
标题:Oracle 真的有参数可以 1s 统计完 200G用户下的所有对象么?


  他执行的语句: BEGIN DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS(OWNNAME => 'user1' ,options => 'GATHER AUTO' ,cascade => TRUE ,no_invalidate=> false); END ;
  和我往常统计语句不同的是多了一段"options => 'GATHER AUTO' "  
那我们解析来下为啥(默认)不写时,200G的用户要统计1个小时,加了这个属性1s 就统计完成呢?
     procedure gather_schema_stats
        (ownname varchar2 ,
         estimate_percent number default DEFAULT_ESTIMATE_PERCENT,
         block_sample boolean default FALSE,
         method_opt varchar2 default DEFAULT_METHOD_OPT,
         degree number default to_degree_type(get_param( 'DEGREE' )),
         granularity varchar2 default DEFAULT_GRANULARITY,
         cascade boolean default DEFAULT_CASCADE,
         stattab varchar2 default null, statid varchar2 default null,
         options varchar2 default 'GATHER', statown varchar2 default null ,
         no_invalidate boolean default
           to_no_invalidate_type(get_param( 'NO_INVALIDATE' )),
         gather_temp boolean default FALSE,
         gather_fixed boolean default FALSE,
         stattype varchar2 default 'DATA',
         force boolean default FALSE ,
         obj_filter_list ObjectTab default null );
    -- Input arguments:
    --   ownname - schema to analyze (NULL means current schema)
    --   estimate_percent - Percentage of rows to estimate (NULL means compute).
    --      The valid range is [0.000001,100].  Use the constant
    --      DBMS_STATS.AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE to have Oracle determine the
    --      appropriate sample size for good statistics. This is the default.
    --      The default value can be changed using set_param procedure.
    --   block_sample - whether or not to use random block sampling instead of
    --      random row sampling.  Random block sampling is more efficient, but
    --      if the data is not randomly distributed on disk then the sample values
    --      may be somewhat correlated.  Only pertinent when doing an estimate
    --      statistics.
    --   method_opt - method options of the following format
    --         method_opt  := FOR ALL [INDEXED | HIDDEN] COLUMNS [size_clause]
    --         size_clause := SIZE [integer | auto | skewonly | repeat],
    --                        where integer is between 1 and 254
    --      default is FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE AUTO.
    --      The default value can be changed using set_param procedure.
    --      This value will be passed to all of the individual tables.
    --   degree - degree of parallelism (NULL means use table default value which
    --      is specified by DEGREE clause in CREATE/ALTER TABLE statement)
    --      Use the constant DBMS_STATS.DEFAULT_DEGREE for the default value
    --      based on the initialization parameters.
    --      default for degree is NULL.
    --      The default value can be changed using set_param procedure.
    --   granularity - the granularity of statistics to collect (only pertinent
    --      if the table is partitioned)
    --     'AUTO' - the procedure determines what level of statistics to collect
    --     'GLOBAL AND PARTITION' - gather global- and partition-level statistics
    --     'SUBPARTITION' - gather subpartition-level statistics
    --     'PARTITION' - gather partition-level statistics
    --     'GLOBAL' - gather global statistics
    --     'ALL' - gather all (subpartition, partition, and global) statistics
    --     default for granularity is AUTO.
    --     The default value can be changed using set_param procedure.
    --   cascade - gather statistics on the indexes as well.
    --      Use the constant DBMS_STATS.AUTO_CASCADE to have Oracle determine
    --      whether index stats to be collected or not. This is the default.
    --      The default value can be changed using set_param procedure.
    --      Using this option is equivalent to running the gather_index_stats
    --      procedure on each of the indexes in the schema in addition to
    --      gathering table and column statistics.
    --   stattab - The user stat table identifier describing where to save
    --      the current statistics.
    --   statid - The (optional) identifier to associate with these statistics
    --      within stattab.
    --   options - further specification of which objects to gather statistics for
    --      'GATHER' - gather statistics on all objects in the schema
    --      'GATHER AUTO' - gather all necessary statistics automatically.  Oracle
    --        implicitly determines which objects need new statistics, and
    --        determines how to gather those statistics.  When 'GATHER AUTO' is
    --        specified, the only additional valid parameters are ownname, stattab,
    --        statid, objlist and statown; all other parameter settings will be
    --        ignored.  Also, return a list of objects processed.
    --      'GATHER STALE' - gather statistics on stale objects as determined
    --        by looking at the *_tab_modifications views.  Also, return
    --        a list of objects found to be stale.
    --      'GATHER EMPTY' - gather statistics on objects which currently
    --        have no statistics.  also, return a list of objects found
    --        to have no statistics.
    --      'LIST AUTO' - return list of objects to be processed with 'GATHER AUTO'
    --      'LIST STALE' - return list of stale objects as determined
    --        by looking at the *_tab_modifications views
    --      'LIST EMPTY' - return list of objects which currently
    --        have no statistics
    --   objlist - list of objects found to be stale or empty
    --   statown - The schema containing stattab (if different then ownname)
    --   no_invalidate - Do not invalide the dependent cursors if set to TRUE.
    --     The procedure invalidates the dependent cursors immediately
    --     if set to FALSE.
    --     Use DBMS_STATS.AUTO_INVALIDATE to have oracle decide when to
    --     invalidate dependend cursors. This is the default. The default
    --     can be changed using set_param procedure.
    --     When 'cascade' option is specified, not pertinent with certain types
    --     of indexes described in the gather_index_stats section.
    --   gather_temp - gather stats on global temporary tables also.  The
    --     temporary table must be created with "on commit preserve rows" clause,
    --     and the statistics being collected are based on the data in the session
    --     which this procedure is run but shared across all the sessions.
    --   gather_fixed - Gather statistics on fixed tables also.
    --     Statistics for fixed tables can be collected only by user SYS.
    --     Also the ownname should be SYS or NULL.
    --     Specified values for the following arguments will be ignored while
    --     gathering statistics for fixed tables.
    --       estimate_percent, block_sample, stattab, statid, statown
    --     It will not invalidate the dependent cursors on fixed table
    --     on which stats is collected.
    --     This option is meant for internal use only.
    --   force - gather statistics of objects even if they are locked.
    --   obj_filter_list - a list of object filters. When provided, gather_schema_stats
    --     will only gather statistics on the objects which satisfy at least one
    --     object filter in the list as needed. Please refer to obj_filter_list
    --     in  gather_database_stats.
    -- Exceptions:
    --   ORA-20000: Schema does not exist or insufficient privileges
    --   ORA-20001: Bad input value
    --   ORA-20002: Bad user statistics table, may need to upgrade it


gather    ——  重新剖析整个架构(Schema)
  gather empty —— 只剖析目前还没有统计的表。
  gather stale   —— 只重新剖析修改量超过10%的表(这些修改包含拔出、更新和删除)。
  gather auto    —— 重新剖析以后没有统计的对象,以及统计数据过期(变脏)的对象. 
注意,使用gather auto相似于组合使用gather stale和gather empty。
 例如:create table t as select * from dba_objects;(10w数据的话,insert = 1w数据(等于10%) gather auto 统计后还是10w数据,而默认的gather统计后是  ≈ 11w)
               但当10w数据,insert = 1w ,delete =1条 (求和 >10% ) 用 gather auto 统计和gather 都是一样的...
TABLE_NAME                       NUM_ROWS
------------------------------ ----------------------
T_1                                     100000
SQL > insert into t_1   select * from dba_objects where rownum <=10000 ;
10000 rows inserted
3   OWNNAME => 'user1' ,
4   options => 'GATHER AUTO' ,
5   cascade => TRUE
6    );
7   END ;
8   /
PL /SQL procedure successfully completed
TABLE_NAME                       NUM_ROWS
------------------------------ --------------------------
T_1                                      100000    --&gt 增量 = 10% ,用'GATHER AUTO'统计没变化
SQL > delete from t_1 where rownum <= 1 ;     --&gt 任意操作一条就证明  >  10% ,用'GATHER AUTO'统计 应该和默认一样~ 
1 row deleted
3   OWNNAME => 'user1' ,
4   options => 'GATHER AUTO' ,
5   cascade => TRUE
6    );
7   END ;
8   /
PL /SQL procedure successfully completed
TABLE_NAME                       NUM_ROWS
------------------------------ ------------------------------
T_1                                     109999
所以,也就证明了,使用BEGIN DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS(OWNNAME => 'user1' ,options => 'GATHER AUTO' ,cascade => TRUE ,no_invalidate=> false); END ;
     统计用户1s就完成是因为USER1 用户下没有满足   options => 'GATHER AUTO' 属性  -- (修改量超过10%的表(这些修改包含拔出、更新和删除)或 没统计的表) 
     而往常使用 BEGIN DBMS_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS(OWNNAME => 'user1' ,options => 'GATHER' (default),cascade => TRUE ,no_invalidate=> false); END ; 
     统计要花1小时,是因为 针对整个200G用户 重新统计 ...
话说大家看到这,是否觉得自己受骗了捏~ 是的,骗了大家看完整个文章, 早知道的当复习找错啦哦~ 不知道options => 'GATHER AUTO'的也算简单了解了哈~~

    【源于本人笔记】 若有书写错误,表达错误,请指正...

此条目发表在 Oracle 分类目录。将固定连接加入收藏夹。

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