津巴布韦 apn

My wife and I have been married going on eight years. We try to go to Africa every two years as she's from Zimbabwe originally. We wanted to go to Zim last year, but ended up going to Tanzania instead as we were taking our (at the time) one year old, and my sister-in-law works for the Rwandan War Crimes Tribunal there. Zim didn't seem like a good first trip for the baby.

我和妻子已经结婚八年了。 我们尝试每两年去一次非洲,因为她最初是从津巴布韦来的。 去年我们想去吉姆,但后来我们去(当时)一岁,然后去了坦桑尼亚,而我的sister子在那里为卢旺达战争罪行法庭工作。 对于婴儿来说,Zim似乎不是一个很好的第一次旅行。

I remember when we went to Zim for the first time in 2001. I was meeting my then fiancée's family for the first time and was deep in lobola negotiations with her father. The exchange rate was US$1 to Z$55, and it was about Z$50 to ride in a combi (minibus/taxi).

我记得2001年我们第一次去Zim的时候。我是第一次见到当时未婚夫的家人,并且深深地与父亲进行了劳波拉谈判。 汇率为1美元到55美元(约合人民币50元),乘坐组合车(小巴/出租车)约需Z $ 50。

My wife remembered at the time how she could go downtown and buy gum for a single Zim penny. Once, my sister-in-law got into huge trouble as a child when she asked a visiting relative for a penny.

我的妻子当时记得她如何可以去市区购买一分钱的口香糖。 有一次,我的sister子在小时候向来访的亲戚要一分钱的麻烦。

When we returned two years later, the exchange rate was US$1 to $Z50,000. Mo's father passed away while we were there and it was surreal to spend a solid hour counting out $Z2,000,000 for his casket in Z$100 bills in the midst of our grief.

两年后我们返回时,汇率为1美元对Z50,000美元。 莫的父亲在我们在那里的时候去世了,在我们悲伤中度过一个充实的时光,花了100多个Z 200万美元作为棺材,这真是超现实的事情。

Take a good look at the Zim $50 note in the picture above. It had an expiration date.

好好看看上图中的Zim 50美元钞票。 它有一个到期日。

Today, whatever Zim currency you have in your pocket loses value of Z$70 a minute just sitting there.

如今,您坐在口袋中的任何Zim货币每分钟会损失Z $ 70的价值。

In January of 2008 the exchange rate was US$1 to Z$1,900,000 (1.9M). On March 1st, it was US$1 to $Z 24 million. Today, just two weeks later it's US$1 to Z$70 million. Arguably, Iraq has a significantly better economy than Zimbabwe as Zim's current inflation rate is in excess of 100,000%.  (Some figures point to it being around 164,000%, others closer to 200,000%.)

在2008年1月,汇率为1美元兑1,900,000津巴布韦元(190万)。 3月1日,价格为1到2400万兹罗提。 今天,仅两周后,价格就从1美元升至7000万ZZ 。 可以说,由于津巴布韦目前的通货膨胀率超过100,000%,因此伊拉克的经济比津巴布韦好得多。 (一些数据指出,这一比例约为164,000%,而另一些接近200,000%。)

This Z$100,000 Bearer Cheque is not only two years expired, but were it not, it'd be worth 14/10,000ths of a US dollar, but that worth would last only a few hours.

这张Z $ 100,000的不记名支票不仅到期了两年,而且还没有到期,所以它的价值为美元的14 / 10,000十分之一,但价值只能维持几个小时。

The gift that I gave my father-in-law to buy cows with would today be worth over $Z140,000,000,000, or 140 billion Zim dollars.


If these numbers seem overwhelming, they are. Recently the new Z$50 million dollar note came out, and it will by three loaves of bread (assuming you can find bread) a Z$16M each.

如果这些数字似乎不胜枚举,那就是。 最近发行了新的5000万新元的钞票,它将由三条面包(假设您可以找到面包)各1600万新元。

I can't tell you how painful it is to watch a country you love collapse from the outside when we have family there, but it's nothing considering what it's like on the inside. We talk to family there each week and each week the stories get worse.

我无法告诉您,当我们在家里有家人时,看到一个您所爱的国家从外面瓦解而感到多么痛苦,但这并没有考虑到内部的情况。 我们每周和那里的家人聊天,每个星期的故事都变得更糟。

I could tell you what it used to be like. I could tell you about the time we went to Chipangali Zoo with my mother-in-law and a mini-bus full of 6th graders. I could tell you about the two classrooms and bathroom (real flush toilets!) that we worked to get built.

我可以告诉你过去的样子。 我可以告诉你我们和我婆婆和一辆满6年级的小巴去奇潘加利动物园的时间。 我可以告诉您有关我们努力建造的两个教室和浴室(真正的抽水马桶!)。

I could tell you about the time we went to Victoria Falls and slept a hundred yards from an elephant watering hole. I could tell you about the time we went ekhaya to my wife's ancestral home to bury her father.

我可以告诉你我们去维多利亚瀑布并从一个大象水坑睡了一百码的时间。 我可以告诉你关于我们去ekhaya到我妻子的祖先家中埋葬她父亲的时间。

I could tell you about the time I found a goat in the my morning bathtub, then it disappeared, only to reappear on my breakfast plate the next morning. I could tell you about freaking out abantu abamnyama nxa ikhiwa likhuluma isiNdebele.

我可以告诉你我早上在浴缸里发现一只山羊的时间,然后消失了,直到第二天早上才出现在我的早餐盘上。 我可以告诉你有关吓坏阿班图·阿巴尼山(xa ikhiwa likhuluma)的问题

But, those days are gone and we have only pictures and memories. The Zim that we knew is gone and it's unclear what is coming. God help the people of Zimbabwe and our family overseas.

但是,那些日子已经一去不复返了,我们只有照片和回忆。 我们知道的Zim已消失,目前尚不清楚会发生什么。 上帝帮助津巴布韦人民和我们在海外的家庭。

For updated news about the Zimbabwean elections, see the BBC Zimbabwe section or check Google News on Zimbabwe.


Related Links


  • Traveling In Africa with an Infant


  • Arusha Tanzania 2006 - Trip Rollup, we're back


  • The 2004 Africa Trip in Pictures


  • 2007 African Music List


  • Arusha Tanzania 2006 Day 20 - Waiting for death's sweet release


  • Travelling as a Diabetic


  • Merry Christmas: Reunited


  • FAQ About Raising Multilingual Children



翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/memories-of-zimbabwe-you-cant-afford-to-go-home

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