//widget.h 所有控件的基类
#ifndef __WIDGET_H__
#define __WIDGET_H__#include "typedef.h"#define MAX_WIDGET_CHILD 0x20struct _Widget;
typedef struct _Widget Widget;struct _Base;
typedef struct _Base Base;enum _ControlType
typedef enum _ControlType ControlType;typedef int (*OnKeyEventFunc) (Widget* thiz, int event, int keycode);
typedef int (*OnPenEventFunc) (Widget* thiz, int event, int x, int y);
typedef int (*OnPaintFunc) (Widget* thiz);
typedef int (*OnDestroyFunc)(Widget* thiz);typedef struct _Rect
{int x_pos;int y_pos;int width;int height;
} Rect;struct _Widget
{OnKeyEventFunc    on_key_event;OnPenEventFunc    on_pen_event;OnPaintFunc        on_paint;OnDestroyFunc    on_destroy;Widget* parent;Widget* child[MAX_WIDGET_CHILD];Base* base;void* extra;
};static _INLINE_ int widget_on_key_evt(Widget* thiz, int event, int keycode)
{if(NULL != thiz)thiz->on_key_event( thiz, event, keycode);
}static _INLINE_ int widget_on_pen_evt(Widget* thiz, int event, int x, int y)
{if(NULL != thiz)thiz->on_pen_event( thiz, event, x, y);
}static _INLINE_ int widget_on_paint(Widget* thiz)
{if(NULL != thiz)thiz->on_paint( thiz);
}static _INLINE_ int widget_on_destroy(Widget* thiz)
{if(NULL != thiz)thiz->on_destroy( thiz);
}/**    函数名:widget_init*    说明:初始化widget,主要是初始化base*    参数说明:*/
void widget_init(Widget* thiz, ControlType type, int id, Rect rect, int* layer);
void widget_deinit(Widget* thiz);/**    函数名:widget_add_child*    说明:增加子控件*    参数说明:*/
int widget_add_child(Widget* thiz, Widget* child);/**    函数名:widget_set_back_color*    说明:设置背景颜色*    参数说明:*/
void widget_set_back_color(Widget* thiz, vm_graphic_color color);/**    函数名:widget_get_back_color*    说明:获取背景颜色*    参数说明:*/
vm_graphic_color widget_get_back_color(Widget* thiz);/**    函数名:widget_set_fore_color*    说明:设置前景颜色*    参数说明:*/
void widget_set_fore_color(Widget* thiz, vm_graphic_color color);/**    函数名:widget_get_fore_color*    说明:获取前景颜色*    参数说明:*/
vm_graphic_color widget_get_fore_color(Widget* thiz);/**    函数名:widget_set_visible*    说明:设置是否可见*    参数说明:*/
void widget_set_visible(Widget* thiz,int visible);/**    函数名:widget_is_visible*    说明:获取是否可见*    参数说明:*/
int widget_is_visible(Widget* thiz);/**    函数名:widget_set_focus*    说明:设置字体大小*    参数说明:*/
void widget_set_focus(Widget* thiz, int focus);/**    函数名:widget_is_focus*    说明:是否是当前焦点*    参数说明:*/
int widget_is_focus(Widget* thiz);/**    函数名:widget_get_parent*    说明:获取父窗体*    参数说明:*/
Widget* widget_get_parent(Widget* thiz);/**    函数名:widget_get_type*    说明:获取窗体类型*    参数说明:*/
ControlType widget_get_type(Widget* thiz);/**    函数名:widget_is_point_in_area*    说明:判断坐标点是否在控件区域内*    参数说明:*/
int widget_is_point_in_area(Widget* thiz, int x_pos, int y_pos);/**    函数名:widget_set_layer_index*    说明:设置图层下标*    参数说明:*/
void widget_set_layer_index(Widget* thiz, int layer_index);/**    函数名:widget_get_layer_index*    说明:获取图层下标*    参数说明:*/
int widget_get_layer_index(Widget* thiz);/**    函数名:widget_get_layer*    说明:获取图层数组*    参数说明:*/
int* widget_get_layer(Widget* thiz);/**    函数名:widget_get_x_pos*    说明:获取相对x坐标*    参数说明:*/
int widget_get_x_pos(Widget* thiz);/**    函数名:widget_get_x_pos_abs*    说明:获取绝对x坐标*    参数说明:*/
int widget_get_x_pos_abs(Widget* thiz);/**    函数名:widget_get_y_pos*    说明:获取相对y坐标*    参数说明:*/
int widget_get_y_pos(Widget* thiz);/**    函数名:widget_get_y_pos_abs*    说明:获取绝对y坐标*    参数说明:*/
int widget_get_y_pos_abs(Widget* thiz);/**    函数名:widget_get_width*    说明:增加窗体宽度*    参数说明:*/
int widget_get_width(Widget* thiz);/**    函数名:widget_get_height*    说明:获取窗体高度*    参数说明:*/
int widget_get_height(Widget* thiz);#endif /*__WIDGET_H__*/
//widget.c 窗体(控件)公共的接口#include "widget.h"struct _Base
{int id;int offset_x;int offset_y;Rect rect;ControlType type;int tab_order;int visible;int focus;int backdraw;vm_graphic_color fore_color;vm_graphic_color back_color;VMINT *layer;VMINT layer_index;
};void widget_init(Widget* thiz, ControlType type, int id, Rect rect, int* layer)
{thiz->base = WBH_MALLOC(sizeof(Base));thiz->base->rect.x_pos = rect.x_pos;thiz->base->rect.y_pos = rect.y_pos;thiz->base->rect.height = rect.height;thiz->base->rect.width = rect.width;thiz->base->visible = TRUE;thiz->base->layer = layer;thiz->base->type = type;thiz->base->back_color.vm_color_565 = VM_COLOR_WHITE;thiz->base->fore_color.vm_color_565 = VM_COLOR_BLACK;
}void widget_deinit(Widget* thiz)
{if(NULL != thiz && NULL != thiz->base)WBH_FREE(thiz->base);
}Widget* widget_get_parent(Widget* thiz)
{if(NULL != thiz)return thiz->parent;
}void widget_set_back_color(Widget* thiz, vm_graphic_color color)
{if(NULL != thiz && NULL != thiz->base)thiz->base->back_color = color;
}vm_graphic_color widget_get_back_color(Widget* thiz)
{if(NULL != thiz && NULL != thiz->base)return thiz->base->back_color;
}void widget_set_fore_color(Widget* thiz, vm_graphic_color color)
{if(NULL != thiz && NULL != thiz->base)thiz->base->fore_color = color;
}vm_graphic_color widget_get_fore_color(Widget* thiz)
{if(NULL != thiz && NULL != thiz->base)return thiz->base->fore_color;
}void widget_set_visible(Widget* thiz,int visible)
{if(NULL != thiz && NULL != thiz->base)thiz->base->visible = visible;
}int widget_is_visible(Widget* thiz)
{int ret = FALSE;if(NULL != thiz && NULL != thiz->base)ret = thiz->base->visible;return ret;
}void widget_set_focus(Widget* thiz, int focus)
{if(NULL != thiz && NULL != thiz->base)thiz->base->focus = focus;
}int widget_is_focus(Widget* thiz)
{int ret = FALSE;if(NULL != thiz && NULL != thiz->base)ret = thiz->base->focus;return ret;
}ControlType widget_get_type(Widget* thiz)
{ControlType ret = CONTROL_TYPE_NR;if(NULL != thiz && NULL != thiz->base)ret = thiz->base->type;return ret;
}int widget_is_point_in_area(Widget* thiz, int x_pos, int y_pos)
{int ret = FALSE;if(NULL != thiz && NULL != thiz->base){Rect rect = thiz->base->rect;if(x_pos >= rect.x_pos && x_pos <= rect.x_pos + rect.width && y_pos >= rect.y_pos && y_pos <= rect.y_pos + rect.height)ret = TRUE;}return ret;
}void widget_set_layer_index(Widget* thiz, int layer_index)
{if(NULL != thiz && NULL != thiz->base)thiz->base->layer_index = layer_index;
}int widget_get_layer_index(Widget* thiz)
{if(NULL != thiz && NULL != thiz->base)return thiz->base->layer_index;
}int* widget_get_layer(Widget* thiz)
{int* ret = NULL;if(NULL != thiz && NULL != thiz->base)ret = thiz->base->layer;return ret;
}int widget_get_x_pos(Widget* thiz)
{int ret = 0;if(NULL != thiz && NULL != thiz->base)ret = thiz->base->rect.x_pos;return ret;
}int widget_get_x_pos_abs(Widget* thiz)
{int ret = 0;Widget* widget = widget_get_parent(thiz);ret = widget_get_x_pos(thiz);while(NULL != widget){ret += widget_get_x_pos(widget);widget = widget_get_parent(widget);}return ret;
}int widget_get_y_pos(Widget* thiz)
{int ret = 0;if(NULL != thiz && NULL != thiz->base)ret = thiz->base->rect.y_pos;return ret;
}int widget_get_y_pos_abs(Widget* thiz)
{int ret = 0;Widget* widget = widget_get_parent(thiz);ret = widget_get_y_pos(thiz);while(NULL != widget){ret += widget_get_y_pos(widget);widget = widget_get_parent(widget);}return ret;
}int widget_get_width(Widget* thiz)
{int ret = 0;if(NULL != thiz && NULL != thiz->base)ret = thiz->base->rect.width;return ret;
}int widget_get_height(Widget* thiz)
{int ret = 0;if(NULL != thiz && NULL != thiz->base)ret = thiz->base->rect.height;return ret;
}int widget_add_child(Widget* thiz, Widget* child)
{int i = -1;if(NULL != thiz){for(i = 0; i < MAX_WIDGET_CHILD; ++i){if(NULL == thiz->child[i] && NULL != child){thiz->child[i] = child;child->parent = thiz;break;}}}return i;



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