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function datetime(){

var mydate = new Date();

var str = "" + mydate.getFullYear() + "年";

str += (mydate.getMonth()+1) + "月";

str += mydate.getDate() + "日 ";

str += mydate.getHours() + ":";

str += mydate.getMinutes() + ":";

str += mydate.getSeconds();

return str;


$(".typetext button").click(function(){

if ($(".typetext textarea").val().length<1) {



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$(".chatpanel").scrollTop( $('.chatpanel')[0].scrollHeight);

$(".typetext textarea").val("");





  • 客户单号:123456
  • 服务商单号:88888
  • 运输方式:FedEx-SP
  • 问题类型:有货无单
  • 处理人:蚂蚁部落
  • 发生时间:2017-03-28 02:12:45


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