1.首先下载、安装Chrome Frame插件 (一定要发布到服务器上才起作用)






  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1">


<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge,chrome=IE6">

3、检测Google Chrome框架并提示安装

<body><script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/chrome-frame/1/CFInstall.min.js"></script><style>/* CSS rules to use for styling the overlay:.chromeFrameOverlayContent.chromeFrameOverlayContent iframe.chromeFrameOverlayCloseBar.chromeFrameOverlayUnderlay*/</style> <script>// You may want to place these lines inside an onload handlerCFInstall.check({mode: "overlay",destination: "http://www.waikiki.com"});</script>

4、 CFInstall.check()

  • modeoptional
    How the user should be prompted when GCF is missing. Defaults to a value of inline that puts an iframe in the document that points to the value of url. If a value for node is specified this will control where the iframe is placed, else it will appear as the first child of the doucment's body element. If mode is set to overlay (recommended), an in-page dialog is displayed that floats over page content. If mode is popup, then url is opened in a new (popup) window. It's recommended that you only use a value of popup when calling check() from a user action, for instance the onclick handler of a buttonelement else popup blocking software may defeat the check.
  • urloptional
    Defaults to "http://google.com/chromeframe". Set this to change the URL that the prompt (either inline or in a popup) will navigate to. You might use this if you're using GCF on an intranet or closed environment and you want to prompt users to install from an alternate location.
  • destinationoptional
    The URL to navigate to once CFInstall detects that GCF has been installed.
  • nodeoptional
    The ID or reference to an element that will contain the iframe prompt. If no node is provided, the prompt iframe will be inserted at the top of the document.
  • onmissingoptional
    Function to be called when GCF is missing.
  • preventPromptoptional
    Boolean, defaults to false, which allows you to disable the default prompting mechanism. Use in conjunction with onmissing to implement your own prompt.
  • oninstalloptional
    Function that will be called when GCF is first detected after an install prompt is displayed.
  • preventInstallDetectionoptional
    Boolean, defaults to false. Set this to true to prevent CFInstall from checking whether GCF has been installed. Use this to prevent redirection.
  • cssTextoptional
    Style properties to apply to the prompt iframe when mode is inline.
  • classNameoptional
    CSS classes to apply to the prompt iframe when mode is inline.

5、 CFInstall.check()例子

<body><!--[if IE]><script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/chrome-frame/1/CFInstall.min.js"></script><style>.chromeFrameInstallDefaultStyle {width: 100%; /* default is 800px */border: 5px solid blue;}</style><div id="prompt"><!-- if IE without GCF, prompt goes here --></div><script>// The conditional ensures that this code will only execute in IE,// Therefore we can use the IE-specific attachEvent without worrywindow.attachEvent("onload", function() {CFInstall.check({mode: "inline", // the defaultnode: "prompt"});});</script><![endif]-->


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