There is an infinite set generated as follows:

  • 11 is in this set.
  • If xx is in this set, x⋅ax⋅a and x+bx+b both are in this set.

For example, when a=3a=3 and b=6b=6, the five smallest elements of the set are:

  • 11,
  • 33 (11 is in this set, so 1⋅a=31⋅a=3 is in this set),
  • 77 (11 is in this set, so 1+b=71+b=7 is in this set),
  • 99 (33 is in this set, so 3⋅a=93⋅a=9 is in this set),
  • 1313 (77 is in this set, so 7+b=137+b=13 is in this set).

Given positive integers aa, bb, nn, determine if nn is in this set.


The input consists of multiple test cases. The first line contains an integer tt (1≤t≤1051≤t≤105) — the number of test cases. The description of the test cases follows.

The only line describing each test case contains three integers nn, aa, bb (1≤n,a,b≤1091≤n,a,b≤109) separated by a single space.


For each test case, print "Yes" if nn is in this set, and "No" otherwise. You can print each letter in any case.


24 3 5
10 3 6
2345 1 4
19260817 394 485
19260817 233 264



题意:原始集合中有元素 1 ,现有数字n , a , b。我们用集合中的元素乘以a,或加b 的方式构造数字,问能不能构造出n


  • 若a == 1时:集合中元素乘以a是不变的,因此这时只能用原来集合中的1,加上若干个b构造,如果n - 1 % b == 0,则可以构造,!= 0则相反。
  • 若a > 1:设当前乘完若干个a加完若干个b后数字是x(x = ((x + kb)*a + b)),看现在的x加上若干个b能不能构造出n,因此只要此时的n -  x % b == 0即可构造成功,不能的话,就要乘以a。x进入下一轮循环(加上若干b,再乘以a)。

关键:虽说可以任意顺序加b或者乘a,但事实上加若干b,有时是加0个b,所以就是*a + kb的顺序进行下去的 ,因此只需要判定n-x % b == 0即可,那为什么下列代码中是直接减去pow(a,j)再判断是否%b==0呢?

再看(x*a + k*b)*a = x*a^2 + k*a*b 注意到,后面省去的k*a*b,一定是可以由若干个b构成的,当

(n - x*a^2 )% b的时候还可以用若干k*a*b + k1*b来补齐剩余。


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define int long long
using namespace std;const int N = 1e5 + 10;int a[N];void solve(){int n,a,b; cin >> n >> a >> b;if(a == 1){if((n-1)%b==0)cout << "YES\n";else cout << "NO\n";}else{for(int j = 1;j <= n;j*=a){if((n - j) % b == 0){cout << "YES\n";return;}}cout << "NO\n";}
}signed main(){int t; cin >> t;while(t--){solve();} return 0;

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