

int ostest_main(int argc, FAR char *argv[])
{int result;/* Verify that stdio works first */stdio_test();/* Set up some environment variables */printf("ostest_main: putenv(%s)\n", g_putenv_value);putenv(g_putenv_value);                   /* Varaible1=BadValue3 */printf("ostest_main: setenv(%s, %s, TRUE)\n", g_var1_name, g_var1_value);setenv(g_var1_name, g_var1_value, TRUE);  /* Variable1=GoodValue1 */printf("ostest_main: setenv(%s, %s, FALSE)\n", g_var2_name, g_bad_value1);setenv(g_var2_name, g_bad_value1, FALSE); /* Variable2=BadValue1 */printf("ostest_main: setenv(%s, %s, TRUE)\n", g_var2_name, g_var2_value);setenv(g_var2_name, g_var2_value, TRUE);  /* Variable2=GoodValue2 */printf("ostest_main: setenv(%s, %s, FALSE)\n", g_var3_name, g_var3_name);setenv(g_var3_name, g_var3_value, FALSE); /* Variable3=GoodValue3 */printf("ostest_main: setenv(%s, %s, FALSE)\n", g_var3_name, g_var3_name);setenv(g_var3_name, g_bad_value2, FALSE); /* Variable3=GoodValue3 */show_environment(true, true, true);/* Verify that we can spawn a new task */result = task_create("ostest", PRIORITY, STACKSIZE, user_main,(FAR char * const *)g_argv);if (result == ERROR){printf("ostest_main: ERROR Failed to start user_main\n");ostest_result = ERROR;}else{printf("ostest_main: Started user_main at PID=%d\n", result);/* Wait for the test to complete to get the test result */if (waitpid(result, &ostest_result, 0) != result){printf("ostest_main: ERROR Failed to wait for user_main to terminate\n");ostest_result = ERROR;}}printf("ostest_main: Exiting with status %d\n", ostest_result);return ostest_result;


      /* Verify pthreads and message queues */printf("\nuser_main: message queue test\n");mqueue_test();check_test_memory_usage();



void mqueue_test(void)
{pthread_t sender;         // 发送线程pthread_t receiver;       // 接收线程void *result;pthread_attr_t attr;struct sched_111param sparam;FAR void *expected;int prio_min;int prio_max;int prio_mid;int status;/* Reset globals for the beginning of the test */g_send_mqfd = NULL;g_recv_mqfd = NULL;/* Start the sending thread at higher priority */printf("mqueue_test: Starting receiver\n");status = pthread_attr_init(&attr);if (status != 0){printf("mqueue_test: pthread_attr_init failed, status=%d\n", status);}status = pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, STACKSIZE);if (status != 0){printf("mqueue_test: pthread_attr_setstacksize failed, status=%d\n", status);}prio_min = sched_get_priority_min(SCHED_FIFO);prio_max = sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO);prio_mid = (prio_min + prio_max) / 2;sparam.sched_priority = prio_mid;status = pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr,&sparam);if (status != OK){printf("mqueue_test: pthread_attr_setschedparam failed, status=%d\n", status);}else{printf("mqueue_test: Set receiver priority to %d\n", sparam.sched_priority);}status = pthread_create(&receiver, &attr, receiver_thread, NULL);if (status != 0){printf("mqueue_test: pthread_create failed, status=%d\n", status);}/* Start the sending thread at lower priority */printf("mqueue_test: Starting sender\n");status = pthread_attr_init(&attr);if (status != 0){printf("mqueue_test: pthread_attr_init failed, status=%d\n", status);}status = pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, STACKSIZE);if (status != 0){printf("mqueue_test: pthread_attr_setstacksize failed, status=%d\n",status);}sparam.sched_priority = (prio_min + prio_mid) / 2;status = pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr,&sparam);if (status != OK){printf("mqueue_test: pthread_attr_setschedparam failed, status=%d\n",status);}else{printf("mqueue_test: Set sender thread priority to %d\n",sparam.sched_priority);}status = pthread_create(&sender, &attr, sender_thread, NULL);if (status != 0){printf("mqueue_test: pthread_create failed, status=%d\n", status);}printf("mqueue_test: Waiting for sender to complete\n");pthread_join(sender, &result);if (result != (FAR void *)0){printf("mqueue_test: ERROR sender thread exited with %d errors\n",(int)((intptr_t)result));}/* Wake up the receiver thread with a signal */printf("mqueue_test: Killing receiver\n");pthread_kill(receiver, 9);/* Wait a bit to see if the thread exits on its own */usleep(HALF_SECOND_USEC_USEC);/* Then cancel the thread and see if it did */printf("mqueue_test: Canceling receiver\n");expected = PTHREAD_CANCELED;status = pthread_cancel(receiver);if (status == ESRCH){printf("mqueue_test: receiver has already terminated\n");expected = (FAR void *)0;}/* Check the result.  If the pthread was canceled, PTHREAD_CANCELED is the* correct result.  Zero might be returned if the thread ran to completion* before it was canceled.*/pthread_join(receiver, &result);if (result != expected){printf("mqueue_test: ERROR receiver thread should have exited with %p\n",expected);printf("             ERROR Instead exited with nerrors=%d\n",(int)((intptr_t)result));}/* Message queues are global resources and persist for the life the* task group.  The message queue opened by the sender_thread must be closed* since the sender pthread may have been canceled and may have left the* message queue open.*/if (result == PTHREAD_CANCELED && g_recv_mqfd){if (mq_close(g_recv_mqfd) < 0){printf("mqueue_test: ERROR mq_close failed\n");}}else if (result != PTHREAD_CANCELED && g_recv_mqfd){printf("mqueue_test: ERROR send mqd_t left open\n");if (mq_close(g_recv_mqfd) < 0){printf("mqueue_test: ERROR mq_close failed\n");}}/* Make sure that the receive queue is closed as well */if (g_send_mqfd){printf("mqueue_test: ERROR receiver mqd_t left open\n");if (mq_close(g_send_mqfd) < 0){printf("sender_thread: ERROR mq_close failed\n");}}/* Destroy the message queue */if (mq_unlink("mqueue") < 0){printf("mqueue_test: ERROR mq_unlink failed\n");}

1. 启动一个中优先级的sending thread
2. 启动一个中低优先级的receiver thread
3. 使用pthread_join()等待sending thread停止
4. 给receiver thread发送信号
5. 等待 500000 us
6. 取消receiver thread
7. 检查receiver thread结束时返回的结果
8. 关闭并删除消息队列



static void *sender_thread(void *arg)
{char msg_buffer[TEST_MSGLEN]; struct mq_attr attr;int status = 0;int nerrors = 0;int i;printf("sender_thread: Starting\n");/* Fill in attributes for message queue */attr.mq_maxmsg  = 20;         // 最大消息条数attr.mq_msgsize = TEST_MSGLEN;    // 最大消息长度attr.mq_flags   = 0;


g_send_mqfd = mq_open("mqueue", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0666, &attr);if (g_send_mqfd == (mqd_t)-1){printf("sender_thread: ERROR mq_open failed\n");pthread_exit((pthread_addr_t)1);}


  memcpy(msg_buffer, TEST_MESSAGE, TEST_MSGLEN);

把字符串 "This is a test and only a test" 拷贝到一个缓冲器里,其实就是一个变量里。

  for (i = 0; i < TEST_SEND_NMSGS; i++){status = mq_send(g_send_mqfd, msg_buffer, TEST_MSGLEN, 42);if (status < 0){printf("sender_thread: ERROR mq_send failure=%d on msg %d\n", status, i);nerrors++;}else{printf("sender_thread: mq_send succeeded on msg %d\n", i);}}

循环10次发送消息,这里用到了==> mq_send() <==函数。这里标记一下这个优先级的东西。我猜想这里随意发送优先级不同的消息,接收端接收到的应该是排号序的。去代码里验证。mq_send 调用了nxmq_send传递了参数prio。而nxmq_send则是调用了nxmq_do_send


  for (prev = NULL, next = (FAR struct mqueue_msg_s *)msgq->msglist.head;next && prio <= next->priority;prev = next, next = next->next);


  if (mq_close(g_send_mqfd) < 0){printf("sender_thread: ERROR mq_close failed\n");}else{g_send_mqfd = NULL;}


  printf("sender_thread: returning nerrors=%d\n", nerrors);return (pthread_addr_t)((uintptr_t)nerrors);




static void *receiver_thread(void *arg)
{char msg_buffer[TEST_MSGLEN];struct mq_attr attr;int nbytes;int nerrors = 0;int i;printf("receiver_thread: Starting\n");/* Fill in attributes for message queue */attr.mq_maxmsg  = 20;attr.mq_msgsize = TEST_MSGLEN;attr.mq_flags   = 0;


   g_recv_mqfd = mq_open("mqueue", O_RDONLY|O_CREAT, 0666, &attr);if (g_recv_mqfd < 0){printf("receiver_thread: ERROR mq_open failed\n");pthread_exit((pthread_addr_t)1);}


for (i = 0; i < TEST_RECEIVE_NMSGS; i++){memset(msg_buffer, 0xaa, TEST_MSGLEN);nbytes = mq_receive(g_recv_mqfd, msg_buffer, TEST_MSGLEN, 0);if (nbytes < 0){/* mq_receive failed.  If the error is because of EINTR then* it is not a failure.*/if (errno != EINTR){printf("receiver_thread: ERROR mq_receive failure on msg %d, errno=%d\n", i, errno);nerrors++;}else{printf("receiver_thread: mq_receive interrupted!\n");}}else if (nbytes != TEST_MSGLEN){printf("receiver_thread: mq_receive return bad size %d on msg %d\n", nbytes, i);nerrors++;}else if (memcmp(TEST_MESSAGE, msg_buffer, nbytes) != 0){int j;printf("receiver_thread: mq_receive returned corrupt message on msg %d\n", i);printf("receiver_thread:                  i  Expected Received\n");for (j = 0; j < TEST_MSGLEN-1; j++){if (isprint(msg_buffer[j])){printf("receiver_thread:                  %2d %02x (%c) %02x (%c)\n",j, TEST_MESSAGE[j], TEST_MESSAGE[j], msg_buffer[j], msg_buffer[j]);}else{printf("receiver_thread:                  %2d %02x (%c) %02x\n",j, TEST_MESSAGE[j], TEST_MESSAGE[j], msg_buffer[j]);}}printf("receiver_thread:                  %2d 00      %02x\n",j, msg_buffer[j]);}else{printf("receiver_thread: mq_receive succeeded on msg %d\n", i);}}

printf("receiver_thread: mq_receive interrupted!\n");

if (mq_close(g_recv_mqfd) < 0){printf("receiver_thread: ERROR mq_close failed\n");nerrors++;}else{g_recv_mqfd = NULL;}


  printf("receiver_thread: returning nerrors=%d\n", nerrors);pthread_exit((pthread_addr_t)((uintptr_t)nerrors));return (pthread_addr_t)((uintptr_t)nerrors);


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