
1. 1, At each new event,the system resets all FORMAT options to their default values.

A True B False (A)

2. You can use__________ keyword to scroll to any column or page in the list.





3.In a list , the upper-left corner of the header’s first line contains:

A. The program title

B. The page number

C. The system date

D. Nothing ( c)

4.It is recommended that you use Native SQL to read data from a logical database to maintain portability from one RDBMS to another.

A . true b .false ( B)

5. If you address subordinate nodes in the hierarchy, the selection screen criteria for only that subordinate node appears.

A . true B False ( false)

6. Checks such as Authorization checks are usually performed during the event Process Before Output(PBO).

A True B . False (B)

7. If there is a _________________ statement within the END-OF-SELECTION processing block, program processing ends and the list buffer is displayed.





8.Open SQL enables portability between different RDBMS system.

A True B False (A)

9. Join conditions are limited to key fields.

A True B False (B)

10. You can create structured lists using control-level processing

A. True B False (A)

11. When implementing control-level processing ,the AT FIRST and AT LAST statements functions as first time and last time switches and execute only once.

A True B False (A)

12. Loops over extract datasets can be nested.

A . True B False (b)

13. internal tables rely on the compiler to determine the combinations of group levels and cumulating field control level totals require.

A true B false (A)

14. Which of the following options is suitable for printing interactive lists?

A. Printing from the selection screen.

B. Printing from within the program

C Printing after the list is generated

D. Printing in the background


15.The user should delete all detail lists whose list level is greater than the current list level

A true B false (B)

16 . You can create object at any point in the program to generate and link objects

A true B false (b)

17. Which of the following are the standard functions offered by SAP Grid Control?

A Sorting by any column

B. Generate objects

C. Adding number columns

D Link objects

E Fixed lead columns

( A C E )

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