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You are given a sequence a1_{1}1​,a2_{2}2​,…,an_{n}n​ consisting of nn integers.

You may perform the following operation on this sequence: choose any element and either increase or decrease it by one.

Calculate the minimum possible difference between the maximum element and the minimum element in the sequence, if you can perform the aforementioned operation no more than k times.

The first line contains two integers n and k (2≤n≤105^{5}5,1≤k≤1014^{14}14)— the number of elements in the sequence and the maximum number of times you can perform the operation, respectively.

The second line contains a sequence of integers a1_{1}1​,a2_{2}2​,…,an_{n}n​(1≤ai≤109^{9}9)

Print the minimum possible difference between the maximum element and the minimum element in the sequence, if you can perform the aforementioned operation no more than kk times.

4 5
3 1 7 5
3 10
100 100 100
10 9
4 5 5 7 5 4 5 2 4 3
In the first example you can increase the first element twice and decrease the third element twice, so the sequence becomes [3,3,5,5] and the difference between maximum and minimum is 2. You still can perform one operation after that, but it’s useless since you can’t make the answer less than 2.

In the second example all elements are already equal, so you may get 0 as the answer even without applying any operations.



为什么呢?假设我们构造了一个 L∉A 和 R∉A的答案。如果我们增加到L的元素的数量不小于我们减少到R的元素的数量,那么我们可以构造最小等于L 1和最大等于R 1的答案,并且不需要更多的操作。如果我们增加到LL的元素的数量小于我们减少到R的元素的数量,那么我们构造L+1的最小值和最大值R+ 1的答案。所以我们可以移动范围[l,r],使它的一个端点属于


就是一道贪心题·,但由于操作次数过大,范围需定义为 long long分情况(到每个数的个数大小)从两边向中间推进,当两边数相等时结束。(感觉题挺简单,但测试的时候,连题都没看完。一是英语垃圾,二还是学的不精 )


using namespace std;
const int M=1e5+10;
typedef long long  ll;
ll m,n;
ll dp[M],book[M],s[M];
int main()
{scanf("%lld%lld",&m,&n);for(ll i=1; i<=m; i++){scanf("%d",&dp[i]);book[i]=1;}sort(dp,dp+m+1);ll k=1;s[k]=dp[1];for(ll i=2; i<=m; i++){if(s[k]==dp[i])book[k]++;else{k++;s[k]=dp[i];}}ll a=1,b=k;while(n){if(s[a]==s[b])break;if(book[a]>book[b]){ll bb=book[b]*(s[b]-s[b-1]);if(n<=bb){s[b]=s[b]-(n/book[b]);break;}n-=bb;book[b-1]+=book[b];b--;}else{ll aa=book[a]*(s[a+1]-s[a]);if(n<=aa){s[a]=s[a]+(n/book[a]);break;}n-=aa;book[a+1]+=book[a];a++;}}printf("%lld\n",s[b]-s[a]);return 0;

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