
Initialize Gto the set of most-general hypotheses in H
Initialize Sto the set of most-specific hypotheses in H
For each training example, d, do:
If dis a positive example then:
Remove from Gany hypotheses that do not match d
For each hypothesis sin Sthat does not match d
Remove sfrom S
Add to S all minimal generalizations, h, of ssuch that:
1) h matches d
2) some member of Gis more general than h
Remove fromSany hthat is more general than another hypothesis in S
If dis a negative example then:
Remove from Sany hypotheses that match d
For each hypothesis gin Gthat matches d
Remove gfrom G
Add to G all minimal specializations, h, of gsuch that:
1) hdoes not match d
2) some member of Sis more specific than h
Remove fromG any hthat is more specific than another hypothesis in G



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