树莓派 天猫精灵智能灯泡

Smart bulbs are super convenient, and can save you money compared to traditional bulbs. One question, though, is whether they still use electricity even when the lights are turned off.

智能灯泡超级方便,并且与传统灯泡相比可以节省金钱。 不过,一个问题是,即使关闭灯,他们是否仍在用电。

为什么会引起关注? (Why Would This Be a Concern?)

LED bulbs in general can be a fantastic energy saver, since they don’t require a lot of electricity compared to other types of lights. Smart bulbs especially can be a big saver, since you can set them up to turn off automatically if you forget, or you’re not around.

一般来说,LED灯泡可以节省大量电能,因为与其他类型的灯相比,它们不需要大量的电能。 智能灯泡尤其可以节省很多,因为您可以将它们设置为在忘记或不在时自动关闭。

However, smart bulbs are still technically “on” even when they’re not emitting any light. The reason for this is that they have to maintain communication with your home’s Wi-Fi (or with a hub over Zigbee or Z-Wave). That way, they’re ready at a moment’s notice whenever you decide to turn the lights on remotely. So, smart bulbs are still using up some electricity even when the light is technically turned off.

但是,即使智能灯泡不发光,它在技术上仍处于“打开”状态。 原因是他们必须保持与您家的Wi-Fi(或Zigbee或Z-Wave上的集线器)的通信。 这样,无论您何时决定远程打开灯,它们都随时可以通知。 因此,即使从技术上讲灯已关闭,智能灯泡仍在消耗一些电量。

你不应该担心 (You Shouldn’t Be Worried)

With all that said, it’s completely valid to wonder just how much electricity smart bulbs still use when they’re sitting dormant, and how much it’s costing you. We did a little bit of experimenting to find out, but spoiler alert: it’s really not that much electricity at all, depending on which smart bulbs you use.

综上所述,完全可以怀疑智能灯泡在Hibernate状态下仍会消耗多少电量,以及它要花多少钱。 我们做了一些实验来找出答案,但会扰流板警报:视您使用的是哪种智能灯泡而定,实际上根本没有多少电。

Using my trusty Kill A Watt electricity usage monitor, I tested a Philips Hue White smart bulb (which uses Zigbee), a Eufy Lumos Wi-Fi smart bulb, and a GoControl Z-Wave smart bulb to see how much electricity each type of bulb pulled even when I had the light turned off. Here’s what I found.

我使用值得信赖的Kill A Watt用电量监视器 ,测试了Philips Hue White智能灯泡 (使用Zigbee), Eufy Lumos Wi-Fi智能灯泡和GoControl Z-Wave智能灯泡,以查看每种灯泡的电量即使我关了灯也拉了 这是我发现的。

飞利浦Hue白色灯泡 (Philips Hue White Bulb)

With the Philips Hue bulb, the wattage display on the Kill A Watt unit steadily hovered between 0.0 watts and 0.3 watts—it uses up so little electricity that the Kill A Watt was barely registering anything at all, but it was still registering something.

使用飞利浦Hue灯泡,Kill A Watt装置上的瓦数显示稳定地徘徊在0.0瓦和0.3瓦之间,它消耗的电量非常少,Kill A Watt几乎没有记录任何东西,但仍在记录任何东西

But for the sake of data and doing some math, let’s average it out and say that the bulb pulls 0.15 watts of power when it’s on “standby.” To figure out how much that’s costing you on your electric bill, we first need to convert that wattage into kilowatt-hours (kWh).

但是出于数据和做一些数学运算的目的,我们将其平均一下,并说灯泡处于“待机”状态时可消耗0.15瓦功率。 为了弄清楚您的电费多少,我们首先需要将瓦数转换为千瓦时 (kWh)。

Long story short, it would take roughly 6,600 hours before a Hue bulb uses up 1 kWh of power in standby mode (or 9.17 months). Depending on where you live, the cost for a single kWh of power differs, but for me it costs 15 cents. Therefore, a Hue bulb in standby mode costs around 1.6 cents per month—at least in my area.

简而言之,在待机模式下(大约9.17个月),Hue灯泡要消耗1 kWh的电量大约需要6600个小时。 根据您的居住地,每度电的成本有所不同,但对我而言,则为15美分。 因此, 处于待机状态的Hue灯泡每月的费用约为1.6美分,至少在我所在地区是这样。

Eufy Lumos Wi-Fi灯泡 (Eufy Lumos Wi-Fi Bulb)

The Eufy Lumos bulb uses straight up Wi-Fi to connect to your network, rather than using a hub like Zigbee or Z-Wave. The Kill A Watt displayed a constant reading of 0.5 watts for the Eufy bulb—not much more than the Hue bulb

Eufy Lumos灯泡使用直立的Wi-Fi连接到您的网络,而不是使用Zigbee或Z-Wave等集线器。 Kill A Watt的Eufy灯泡显示恒定的0.5瓦读数-不超过Hue灯泡

With those numbers, it would take 2,000 hours before the Eufy smart bulb uses up 1 kWh of power in standby mode (or 2.78 months). So using the $0.15/kWh figure, the average Wi-Fi bulb in standby mode costs roughly 5.4 cents per month.

有了这些数字,Eufy智能灯泡在待机模式下(即2.78个月)要消耗1 kWh的电量,将需要2,000个小时。 因此,使用$ 0.15 / kWh的数字, 待机模式下的平均Wi-Fi灯泡每月的成本约为5.4美分

GoControl Z-Wave灯泡 (GoControl Z-Wave Bulb)

The GoControl bulb (which uses Z-Wave instead of Zigbee) was a strange one, as the Kill A Watt was all over the place. It read anywhere between 0.6 watts and 4.8 watts at any given time. However, it was definitely using up way more power than the other two bulbs.

GoControl灯泡(使用Z-Wave代替Zigbee)很奇怪,因为Kill A Watt到处都是。 在任何给定时间,它的读数在0.6瓦至4.8瓦之间。 但是,它肯定比其他两个灯泡消耗更多的功率。

To get a better idea of how much power this bulb was using, I measured the kWh usage in real time and waited a few days. Granted, I could’ve done this for the other two bulbs I tested, but they use so little power that the measurement on the Kill A Watt changing from just 0.01 to 0.02 would take a couple days or more. On this GoControl bulb, it only takes a few hours, allowing me to monitor it more closely and accurately.

为了更好地了解此灯泡使用了多少功率,我实时测量了kWh的使用量,并等待了几天。 诚然,我可以为我测试的其他两个灯泡做到这一点,但是它们使用的功率非常小,以至于Kill A Watt的测量值从0.01变为0.02可能需要几天或更长时间。 在此GoControl灯泡上,仅需几个小时,因此我可以更精确地对其进行监视。

In any case, after about 72 hours, the bulb used up around 0.12 kWh of power (1.66 watts on average at any given time), which equates to 600 hours of usage before the bulb would use up 1 kWh of power in standby mode (or 3.7 weeks). Therefore, based on the same $0.15/kWh cost, the average Z-Wave bulb in standby mode costs roughly 17.9 cents per month.

无论如何,在约72小时后,灯泡将消耗约0.12 kWh的功率(在任何给定时间平均为1.66瓦),相当于600个小时的使用时间,灯泡在待机模式下将消耗1 kWh的功率(或3.7周)。 因此,基于相同的$ 0.15 / kWh成本, 待机模式下的平均Z-Wave灯泡每月成本约为17.9美分

I’m not sure exactly why this Z-Wave bulb uses so much more electricity in standby mode, but it’s likely because the bulb is acting as a repeater in the Z-Wave mesh network and relaying signals from a ton of other Z-Wave devices in my house back to my Wink smarthome hub. Of course, Zigbee does the same thing, but there are a lot fewer Hue bulbs in my house than Z-Wave devices. So keep this in mind if you plan on using Z-Wave bulbs in your setup.

我不确定为什么Z-Wave灯泡在待机模式下会消耗更多的电量,但这很可能是因为该灯泡在Z-Wave网状网络中充当中继器并中继来自大量其他Z-Wave的信号我家中的设备返回我的Wink智能家庭集线器 。 当然,Zigbee的作用相同,但是与Z-Wave设备相比,我家的Hue灯泡少得多。 因此,如果您打算在设置中使用Z-Wave灯泡,请记住这一点。

Of course, these cost figures are all dependent on how much you pay for electricity in your area and what your smarthome setup is like in your house. However, the main point is that there’s really no need to worry about your smart bulbs taking over your electricity bill, especially even the power used by the bulb I measured as the most expensive pales in comparison to how much power your lights pull when they’re actually turned on.

当然,这些成本数字都取决于您在当地支付的电费以及房屋中的智能家居设置。 但是,主要要点是,您实际上不必担心智能灯泡会接管您的电费,尤其是即使我测得的最昂贵的灯泡所消耗的功率与灯泡点亮时所消耗的功率相比也是如此。重新打开。

使用智能灯泡的总成本 (The Overall Cost of Using Smart Bulbs)

At full brightness, a Philips Hue White bulb uses 9.3 watts of power at 840 lumens, the GoControl bulb 8.5 watts at 750 lumens, and the Eufy Lumos bulb 8.7 watts at 800 lumens.

在全亮度下,Philips Hue White灯泡在840流明下使用9.3瓦功率,GoControl灯泡在750流明下使用8.5瓦功率,Eufy Lumos灯泡在800流明下使用8.7瓦功率。

With that in mind, let’s say that you have your lights on for 8 hours every day. For the Philips Hue White bulb, this means you’re looking at paying $0.35 per month to operate one bulb, with only a single penny of that being used for standby mode. So only 2.86% of the monthly cost of a Hue bulb is from when the bulb is in standby.

考虑到这一点,可以说您每天打开灯8个小时。 对于飞利浦Hue White灯泡,这意味着您每月需要为操作一个灯泡支付0.35美元,而其中只有一美分用于待机模式。 因此,仅当灯泡处于待机状态时,Hue灯泡每月成本的2.86%来自。

With the GoControl Z-Wave bulb, it would cost $0.43 per month, with $0.12 of that being for standby mode, or 27.9% of the monthly cost.

使用GoControl Z-Wave灯泡,每月费用为0.43美元,其中0.12美元用于待机模式,占月成本的27.9%。

As for a typical Wi-Fi smart bulb such as the Eufy Lumos, you’re actually looking at the same monthly operating cost as the Hue bulb (even though it uses slightly more power in standby mode), thanks to the lower wattage from fewer lumens. However, in this case, 11.43% of the monthly cost (or $0.04) is from standby mode.

对于典型的Wi-Fi智能灯泡(例如Eufy Lumos),实际上您的每月运营成本与Hue灯泡相同(即使在待机模式下它使用的电量略多),这归功于更少的功率流明。 但是,在这种情况下,每月费用的11.43%(即$ 0.04)来自待机模式。

Keep in mind, this is the cost for operating a single smart bulb, so you need to multiply that cost by however many smart bulbs you have in your house. In my case, I have nine Hue bulbs sprawled across my residence, which means I’m spending around $3.15 per month to operate these lights, with 9 cents of that being used for standby mode. Obviously, not every single one of my smart bulbs is on for 8 hours every day, so the actual cost is probably a bit lower.

请记住,这是操作单个智能灯泡的成本,因此您需要将该成本乘以房屋中拥有的许多智能灯泡的成本。 以我为例,我有九个Hue灯泡散布在我的住宅上,这意味着我每月要花费约3.15美元来操作这些灯,其中9美分用于待机模式。 显然,并不是每天我的智能灯泡中的每一个都会运行8个小时,因此实际成本可能要低一些。

However, this paints a picture of how little electricity your smart bulbs use and how little you pay to use them over the years. So even if they do use up electricity even when the light isn’t on, the cost is extremely negligible.

然而,这描绘了您的智能灯泡多年来使用了多少电量,以及您为使用它们而支付的费用很少。 因此,即使在灯不亮的情况下他们确实用完了电,成本也可以忽略不计。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/341872/do-smart-bulbs-use-up-electricity-even-when-they’re-off/

树莓派 天猫精灵智能灯泡

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