Bloom filters in Python

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Bloom filters in Python



Python语言: 临时自用代码@代码发芽网


# Bloom filters in Python

# Adam Langley <>

# 给CountedBloom加了一个max_count 张沈鹏 <>

# Bloom-Filter算法简介



# 这个计算器可以帮你求最佳的参数


# CountedBloom 的 buckets 参数对应于计算器的m,也就是"m denotes the number of bits in the Bloom filter"

import array

import struct

mixarray = array.array ('B', '\x00' * 256)

# The mixarray is based on RC4 and is used as diffusion in the hashing function

def mixarray_init (mixarray):

for i in range (256):

mixarray[i] = i

k = 7

for j in range (4):

for i in range (256):

s = mixarray[i]

k = (k + s) % 256

mixarray[i] = mixarray[k]

mixarray[k] = s

mixarray_init (mixarray)

class Bloom (object):

'''Bloom filters provide a fast and compact way of checking set membership. They do this by introducing a risk of a

false positive (but there are no false negatives).

For more information see'''

def __init__ (self, bytes, hashes, data = None):

'''@bytes is the size of the bloom filter in 8-bit bytes and @hashes is the number of hash functions to use. Consult the

web page linked above for values to use. If in doubt, bytes = num_elements and hashes = 4'''

self.hashes = hashes

self.bytes = bytes

if data == None:

self.a = self._make_array (bytes)


assert len (data) == bytes

self.a = data

def init_from_counted (self, cnt):

'''Set the contents of this filter from the contents of the counted filter @cnt. You have to match sizes'''

if self.bytes * 8 != (len (cnt.a) * 2):

raise ValueError ('Filters are not the same size')

for i in xrange (len (cnt.a)):

b = cnt.a[i]

b1 = (b & 0xf0) >> 4

b2 = (b & 0x0f)

if b1:

self.a[(i * 2) // 8] |= self.bitmask[(i * 2) % 8]

if b2:

self.a[(i * 2 + 1) // 8] |= self.bitmask[(i * 2 + 1) % 8]

def _make_array (self, size):

a = array.array ('B')

# stupidly, there's no good way that I can see of resizing an array without allocing a huge string to do so

# thus I use this, slightly odd, method:

blocklen = 256

arrayblock = array.array ('B', '\x00' * blocklen)

todo = size

while (todo >= blocklen):

a.extend (arrayblock)

todo -= blocklen

if todo:

a.extend (array.array ('B', '\x00' * todo))

# now a is of the right length

return a

def _hashfunc (self, n, val):

'''Apply the nth hash function'''

global mixarray

b = [ord(x) for x in struct.pack ('I', val)]

c = array.array ('B', [0, 0, 0, 0])

for i in range (4):

c[i] = mixarray[(b[i] + n) % 256]

return struct.unpack ('I', c.tostring())[0]

bitmask = [0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01]

def insert (self, val):

for i in range (self.hashes):

n = self._hashfunc (i, val) % (self.bytes *

self.a[n // 8] |= self.bitmask[n % 8]

def __contains__ (self, val):

for i in range (self.hashes):

n = self._hashfunc (i, val) % (self.bytes *

if not self.a[n // 8] & self.bitmask[n % 8]:

return 0

return 1


class CountedBloom (Bloom):

'''Just like a Bloom filter, but provides counting (e.g. you can delete as well). This uses 4 bits per bucket, so is

generally four times larger than the same non-counted bloom filter.'''

def __init__ (self, buckets, hashes):

'''Please note that @buckets must be even. Also note that with a Bloom object you give the number of *bytes* and each byte is 8 buckets. Here you're giving the number of buckets.'''

assert buckets % 2 == 0

self.hashes = hashes

self.buckets = buckets

self.a = self._make_array (buckets // 2)

def insert (self, val):

masks  = [(0x0f, 0xf0), (0xf0, 0x0f)]

shifts = [4, 0           ]

for i in range (self.hashes):

n = self._hashfunc (i, val) % self.buckets

byte         = n // 2

bucket = n % 2

(notmask, mask) = masks[bucket]

shift        = shifts[bucket]

bval         = ((self.a[byte] & mask) >> shift)

if bval < MAX_COUNT: # we shouldn't increment it if it's at the maximum

bval += 1

self.a[byte] = (self.a[byte] & notmask) | (bval << shift)

def __contains__ (self, val):

masks        = [(0x0f, 0xf0), (0xf0, 0x0f)]

shifts = [4, 0]

for i in range (self.hashes):

n = self._hashfunc (i, val) % self.buckets

byte         = n // 2

bucket = n % 2

(notmask, mask) = masks[bucket]

shift        = shifts[bucket]

bval          = ((self.a[byte] & mask) >> shift)

if bval == 0:

return 0

return 1

def max_count(self, val):

masks        = [(0x0f, 0xf0), (0xf0, 0x0f)]

shifts = [4, 0]

count_val = MAX_COUNT

for i in range (self.hashes):

n = self._hashfunc (i, val) % self.buckets

byte         = n // 2

bucket = n % 2

(notmask, mask) = masks[bucket]

shift        = shifts[bucket]

bval          = ((self.a[byte] & mask) >> shift)

if bval < MAX_COUNT:

if bval == 0:

return 0


count_val = bval

return count_val

def __delitem__ (self, val):

masks  = [(0x0f, 0xf0), (0xf0, 0x0f)]

shifts = [4, 0]

for i in range (self.hashes):

n = self._hashfunc (i, val) % self.buckets

byte         = n // 2

bucket = n % 2

(notmask, mask) = masks[bucket]

shift        = shifts[bucket]

bval          = ((self.a[byte] & mask) >> shift)

if bval < MAX_COUNT: # we shouldn't decrement it if it's at the maximum

bval -= 1

self.a[byte] = (self.a[byte] & notmask) | (bval << shift)

__all__ = ['Bloom']

if __name__ == '__main__':

print 'Testing bloom filter: there should be no assertion failures'

a = Bloom (3, 4)

a.insert (45)

print a.a

a.insert (17)

print a.a

a.insert (12)

print a.a

assert 45 in a

assert 45 in a

assert not 33 in a

assert 45 in a

assert 17 in a

assert 12 in a

c = 0

for x in range (255):

if x in a:

c += 1

print c

print float(c)/255

a = CountedBloom (24, 4)

a.insert (45)

print a.a

a.insert (17)

print a.a

a.insert (12)

a.insert (12)

print "a.max_count(12)", a.max_count(12)

a.insert ("张沈鹏")

a.insert ("张沈鹏")

a.insert ("张沈鹏")

print "a.max_count(zsp)", a.max_count(12)

print a.a

assert 45 in a

assert 45 in a

assert not 33 in a

assert 45 in a

assert 17 in a

assert 12 in a

c = 0

for x in range (255):

if x in a:

c += 1

print c

print float(c)/255

del a[45]

assert not 45 in a

a2 = Bloom (3, 4)

a2.init_from_counted (a)

print a2.a

assert 17 in a2

assert 12 in a2

assert not 45 in a

posted on 2012-03-16 02:01 lexus 阅读(...) 评论(...) 编辑 收藏


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