A. HQ9+
time limit per test2 seconds
memory limit per test256 megabytes
inputstandard input
outputstandard output

HQ9+ is a joke programming language which has only four one-character instructions:

“H” prints “Hello, World!”,
“Q” prints the source code of the program itself,
“9” prints the lyrics of “99 Bottles of Beer” song,
“+” increments the value stored in the internal accumulator.
Instructions “H” and “Q” are case-sensitive and must be uppercase. The characters of the program which are not instructions are ignored.

You are given a program written in HQ9+. You have to figure out whether executing this program will produce any output.

The input will consist of a single line p which will give a program in HQ9+. String p will contain between 1 and 100 characters, inclusive. ASCII-code of each character of p will be between 33 (exclamation mark) and 126 (tilde), inclusive.

Output “YES”, if executing the program will produce any output, and “NO” otherwise.


In the first case the program contains only one instruction — “H”, which prints “Hello, World!”.

In the second case none of the program characters are language instructions.

int main()
{char str;while(str!='\n'){scanf("%c",&str);if(str=='H'||str=='Q'||str=='9'){printf("YES\n");return 0;}}printf("NO\n");return 0;

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