
box/.style = {draw, minimum height=17mm, align=left, outer sep=0pt},
lbl/.style = {anchor=north west, outer sep=0mm},
pin edge = {Straight Barb-, draw=black},
every edge/.style = {draw, semithick, -Straight Barb}
]\node (n1)  [box,
label={[lbl] north west:$\mathcal{C}_{\PRF}$},
{$\begin{aligned}\\K \leftarrow \gen(1^n)     \\b \xleftarrow{r} \{0,1\}   \\\text{Wenn } b = 0  \text{ denn } \vartheta_0 = F_K(\cdot)  \\\text{Wenn } b = 1  \text{ denn } \vartheta_1 = f(\cdot)    \\[1ex]\text{Wenn } b' = b \text{return } 1\\\text{Wenn } b' \neq b \text{ return } 0\\[5ex]\end{aligned}$
};\node (n3)  [box,
label={[lbl]north west:$\mathcal{A}$},
pin=$ k $,
right=9mm of n1 -| n1.east]
{$\begin{aligned}\\x = 0 \quad b                  \\x = 1 \quad a+b \rightarrow b  \\x = 2 \quad 2a+b               \\[1ex]\text{Wenn } b' = 0            \\\text{ sonst } b' = 1       \\\text{ return } b'          \\[5ex]\end{aligned}$
};\draw ([yshift=7mm] n1.east) coordinate (aux1) edge["$x$"] (aux1 -| n3.west)
([yshift=0mm] n1.east) coordinate (aux2) (aux2 -| n3.west) edge["$y$"] (aux2)
([yshift=-7ex] n3.west) edge["$b'$" '] ([yshift=-7ex] n1.east);


\usepackage{mathtools, amssymb}


\begin{figure}\begin{tikzpicture}[auto,box/.style = {draw, minimum height=17mm, align=left, outer sep=0pt},lbl/.style = {anchor=north west, outer sep=0mm},pin edge = {Straight Barb-, draw=black},every edge/.style = {draw, semithick, -Straight Barb}]\node (n1)  [box, label={[lbl] north west:$\mathcal{C}_{\PRF}$},pin=$1^n$]{$\begin{aligned}\\K \leftarrow \gen(1^n)     \\b \xleftarrow{r} \{0,1\}   \\\text{Wenn } b = 0  \text{ denn } \vartheta_0 = F_K(\cdot)  \\\text{Wenn } b = 1  \text{ denn } \vartheta_1 = f(\cdot)    \\[1ex]\text{Wenn } b' = b \text{return } 1\\\text{Wenn } b' \neq b \text{ return } 0\\[5ex]\end{aligned}$};\node (n2)  [box, above right=-1ex and 0pt of n1.east]{$\vartheta_b(\cdot)$};\node (n3)  [box, label={[lbl]north west:$\mathcal{A}$},pin=$ k $,right=9mm of n1 -| n2.east]{$\begin{aligned}\\x = 0 \quad b                  \\x = 1 \quad a+b \rightarrow b  \\x = 2 \quad 2a+b               \\[1ex]\text{Wenn } b' = 0            \\\text{ sonst } b' = 1       \\\text{ return } b'          \\[5ex]\end{aligned}$};\draw   ([yshift=+2mm] n2.east) coordinate (aux1) edge["$x$"] (aux1 -| n3.west)([yshift=-2mm] n2.east) coordinate (aux2) (aux2 -| n3.west) edge["$y$"] (aux2)([yshift=-7ex] n3.west) edge["$b'$" '] ([yshift=-7ex] n1.east);\end{tikzpicture}

\begin{tikzpicture}[auto,box/.style = {draw, minimum height=17mm, align=left, outer sep=0pt},lbl/.style = {anchor=north west, outer sep=0mm},pin edge = {Straight Barb-, draw=black},every edge/.style = {draw, -Straight Barb}]\node (n1)  [box, label={[lbl] north west:$\mathcal{C}_{\PRF}$},pin=$1^n$]{$\begin{aligned}\\K \leftarrow \gen(1^n)     \\b \xleftarrow{r} \{0,1\}   \\\text{Wenn } b = 0  \text{ denn } \vartheta_0 = F_K(\cdot)  \\\text{Wenn } b = 1  \text{ denn } \vartheta_1 = f(\cdot)    \\[1ex]\text{Wenn } b' = b \text{return } 1\\\text{Wenn } b' \neq b \text{ return } 0\\[5ex]\end{aligned}$};\node (n3)  [box, label={[lbl]north west:$\mathcal{A}$},pin=$ k $, right=9mm of n1 -| n1.east]{$\begin{aligned}\\x = 0 \quad b                  \\x = 1 \quad a+b \rightarrow b  \\x = 2 \quad 2a+b               \\[1ex]\text{Wenn } b' = 0            \\\text{ sonst } b' = 1       \\\text{ return } b'          \\[5ex]\end{aligned}$};\node (n4) [below=5mm of n3]{$ b' $};\draw ([yshift=7mm] n1.east) coordinate (aux1) edge["$x$"] (aux1 -| n3.west)([yshift=0mm] n1.east) coordinate (aux2) (aux2 -| n3.west) edge["$y$"] (aux2)([yshift=-7ex] n3.west) edge["$b'$" '] ([yshift=-7ex] n1.east);\draw[-Straight Barb] (n3) -- (n4);\end{tikzpicture}


\begin{tikzpicture}[auto,box/.style = {draw, minimum height=17mm, align=left, outer sep=0pt},lbl/.style = {anchor=north west, outer sep=0mm},pin edge = {<-, draw=black},every edge/.style = {draw, ->}]\node (n1)  [box, label={[lbl] north west:$\mathcal{C}_{\PRF}$},pin=$1^n$]{$\begin{aligned}\\K \leftarrow \gen(1^n)     \\b \xleftarrow{r} \{0,1\}   \\\text{Wenn } b = 0  \text{ denn } \vartheta_0 = F_K(\cdot)  \\\text{Wenn } b = 1  \text{ denn } \vartheta_1 = f(\cdot)    \\[1ex]\text{Wenn } b' = b \text{return } 1\\\text{Wenn } b' \neq b \text{ return } 0\\[5ex]\end{aligned}$};\node (n3)  [box, label={[lbl]north west:$\mathcal{A}$},pin=$ k $,   right=9mm of n1 -| n1.east]{$\begin{aligned}\\x = 0 \quad b                  \\x = 1 \quad a+b \rightarrow b  \\x = 2 \quad 2a+b               \\[1ex]\text{Wenn } b' = 0            \\\text{ sonst } b' = 1       \\\text{ return } b'          \\[5ex]\end{aligned}$};\node (n4) [below=5mm of n3]{$ b' $};\draw ([yshift=7mm] n1.east) coordinate (aux1) edge["$x$"] (aux1 -| n3.west)([yshift=0mm] n1.east) coordinate (aux2) (aux2 -| n3.west) edge["$y$"] (aux2)([yshift=-7ex] n3.west) edge["$b'$" '] ([yshift=-7ex] n1.east);\draw[->] (n3) -- (n4);\end{tikzpicture}

\begin{tikzpicture}[auto,box/.style = {draw, minimum height=4cm, align=left, outer sep=0pt},lbl/.style = {anchor=north west, outer sep=0mm},every edge/.style = {draw, ->}]\node (n1)  [box, label={[lbl] north west:Challenger ~~ $\mathcal{C}$},]{$\begin{aligned}\\k \overset{R}{\leftarrow} K    \\c_i \overset{R}{\leftarrow} E(k,m_i) \end{aligned}$};\node (n3)  [box, label={[lbl]north west:Adversary~~ $\mathcal{A}$},right=9mm of n1 -| n1.east]{$\begin{aligned}\\i=1,2,... \\c \notin \left\lbrace c_1,c_2,... \right\rbrace \end{aligned}$};\node (n4) [below=5mm of n3]{$ b' $};\draw ([yshift=7ex] n3.west) edge["$m_i$" '] ([yshift=7ex] n1.east)([yshift=0ex] n1.east) edge["$c_i$" '] ([yshift=0ex] n3.west)([yshift=-7ex] n3.west) edge["$c$" '] ([yshift=-7ex] n1.east);\draw[->] (n3) -- (n4);\end{tikzpicture}

\begin{figure}[!htbp]\centering\begin{tabular}{|p{3cm}<{\centering}|p{6cm}<{\centering}|p{3cm}<{\centering}|}\hlinetype $\parallel$ ver $\parallel$ len &  data & tag(pad) \rule{0pt}{5mm} \\\hline\end{tabular}\caption{TLS协议数据包}\label{authentication05}



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