转载自VQA - 近五年视觉问答顶会论文创新点笔记

简要梳理近五年顶级会议发表的视觉问答(Visual Question Answering, VQA)相关论文的创新点。选取自NIPS、CVPR、ICCV、ACL等,已整理86篇。

2019.10.21修订,新增5篇ACL 2019。
VQA - 近五年视觉问答顶会论文创新点笔记
2014 A Multi-World Approach to Question Answering about Real-World Scenes based on Uncertain Input

Malinowski M, Fritz M. A multi-world approach to question answering about real-world scenes based on uncertain input[C]//Advances in neural information processing systems. 2014: 1682-1690.

本文是VQA的概念萌芽作,但此后的文章【2015 VQA Visual Question Answering】认为本文定义的问题把answers限制在了预定义的16种基础颜色和894种目标类别中,只算VQA Efforts,没有真正定义VQA。
[Figure 1: Overview of our approach to question answering with multiple latent worlds in contrast to single world approach.]


2015 Are You Talking to a Machine Dataset and Methods for Multilingual Image Question

Gao H, Mao J, Zhou J, et al. Are you talking to a machine? dataset and methods for multilingual image question[C]//Advances in neural information processing systems. 2015: 2296-2304.

[Figure 2: Illustration of the mQA model architecture. We input an image and a question about the image (i.e. “What is the cat doing?”) to the model. The model is trained to generate the answer to the question (i.e. “Sitting on the umbrella”). The weight matrix in the word embedding layers of the two LSTMs (one for the question and one for the answer) are shared. In addition, as in [25], this weight matrix is also shared, in a transposed manner, with the weight matrix in the Softmax layer. Different colors in the figure represent different components of the model. (Best viewed in color.)]



本文提供了一个自由风格多语种图像问答数据集(Freestyle Multilingual Image Question Answering, FM-IQA)。
2015 Ask Your Neurons A Neural-Based Approach to Answering Questions About Images

Malinowski M, Rohrbach M, Fritz M. Ask your neurons: A neural-based approach to answering questions about images[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision. 2015: 1-9.

[Figure 1. Our approach Neural-Image-QA to question answering with a Recurrent Neural Network using Long Short Term Memory (LSTM). To answer a question about an image, we feed in both, the image (CNN features) and the question (green boxes) into the LSTM. After the (variable length) question is encoded, we generate the answers (multiple words, orange boxes). During the answer generation phase the previously predicted answers are fed into the LSTM until the END symbol is predicted.]
2015 Exploring Models and Data for Image Question Answering

Ren M, Kiros R, Zemel R. Exploring models and data for image question answering[C]//Advances in neural information processing systems. 2015: 2953-2961.

[Figure 2: VIS+LSTM Model]

也是一个类似encoder-decoder framework的东西,把图像特征和问题句子的各单词以此输入LSTM中进行编码,但没有解码输出句子,而是把编码完成时的向量用来在预定义词汇上做分类,预测答案单词。

2015 Visalogy Answering Visual Analogy Questions

Sadeghi F, Zitnick C L, Farhadi A. Visalogy: Answering visual analogy questions[C]//Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2015: 1882-1890.

本文研究视觉类比(Visual Analogy)问题。图像A对图像B,正如图像C和那个图像?

本文使用四路暹罗架构(quadruple Siamese architecture)的卷积神经网络。
[Figure 2: VISALOGY Network has quadruple Siamese architecture with shared θ parameters. The network is trained with correct analogy quadruples of images [I1, I2, I3, I4] along with wrong analogy quadruples as negative samples. The contrastive loss function pushes (I1; I2) and (I3; I4) of correct analogies close to each other in the embedding space while forcing the distance between (I1; I2) and (I3; I4) in negative samples to be more than margin m.]

2015 VisKE Visual Knowledge Extraction and Question Answering by Visual Verification of Relation Phrases

Sadeghi F, Kumar Divvala S K, Farhadi A. Viske: Visual knowledge extraction and question answering by visual verification of relation phrases[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2015: 1456-1464.



本文首次提出对关系短语的视觉验证的研究问题,并开发了视觉知识抽取系统VisKE(Visual Knowledge Extraction system)
[Figure 2. Approach Overview. Given a relation predicate, such as fish(bear,salmon) VisKE formulates visual verification as the problem of estimating the most probable explanation (MPE) by searching for visual consistencies among the patterns of subject, object and the action being involved.]

输入的关系谓词:熊(noun, subjective) 捕鱼(verb) 鲑鱼(salmon, objective)。给定一个关系谓词,如:熊捕鱼,VisKE把视觉验证建模为对最可能解释(most probable explanation, MPE)的估计问题,通过搜素主语、宾语和动作三者模式之间的视觉一致性(visual consistencies)实现。
2015 Visual Madlibs Fill in the Blank Description Generation and Question Answering

Yu L, Park E, Berg A C, et al. Visual madlibs: Fill in the blank description generation and question answering[C]//Proceedings of the ieee international conference on computer vision. 2015: 2461-2469.

[Figure 1. An example from the Visual Madlibs Dataset, including a variety of targeted descriptions for people and objects.]

本文发布Visual Madlibs数据集,通过填空模板生成对人物、目标、外表、活动、互动、场景的描述。
2015 VQA Visual Question Answering

Antol S, Agrawal A, Lu J, et al. Vqa: Visual question answering[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision. 2015: 2425-2433.

[Figure 1: Examples of free-form, open-ended questions collected for images via Amazon Mechanical Turk. Note that commonsense knowledge is needed along with a visual understanding of the scene to answer many questions.]
2016 Answer-Type Prediction for Visual Question Answering

Kafle K, Kanan C. Answer-type prediction for visual question answering[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2016: 4976-4984.

[Figure 1: In the open-ended VQA problem, an algorithm is given an image and a question, and it must output a string containing the answer. We obtain state-of-the-art results on multiple VQA datasets by adopting a Bayesian approach that incorporates information about the form the answer should take. In this example, the system is given an image of a bear and it is asked about the color of the bear. Our method explicitly infers that this is a “color” question and uses that information in its predictive process.]


2016 Ask Me Anything Free-Form Visual Question Answering Based on Knowledge from External Sources

Wu Q, Wang P, Shen C, et al. Ask me anything: Free-form visual question answering based on knowledge from external sources[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2016: 4622-4630.


[Figure 2. Our proposed framework: given an image, a CNN is first applied to produce the attribute-based representation Vatt(I). The internal textual representation is made up of image captions generated based on the image-attributes. The hidden state of the caption-LSTM after it has generated the last word in each caption is used as its vector representation. These vectors are then aggregated as Vcap(I) with average-pooling. The external knowledge is mined from the KB (in this case DBpedia) and the responses encoded by Doc2Vec, which produces a vector Vknow(I). The 3 vectorsV are combined into a single representation of scene content, which is input to the VQA LSTM model which interprets the question and generates an answer.]

通过image captioning把图像转文本,并向量化为
;通过image annotation把图像转单词属性,检索知识图谱获取文本描述,并向量化为;然后把以上, ,

2016 Hierarchical Question-Image Co-Attention for Visual Question Answering

Lu J, Yang J, Batra D, et al. Hierarchical question-image co-attention for visual question answering[C]//Advances In Neural Information Processing Systems. 2016: 289-297.



本文对问题文本构建了层次注意力机制(word level, phrase level, question level)。
[Figure 1: Flowchart of our proposed hierarchical co-attention model. Given a question, we extract its word level, phrase level and question level embeddings. At each level, we apply co-attention on both the image and question. The final answer prediction is based on all the co-attended image and question features.]

2016 Image Question Answering Using Convolutional Neural Network With Dynamic Parameter Prediction

Noh H, Hongsuck Seo P, Han B. Image question answering using convolutional neural network with dynamic parameter prediction[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2016: 30-38.





[Figure 2. Overall architecture of the proposed Dynamic Parameter Prediction network (DPPnet), which is composed of the classification network and the parameter prediction network. The weights in the dynamic parameter layer are mapped by a hashing trick from the candidate weights obtained from the parameter prediction network.]

2016 MovieQA Understanding Stories in Movies Through Question-Answering

Tapaswi M, Zhu Y, Stiefelhagen R, et al. Movieqa: Understanding stories in movies through question-answering[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2016: 4631-4640.

[Figure 1: Our MovieQA dataset contains 14,944 questions about 408 movies. It contains multiple sources of information: plots, subtitles, video clips, scripts, and DVS transcriptions. In this figure we show example QAs from The Matrix and localize them in the timeline.]



本文参考了MemN2N模型设计了本文面向QA的Memory Network。
2016 Stacked Attention Networks for Image Question Answering

Yang Z, He X, Gao J, et al. Stacked attention networks for image question answering[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2016: 21-29.

本文提出栈式注意力网络(stacked attention networks, SANs)。

[Figure 1: Model architecture and visualization. (b) Visualization of the learned multiple attention layers. The stacked attention network first focuses on all referred concepts, e.g., and objects in the basket (dogs) in bicycle, basket the first attention layer and then further narrows down the focus in the second layer and finds out the answer dog.]




14×14 is the number of regions in the image and 512 is the dimension of the feature vector for each region.

本文作者Zichao Yang、Xiaodong He等人恰好是Hierarchical Attention Network, HAN的提出者。我很喜欢他们的论文,对阐明原理非常负责任,总是能用最清晰的思路、最准确的表达来把技术原理讲得清清楚楚。在此致谢!
2016 Visual Question Answering with Question Representation Update (QRU)

Li R, Jia J. Visual question answering with question representation update (qru)[C]//Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2016: 4655-4663.

本文的方法是,对每一个图像区域进行迭代,每次迭代计算该图像区域与问题的相关性,选出与问题相关的图像区域来对问题表示(question representation)进行更新,并进一步学习给出正确答案,
[Figure 2: The overall architecture of our model with single reasoning layer for VQA]


2016 Visual7W Grounded Question Answering in Images

Zhu Y, Groth O, Bernstein M, et al. Visual7w: Grounded question answering in images[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2016: 4995-5004.



[Figure 1: Deep image understanding relies on detailed knowledge about different image parts. We employ diverse questions to acquire detailed information on images, ground objects mentioned in text with their visual appearances, and provide a multiple-choice setting for evaluating a visual question answering task with both textual and visual answers.]

2016 Where to Look Focus Regions for Visual Question Answering

Shih K J, Singh S, Hoiem D. Where to look: Focus regions for visual question answering[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2016: 4613-4621.



[Figure 3. Overview of our network for the example question-answer pairing: “What color is the fire hydrant? Yellow.” Question and answer representations are concatenated, fed through the network, then combined with selectively weighted image region features to produce a score.]

图像区域特征向量 + 文本特征向量 // 此处“+”是连接对每个区域的注意力权重,用于对右侧绿色框中的N个向量做加权平均。
dot product, softmax是一次注意力机制,根据文本特征关注图像区域。region向量和text向量映射到公共向量空间中。

2016 Yin and Yang Balancing and Answering Binary Visual Questions

Zhang P, Goyal Y, Summers-Stay D, et al. Yin and yang: Balancing and answering binary visual questions[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2016: 5014-5022.


[Figure 1: We address the problem of answering binary questions about images. To eliminate strong language priors that shadow the role of detailed visual understanding in visual question answering (VQA), we use abstract scenes to collect a balanced dataset containing pairs of complementary scenes: the two scenes have opposite answers to the same question, while being visually as similar as possible. We view the task of answering binary questions as a visual verification task: we convert the question into a tuple that concisely summarizes the visual concept, which if present, result in the answer of the question being “yes”, and otherwise “no”. Our approach attends to relevant portions of the image when verifying the presence of the visual concept.]


2017 A Dataset and Exploration of Models for Understanding Video Data Through Fill-In-The-Blank Question-Answering

Maharaj T, Ballas N, Rohrbach A, et al. A dataset and exploration of models for understanding video data through fill-in-the-blank question-answering[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2017: 6884-6893.


本文给出MovieFIB(Movie Fill-In-the-Blank)数据集,含30万个样本,基于为视障人士准备的描述性视频注释。
[Figure 1. Two examples from the training set of our fill-in-the-blank dataset.]

2017 An Analysis of Visual Question Answering Algorithms

Kafle K, Kanan C. An analysis of visual question answering algorithms[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. 2017: 1965-1973.

本文主要是给出一个新数据集——任务驱动图像理解挑战(Task Driven Image Understanding Challenge, TDIUC),包含的问题分类12个问题类别。
[Figure 1: A good VQA benchmark tests a wide range of computer vision tasks in an unbiased manner. In this paper, we propose a new dataset with 12 distinct tasks and evaluation metrics that compensate for bias, so that the strengths and limitations of algorithms can be better measured.]

2017 An Empirical Evaluation of Visual Question Answering for Novel Objects

Ramakrishnan S K, Pal A, Sharma G, et al. An empirical evaluation of visual question answering for novel objects[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2017: 4392-4401.

[Figure 1: We are interested in answering questions about images containing objects not seen at training.]



2017 Are You Smarter Than a Sixth Grader Textbook Question Answering for Multimodal Machine Comprehension

Kembhavi A, Seo M, Schwenk D, et al. Are you smarter than a sixth grader? textbook question answering for multimodal machine comprehension[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2017: 4999-5007.

本文研究的教科书问答问题属于多模态机器理解(Multi-Modal Machine Comprehension, M3C):给定一个文本、流程图和图像组成的上下文,让机器能够回答多模态问题。
[Figure 1. An overview of the Multi-modal Machine Comprehension (M3C) paradigm, statistics of the proposed Textbook Question Answering (TQA) dataset and an illustration of a lesson in it. TQA can be downloaded at http://textbookqa.org .]

本文发布教科书问答(Textbook Question Answering, TQA)数据集。

2017 Creativity Generating Diverse Questions Using Variational Autoencoders

Jain U, Zhang Z, Schwing A G. Creativity: Generating diverse questions using variational autoencoders[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2017: 6485-6494.

[Figure 3: High level VAE overview of our approach.]

本文提出结合变分自编码器(variational autoencoder, VAE)和LSTM来构建一个有创造力的算法,用于解决视觉问题生成问题。
2017 End-To-End Concept Word Detection for Video Captioning, Retrieval, and Question Answering

Yu Y, Ko H, Choi J, et al. End-to-end concept word detection for video captioning, retrieval, and question answering[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2017: 3165-3173.

该检测器根据输入的视频,生成一列概念词(concept words),提供给语言生成模型。
[Figure 1. The intuition of the proposed concept word detector. Given a video clip, a set of tracing LSTMs extract multiple concept words that consistently appear across frame regions. We then employ semantic attention to combine the detected concepts with text encoding/decoding for several video-to-language tasks of LSMDC 2016, such as captioning, retrieval, and question answering.]

本文的概念词检测器(concept word detector),输入是视频及其对应的描述语句,训练后能够对每个视频生成一组高层概念词。
[Figure 2. The architecture of the concept word detection in a top red box (section 2.2), and our video description model in bottom, which uses semantic attention on the detected concept words (section 3.1).]

2017 Explicit Knowledge-based Reasoning for Visual Question Answering

Wang P, Wu Q, Shen C, et al. Explicit knowledge-based reasoning for visual question answering[C]//Proceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAAI Press, 2017: 1290-1296.

[Figure 1: A real example of the proposed KB-VQA dataset and the results given by Ahab, the proposed VQA approach. Our approach answers questions by extracting several types of visual concepts from an image and aligning them to large-scale structured knowledge bases. Apart from answers, our approach can also provide reasons and explanations for certain types of questions.]

[Figure 3: Top: An RDF graph such as might be constructed by Ahab. For simplicity, we only show entities that are relevant to answering the questions in Fig. 1. Each arrow corresponds to one triple in the graph, with circles representing entities and green text reflecting predicate type. The graph of extracted visual concepts (left side) is linked to DBpedia (right side) by mapping object/attribute/scene to DBpedia entities using the predicate same-concept. Bottom: The question processing pipeline. The input question is parsed using a set of NLP tools to identify the appropriate template. The extracted slot-phrases are then mapped to entities in the KB. Next, KB queries are generated to mine the relevant relationships for the KB-entities. Finally, the answer and reason are generated based on the query results. The predicate category/?broader is used to obtain the categories transitively.]

构建RDF图(Resource Description Framework [Cyganiak et al., 2014] (RDF)),拓展知识库,对自然语言进行解析、映射和逻辑查询取得推理过程可解释的答案。
2017 Graph-Structured Representations for Visual Question Answering

Teney D, Liu L, van den Hengel A. Graph-structured representations for visual question answering[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2017: 1-9.




[Figure 2. Architecture of the proposed neural network. The input is provided as a description of the scene (a list of objects with their visual characteristics) and a parsed question (words with their syntactic relations). The scene-graph contains a node with a feature vector for each object, and edge features that represent their spatial relationships. The question-graph reflects the parse tree of the question, with a word embedding for each node, and a vector embedding of types of syntactic dependencies for edges. A recurrent unit (GRU) is associated with each node of both graphs. Over multiple iterations, the GRU updates a representation of each node that integrates context from its neighbours within the graph. Features of all objects and all words are combined (concatenated) pairwise, and they are weighted with a form of attention. That effectively matches elements between the question and the scene. The weighted sum of features is passed through a final classifier that predicts scores over a fixed set of candidate answers.]


问题图(question-graph):句法解析后的问题语句。问题图是问题语句的解析树,每个单词对应一个节点。节点包含该单词的词嵌入(word embedding),节点之间的边包含单词之间句法依存关系的向量嵌入。
所有目标和单词的特征向量两两成对组合组合起来,即图2中的Words-Objects矩阵,并通过注意力机制加权求和(Matching weights矩阵为注意力权重矩阵)。

局限:本文的scene graph只是包含空间上的相对位置(relative position)。
2017 High-Order Attention Models for Visual Question Answering

Schwartz I, Schwing A, Hazan T. High-order attention models for visual question answering[C]//Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2017: 3664-3674.



泛化性好(generally applicable),能够广泛应用于各种任务的注意力机制。
高阶相关性(high-order correlation),能够学习不同数据模态之间的高阶相关性。k阶相关性能够建模k种模态之间的相关性。



[Figure 2: Our state-of-the-art VQA system]


一元势(unary potentials):

成对势(pairwise potentials):
三元势(ternary potentials):


本文的决策产生(decision making)阶段使用MCB和MCT池化:

MCB池化(Multimodal Compact Bilinear Pooling):本文的决策生成阶段使用该双线性池化把成对情况(pairwise setting)下的两种模态做池化输出。
MCT池化(Multimodal Compact Trilinear Pooling):本文的决策生成阶段使用该三线性池化把三种模态的数据池化输出。

2017 Knowledge Acquisition for Visual Question Answering via Iterative Querying

Zhu Y, Lim J J, Fei-Fei L. Knowledge acquisition for visual question answering via iterative querying[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2017: 1154-1163.


[Figure 2: (a) An illustration of a standard VQA model. (b) An overview of our iterative model. © Detailed flowchart of our model. The model consists of two major components: core network (green) and query generator (blue). The query generator proposes task-driven queries to fetch evidence from external sources. Acquired knowledge is encoded and stored as memories in the core network for answering a question.]

具体而言,本文的模型通过对知识源(knowledge sources)的一系列查询(queries)获取支撑依据。获取到的依据被编码存储进记忆银行(memory bank)。随后,模型使用刚更新的记忆来提出下一轮的查询,或给出目标问题的答案。
2017 Learning to Disambiguate by Asking Discriminative Questions

Li Y, Huang C, Tang X, et al. Learning to disambiguate by asking discriminative questions[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. 2017: 3419-3428.

人类能够通过问问题来了解信息,认知世界并消解歧义。本文受此启发,提出一种新研究问题——“如何生成有判别力的问题(discriminative questions)来帮助消解视觉实例的歧义?”。
[Figure 4: Overview of the attribute-conditioned question generation process. Given a pair of ambiguous images, we first extract semantic attributes from the images respectively. The attribute scores are sent into a selection model to select the distinguishing attributes pair, which reflects the most obvious difference between the ambiguous images. Then the visual feature and selected attribute pair are fed into an attribute-conditioned LSTM model to generate discriminative questions.]



2017 Learning to Reason End-to-End Module Networks for Visual Question Answering

Hu R, Andreas J, Rohrbach M, et al. Learning to reason: End-to-end module networks for visual question answering[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. 2017: 804-813.

基于近期提出的神经模块网络架构(Neural Module Network architecture, NMN),本文提出端到端模块网络(End-to-End Module Networks, N2NMNs),在不使用NMN中的解析器的情况下,通过预测特定实例网络布局。

[Figure 2: Model overview. Our approach first computes a deep representation of the question, and uses this as an input to a layout-prediction policy implemented with a recurrent neural network. This policy emits both a sequence of structural actions, specifying a template for a modular neural network in reverse Polish notation, and a sequence of attentive actions, extracting parameters for these neural modules from the input sentence. These two sequences are passed to a network builder, which dynamically instantiates an appropriate neural network and applies it to the input image to obtain an answer.]



2017 Making the V in VQA Matter Elevating the Role of Image Understanding in Visual Question Answering

Goyal Y, Khot T, Summers-Stay D, et al. Making the V in VQA matter: Elevating the role of image understanding in Visual Question Answering[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2017: 6904-6913.


[Figure 1: Examples from our balanced VQA dataset.]

具体地,本文为每一个问题找一对语义互补的图像,实现正负例平衡(例如:man/woman, yes/no),避免VQA模型受到视觉无关的统计规律影响。本文的全平衡数据集为VisualQA数据集。
2017 MarioQA Answering Questions by Watching Gameplay Videos

Mun J, Hongsuck Seo P, Jung I, et al. Marioqa: Answering questions by watching gameplay videos[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. 2017: 2867-2875.

[Figure 1: Overall QA generation procedure. Given a gameplay video and event logs shown on the left, (a) target event is selected (marked as a green box), (b) question semantic chunk is generated from the target event, © question template is sampled from template pool, and (d) QA pairs are generated by filling the template and the linguistically realizing answer.]

2017 Multi-level Attention Networks for Visual Question Answering

Yu D, Fu J, Mei T, et al. Multi-level attention networks for visual question answering[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2017: 4709-4717.



从CNN的高层语义生成语义概念(semantic concepts),并选出与问题相关地概念作为语义注意力(semantic attention)。
通过双向RNN把基于区域的CNN中层输出编码为空间嵌入表示,并用MLP进一步定位与回答相关的区域作为视觉注意力(visual attention)。

[Figure 2. Overall framework of multi-level attention networks. Our framework consists of three components: (A) semantic attention, (B) context-aware visual attention and © joint attention learning. Here, we denote by vq the representation of the question Q, by vimg, vc the representation of image content on the visual and semantic level queried by the question, respectively. vr and pimg c is the activation of the last convolutional layer and the probability layer from the CNN.]




:从CNN的高层语义生成语义概念(semantic concepts),并通过语义注意力选择后的图像表示。

2017 Multi-modal Factorized Bilinear Pooling with Co-attention Learning for Visual Question Answering

Yu Z, Yu J, Fan J, et al. Multi-modal factorized bilinear pooling with co-attention learning for visual question answering[C]//Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision. 2017: 1821-1830.

本文提出多模态因子分解双线性池化方法(Multi-modal Factorized Bilinear (MFB) pooling approach),提高多模态特征融合能力,以改进VQA。

[Figure 3. MFB with Co-Attention network architecture for VQA. Different from the network of MFB baseline, the images and questions are firstly represented as the fine-grained features respectively. Then, Question Attention and Image Attention modules are jointly modeled in the framework to provide more accurate answer predictions.]

Multi-modal Compact Bilinear pooling (MCB)对两个特征向量做外积,因二次方膨胀产生了非常高维的特征向量。MLB通过低阶映射矩阵改进了高维问题。

Multi-modal Low-rank Bilinear Pooling (MLB):




Multi-modal Factorized Bilinear pooling (MFB):

VQA- 近五年视觉问答顶会论文创新点笔记相关推荐

  1. A+B+C写作公式?顶会论文创新点干货!

    听说,拥有顶会论文就仿佛自带"流量". 很多大厂的校招已经明晃晃的说明有顶会等buff加成的同学优先考虑,甚至可以免笔试直接面试! 当然不仅仅是毕业进大厂需要高区论文作为背书,顶会 ...

  2. 五年12篇顶会论文综述!一文读懂深度学习文本分类方法

    作者 | 何从庆 来源 | AI算法之心(ID:AIHeartForYou) 最近有很多小伙伴想了解深度学习在文本分类的发展,因此,笔者整理最近几年比较经典的深度文本分类方法,希望帮助小伙伴们了解深度 ...

  3. 论文浅尝 | 端到端神经视觉问答之上的显式推理

    链接:http://www.public.asu.edu/~cbaral/papers/2018-aaai-psl.pdf 概述 视觉问答(Visual Question Answering)现有两大 ...

  4. <<视觉问答>>2022:CLIP Models are Few-shot Learners: Empirical Studies on VQA and Visual Entailment

    目录 摘要: 一.介绍 二.Preliminaries 2.1.CLIP 2.2.Vision-Language Understanding Tasks 三.Zero-shot VQA 3.1.A T ...

  5. <<视觉问答>>2022:SwapMix: Diagnosing and Regularizingthe Over-Reliance on Visual Context in VQA

    先看一下下面这篇论文对VQA任务语言偏差的介绍Greedy Gradient Ensemble for Robust Visual Question Answering 目录 摘要 一.Introdu ...

  6. 用于视觉问答的基于关系推理和注意力的多峰特征融合模型《Multimodal feature fusion by relational reasoning and attention for VQA》

    目录 一.文献摘要介绍 二.网络框架介绍 三.实验分析 四.结论 这是视觉问答论文阅读的系列笔记之一,本文有点长,请耐心阅读,定会有收货.如有不足,随时欢迎交流和探讨. 一.文献摘要介绍 The re ...

  7. <<视觉问答>>2021:Mind Your Outliers,Investigating the Negative Impact of Outliers on Active Learning VQA

    目录 前言 一.介绍 二.实验设置 2.1.实验流程 2.2.VQA模型 2.3.主动学习方法 三.实验结果 四.通过数据集映射图分析 五.集体离群值 六.结论 七.附录 前言 主动学习将分类.识别等 ...

  8. Facobook开源视觉问答VQA框架:Pythia

    VQA Challenge 2018的冠军方案. (欢迎关注"我爱计算机视觉",一个有价值有深度的公众号~) 什么是视觉问答VQA(Visual Question Answerin ...

  9. 【自然语言处理】--视觉问答(Visual Question Answering,VQA)从初始到应用

    一.前述 视觉问答(Visual Question Answering,VQA),是一种涉及计算机视觉和自然语言处理的学习任务.这一任务的定义如下: A VQA system takes as inp ...


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