
This should work for Word 2007+.  Older articles mention a way to start Word, but they imply the functionality to print a document to the default printer is automatically built in; it is not.

这应该适用于Word 2007+。 较早的文章提到了一种启动Word的方法,但是它们暗示了自动将文档打印到默认打印机的功能。 它不是。

The location of options will change depending on which version of Word you are using, but here's the general idea:




  • In Trust Center Settings/Trusted Locations check the box to Allow Trusted Locations on my network (even though it's "not recommended")在“信任中心设置/受信任的位置”中,选中“允许在我的网络上使用受信任的位置”复选框(即使“不推荐”)
  • In Trust Center Settings/ActiveX Settings check the button to Enable all controls without restrictions and without prompting (again, even though it's "not recommended")在“信任中心设置/ ActiveX设置”中,选中“启用所有控件而不受限制且无提示”的按钮(同样,即使“不推荐”)
  • In Trust Center Settings/ActiveX Settings check the box for Safe mode在“信任中心设置/ ActiveX设置”中,选中“安全模式”复选框
  • In Trust Center Settings/Macro Settings check the button to Enable all macros (again, "not recommended")在“信任中心设置/宏设置”中,选中“启用所有宏”按钮(同样,“不推荐”)
  • In Trust Center Settings/ActiveX Settings check the box to Trust access to the VBA project object model在“信任中心设置/ ActiveX设置”中,选中“信任对VBA项目对象模型的访问”复选框



Open your test document (.docx) and re-save it as a macro-enabled document (.docm).  Use Alt+F11 to open the Visual Basic for Applications environment and insert a new module (NOT a class module).  In the module paste this text:

打开测试文档(.docx),然后将其重新保存为启用宏的文档(.docm)。 使用Alt + F11打开Visual Basic for Applications环境并插入一个新模块(不是类模块)。 在模块中粘贴以下文本:

Option Explicit
Sub FilePrintDefault()
End Sub ' FilePrintDefault

Save the module and save the document.


To test, use Alt+F8 to run the macro FilePrintDefault.  Word will print the document and then quit.

要进行测试,请使用Alt + F8运行宏FilePrintDefault。 Word将打印文档,然后退出。



As found on other Internet sources, you can now paste this line in a text command file (e.g. "HP testprint.cmd") and edit it for your version of Word, and whatever your test document name is.

正如在其他Internet来源上所发现的那样,您现在可以将该行粘贴到文本命令文件(例如“ HP testprint.cmd”)中,并针对您的Word版本以及测试文档的名称进行编辑。

"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office14\WINWORD.EXE" /mFilePrintDefault "\\whserver02\Public\Printers\RGB HP Deskjet 3000 datetime.docm"

This will open your document in Word and run the macro, which includes the instruction to quit.  (Otherwise your print spooler may get messed up, which frustrated me for a long time.)

这将在Word中打开您的文档并运行宏,其中包括退出说明。 (否则,您的打印后台处理程序可能会混乱,这使我很长时间都感到沮丧。)

To test, run the command file from a command prompt (Win+R, "cmd").  Word will print the document and then quit.

要进行测试,请从命令提示符下运行命令文件(Win + R,“ cmd”)。 Word将打印文档,然后退出。



Finally, create a scheduled task.  To make changes you will need the Properties window available.

最后,创建一个计划任务。 要进行更改,您将需要“属性”窗口。

On the Actions tab choose the action to start a program.  The name of the command file will be the Program/Script to run.  No arguments are needed; any of that is contained in the command file.

在“操作”选项卡上,选择要启动程序的操作。 命令文件的名称将是要运行的程序/脚本。 不需要参数; 任何这些都包含在命令文件中。

On the General tab


  • change the user to an Administrator account将用户更改为管理员帐户
  • check "Run whether the user is logged on or not"检查“运行用户是否已登录”
  • leave "Do not store password" unchecked取消选中“不存储密码”
  • check "Run with highest privileges"选中“以最高特权运行”
  • configure for your version of Windows为您的Windows版本配置
  • click OK, and provide the administrator account password单击确定,并提供管理员帐户密码

To test, run the task immediately.


To test further, change the Triggers time to one minute past current for today and wait for the test document to print and close Word.  If successful, change the Trigger back to the desired schedule.

要进行进一步测试,请将“触发时间”更改为今天的当前时间一分钟,然后等待测试文档打印并关闭Word。 如果成功,则将触发器更改回所需的时间表。

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/29417/How-to-schedule-printing-a-Word-2007-document.html


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