initial guess for the radial distortion factor kc (useful for subpixel detection)
Need of an initial guess for distortion? ([]=no, other=yes)
Corner extraction...
doneAspect ratio optimized (est_aspect_ratio = 1) -> both components of fc are estimated (DEFAULT).
Principal point optimized (center_optim=1) - (DEFAULT). To reject principal point, set center_optim=0
Skew not optimized (est_alpha=0) - (DEFAULT)
Distortion not fully estimated (defined by the variable est_dist):Sixth order distortion not estimated (est_dist(5)=0) - (DEFAULT) .
Initialization of the principal point at the center of the image.
Initialization of the intrinsic parameters using the vanishing points of planar patterns.Initialization of the intrinsic parameters - Number of images: 21Calibration parameters after initialization:
Focal Length:          fc = [ 1084.06080   1084.06080 ]
Principal point:       cc = [ 959.50000   539.50000 ]
Skew:             alpha_c = [ 0.00000 ]   => angle of pixel = 90.00000 degrees
Distortion:            kc = [ 0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000 ]Main calibration optimization procedure - Number of images: 21
Gradient descent iterations: 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11...12...13...14...15...16...17...18...19...20...done
Estimation of uncertainties...doneCalibration results after optimization (with uncertainties):
Focal Length:          fc = [ 1063.72280   1068.01717 ] +/- [ 5.90816   5.92483 ]
Principal point:       cc = [ 948.07325   548.72466 ] +/- [ 5.11955   4.66146 ]
Skew:             alpha_c = [ 0.00000 ] +/- [ 0.00000  ]   => angle of pixel axes = 90.00000 +/- 0.00000 degrees
Distortion:            kc = [ 0.04120   0.07129   -0.00274   0.00138  0.00000 ] +/- [ 0.01227   0.05601   0.00133   0.00202  0.00000 ]
Pixel error:          err = [ 0.21149   0.22402 ]Note: The numerical errors are approximately three times the standard deviations (for reference).Number(s) of image(s) to show ([] = all images) = Number(s) of image(s) to show ([] = all images) =
Pixel error:      err = [0.21149   0.22402] (all active images)Saving calibration results under Calib_Results.mat
Generating the matlab script file Calib_Results.m containing the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters...
Pixel error:      err = [0.21149   0.22402] (all active images)

2.《Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab使用教程》
3.《张正友标定、Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab》

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