3D 游戏与编程——作业二


1)解释 游戏对象(GameObject)和 资源(Assets)的区别和联系

Assets 是游戏中具体的资源,比如 texture,mesh,material,shader,script 等,它们存在于文件夹中,不一定用到;GameObject 是游戏中实际存在的对象,由 Assets 实例化而来,是对 Assets 的引用和复制的关系。



上图是该游戏对象的结构,根据对象的类型(General, Player, Lever, Game-Mode)存放在不同文件夹下,便于修改,组织。

3)编写一个代码,使用debug 语句来验证 MonoBehaviour 基本行为或事件触发的条件。(基本行为包括 Awake() Start() Update() FixedUpdate() LateUpdate();常用事件包括 OnGUI() OnDisable() OnEnable() )

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;public class FirstBeh : MonoBehaviour
{// Start is called before the first frame updatevoid Start(){Debug.Log("This Start!");}// Update is called once per framevoid Update(){Debug.Log("This Updated");}void OnEnable(){Debug.Log("This Enabled");}void OnDisable(){Debug.Log("This Disabled");}void Awake(){Debug.Log("This Awaked");}void LateUpdated(){Debug.Log("This LateUpdated");}void FixedUpdate(){Debug.Log("This FixedUpdate");}private void OnGUI(){Debug.Log("This is ONGUI");}

Update:当行为启用时,其 Update 在每一帧被调用
Fixedupdate:当行为启用时,其 Fixedupdate 在每一时间片被物理引擎调用
OnGUI:渲染和处理 GUI 事件时调用
LateUpdate:所有 Update 调用完之后,被游戏循环调用

4)查找脚本手册,了解 GameObject,Transform,Component 对象
描述下图中 table 对象(实体)的属性、table的Transform的属性、table的部件
用UML 图描述 三者的关系(请使用UMLet 14.1.1 stand-alone版本出图)、


  • GameObject:是Unity场景里面所有实体的基类。

  • Transform:物体的位置、旋转和缩放。

  • Component:一切附加到游戏物体的基类。


  • activeSelf:可以定义对象的名称,动静态等属性
  • Transform:可以定义对象的位置、面向方向、大小
  • Box Collider:可以调整坐标系的位置、大小
  • Component:可以给对象增加行为

预设与对象克隆(clone or copy or Instantiate of Unity Object)关系?
制作 table 预制,写一段代码将 table 预制资源实例化成游戏对象





void Start(){print("hello");Debug.Log("start!");Object temp = Resources.Load("new_table");GameObject cube = Instantiate(temp) as GameObject;cube.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 5, 0);}


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;public class Calculator : MonoBehaviour
{public string str_res;public static string str_a;public static string str_b;public static string str_opera;float res;void Start(){Init();}void Init(){str_res = "0";str_a = "";str_b = "";str_opera = "";res = 0;}void OnGUI(){GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 0, 350, 220), "");//对数字进行处理if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0, 0, 50, 30), "1")){str_a += "1";str_res = str_a;}if (GUI.Button(new Rect(60, 0, 50, 30), "2")){str_a += "2";str_res = str_a;}if (GUI.Button(new Rect(120, 0, 50, 30), "3")){str_a += "3";str_res = str_a;}if (GUI.Button(new Rect(180, 0, 50, 30), "4")){str_a += "4";str_res = str_a;}if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0, 40, 50, 30), "5")){str_a += "5";str_res = str_a;}if (GUI.Button(new Rect(60, 40, 50, 30), "6")){str_a += "6";str_res = str_a;}if (GUI.Button(new Rect(120, 40, 50, 30), "7")){str_a += "7";str_res = str_a;}if (GUI.Button(new Rect(180, 40, 50, 30), "8")){str_a += "8";str_res = str_a;}if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0, 80, 50, 30), "9")){str_a += "9";str_res = str_a;}if (GUI.Button(new Rect(60, 80, 50, 30), "0")){str_a += "0";str_res = str_a;}//计算符号if (GUI.Button(new Rect(120, 80, 50, 30), "+")){str_opera = "+";print(str_b);if (str_a != null){str_b = str_a;}str_a = "";str_res = str_b;}if (GUI.Button(new Rect(60, 120, 50, 30), "-")){str_opera = "-";if (str_a != null){str_b = str_a;}str_a = "";str_res = str_b;}if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0, 120, 50, 30), "*")){str_opera = "*";if (str_a != null){str_b = str_a;}str_a = "";str_res = str_b;}if (GUI.Button(new Rect(180, 80, 50, 30), "/")){str_opera = "/";if (str_a != null){str_b = str_a;}str_a = "";str_res = str_b;}if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0, 160, 50, 30), "C")){if (str_a == ""){str_res = "0";return;}else{str_a = str_a.Substring(0, str_a.Length - 1);}str_res = str_a;}if (GUI.Button(new Rect(120, 120, 50, 30), "=")){if (str_opera == "+"){res = float.Parse(str_b) + float.Parse(str_a);}else if (str_opera == "-"){res = float.Parse(str_b) - float.Parse(str_a);}else if (str_opera == "*"){res = float.Parse(str_b) * float.Parse(str_a);}else if (str_opera == "/"){res = float.Parse(str_b) / float.Parse(str_a);}str_b = res.ToString();str_a = "";str_res = res.ToString();}if (GUI.Button(new Rect(180, 120, 50, 30), "CE")){str_a = "";str_a = "";res = 0;str_res = "";}GUI.Label(new Rect(300, 0, 100, 30), str_res);}


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