



""" invdisttree.py: inverse-distance-weighted interpolation using KDTree

fast, solid, local


from __future__ import division

import numpy as np

from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree

# http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/spatial.html

__date__ = "2010-11-09 Nov" # weights, doc


class Invdisttree:

""" inverse-distance-weighted interpolation using KDTree:

invdisttree = Invdisttree( X, z ) -- data points, values

interpol = invdisttree( q, nnear=3, eps=0, p=1, weights=None, stat=0 )

interpolates z from the 3 points nearest each query point q;

For example, interpol[ a query point q ]

finds the 3 data points nearest q, at distances d1 d2 d3

and returns the IDW average of the values z1 z2 z3

(z1/d1 + z2/d2 + z3/d3)

/ (1/d1 + 1/d2 + 1/d3)

= .55 z1 + .27 z2 + .18 z3 for distances 1 2 3

q may be one point, or a batch of points.

eps: approximate nearest, dist <= (1 + eps) * true nearest

p: use 1 / distance**p

weights: optional multipliers for 1 / distance**p, of the same shape as q

stat: accumulate wsum, wn for average weights

How many nearest neighbors should one take ?

a) start with 8 11 14 .. 28 in 2d 3d 4d .. 10d; see Wendel's formula

b) make 3 runs with nnear= e.g. 6 8 10, and look at the results --

|interpol 6 - interpol 8| etc., or |f - interpol*| if you have f(q).

I find that runtimes don't increase much at all with nnear -- ymmv.

p=1, p=2 ?

p=2 weights nearer points more, farther points less.

In 2d, the circles around query points have areas ~ distance**2,

so p=2 is inverse-area weighting. For example,

(z1/area1 + z2/area2 + z3/area3)

/ (1/area1 + 1/area2 + 1/area3)

= .74 z1 + .18 z2 + .08 z3 for distances 1 2 3

Similarly, in 3d, p=3 is inverse-volume weighting.


if different X coordinates measure different things, Euclidean distance

can be way off. For example, if X0 is in the range 0 to 1

but X1 0 to 1000, the X1 distances will swamp X0;

rescale the data, i.e. make X0.std() ~= X1.std() .

A nice property of IDW is that it's scale-free around query points:

if I have values z1 z2 z3 from 3 points at distances d1 d2 d3,

the IDW average

(z1/d1 + z2/d2 + z3/d3)

/ (1/d1 + 1/d2 + 1/d3)

is the same for distances 1 2 3, or 10 20 30 -- only the ratios matter.

In contrast, the commonly-used Gaussian kernel exp( - (distance/h)**2 )

is exceedingly sensitive to distance and to h.


# anykernel( dj / av dj ) is also scale-free

# error analysis, |f(x) - idw(x)| ? todo: regular grid, nnear ndim+1, 2*ndim

def __init__( self, X, z, leafsize=10, stat=0 ):

assert len(X) == len(z), "len(X) %d != len(z) %d" % (len(X), len(z))

self.tree = KDTree( X, leafsize=leafsize ) # build the tree

self.z = z

self.stat = stat

self.wn = 0

self.wsum = None;

def __call__( self, q, nnear=6, eps=0, p=1, weights=None ):

# nnear nearest neighbours of each query point --

q = np.asarray(q)

qdim = q.ndim

if qdim == 1:

q = np.array([q])

if self.wsum is None:

self.wsum = np.zeros(nnear)

self.distances, self.ix = self.tree.query( q, k=nnear, eps=eps )

interpol = np.zeros( (len(self.distances),) + np.shape(self.z[0]) )

jinterpol = 0

for dist, ix in zip( self.distances, self.ix ):

if nnear == 1:

wz = self.z[ix]

elif dist[0] < 1e-10:

wz = self.z[ix[0]]

else: # weight z s by 1/dist --

w = 1 / dist**p

if weights is not None:

w *= weights[ix] # >= 0

w /= np.sum(w)

wz = np.dot( w, self.z[ix] )

if self.stat:

self.wn += 1

self.wsum += w

interpol[jinterpol] = wz

jinterpol += 1

return interpol if qdim > 1 else interpol[0]


if __name__ == "__main__":

import sys

N = 10000

Ndim = 2

Nask = N # N Nask 1e5: 24 sec 2d, 27 sec 3d on mac g4 ppc

Nnear = 8 # 8 2d, 11 3d => 5 % chance one-sided -- Wendel, mathoverflow.com

leafsize = 10

eps = .1 # approximate nearest, dist <= (1 + eps) * true nearest

p = 1 # weights ~ 1 / distance**p

cycle = .25

seed = 1

exec "\n".join( sys.argv[1:] ) # python this.py N= ...

np.random.seed(seed )

np.set_printoptions( 3, threshold=100, suppress=True ) # .3f

print "\nInvdisttree: N %d Ndim %d Nask %d Nnear %d leafsize %d eps %.2g p %.2g" % (

N, Ndim, Nask, Nnear, leafsize, eps, p)

def terrain(x):

""" ~ rolling hills """

return np.sin( (2*np.pi / cycle) * np.mean( x, axis=-1 ))

known = np.random.uniform( size=(N,Ndim) ) ** .5 # 1/(p+1): density x^p

z = terrain( known )

ask = np.random.uniform( size=(Nask,Ndim) )


invdisttree = Invdisttree( known, z, leafsize=leafsize, stat=1 )

interpol = invdisttree( ask, nnear=Nnear, eps=eps, p=p )

print "average distances to nearest points: %s" % \

np.mean( invdisttree.distances, axis=0 )

print "average weights: %s" % (invdisttree.wsum / invdisttree.wn)

# see Wikipedia Zipf's law

err = np.abs( terrain(ask) - interpol )

print "average |terrain() - interpolated|: %.2g" % np.mean(err)

# print "interpolate a single point: %.2g" % \

# invdisttree( known[0], nnear=Nnear, eps=eps )


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