
More in the iconography series:• Foundations of Iconography• 7 Principles of Icon Design• 5 Ways to Create a Settings Icon• Icon Grids & Keylines Demystified• 3 Classic Icon Families

We all want our designs to display sharp on all platforms, for all our users. To achieve this goal for digital icons, a best practice has held the standard: it is recommended to pixel-fit or pixel-snap icons to sit precisely on a pixel grid. This means that all strokes and shapes snap to 1px increments and are positioned on the pixel.

我们都希望我们的设计能在所有平台上为所有用户展示出清晰的图像。 为了实现数字图标的这一目标,最佳实践已成为标准:建议对像素适合像素捕捉的图标精确放置在像素网格上。 这意味着所有笔触和形状均以1px增量对齐并位于像素上。

Most icon guides and design systems advocate this in their specs — Google Material, Adobe Spectrum, IBM Carbon, and Firefox Photon to name a few.

大多数图标指南和设计系统在其规范中都提倡这样做-仅举几例,例如Google Material , Adobe Spectrum , IBM Carbon和Firefox Photon 。

The rationale is that because digital images are rendered to a matrix of pixels on screen, aligning elements to whole pixels produces sharper results; placing elements on subpixels or half pixels leads to fuzzier results.

基本原理是,由于数字图像被渲染到屏幕上的像素矩阵,因此将元素与整个像素对齐可以产生更清晰的结果; 将元素放在亚像素半像素上会导致模糊的结果。

Though curved and angled lines can’t perfectly conform to a square pixel, the idea is to get as close as possible.


Makes sense, but I wanted to dig a little deeper. With today’s high resolution screens and potential non-integer scaling (e.g., from density-independent pixels), does this guidance still hold true? How important is pixel-snapping in practice? What effects do device, browser, file type, design software, and display magnification have on an icon’s render?

很有道理,但我想更深入一点。 在当今的高分辨率屏幕和潜在的非整数缩放(例如,来自与密度无关的像素 )上的情况下,此指南仍然适用吗? 像素捕捉在实践中有多重要? 设备,浏览器,文件类型,设计软件和显示放大率对图标的渲染有什么影响?

To answer these questions, I conducted a test.


程序 (Procedure)

I created 4 test icons on a 48 x 48px canvas, using a 2px stroke and a range of straight lines and curves.

我使用2px笔划以及一系列直线和曲线在48 x 48px的画布上创建了4个测试图标。

  • Variant 1 was snapped to 1 pixel


  • Variant 2 was snapped to .5 pixels


  • Variant 3 was snapped to .25 pixels

    变体3 被捕捉到.25像素

  • Variant 4 sat on an odd subpixel number (.315 pixels)

    变体4位于奇数子像素编号( .315像素 )

Test stimuli: 4 variants

I exported these from both Illustrator and Sketch, as both SVG and PNG, and displayed them in an HTML page at 4 sizes (the 48 x 48px original, 64 x 64px, 32 x 32px, 24 x 24px). I then ran the test by examining the assets across 7 devices and 3 browsers:

我将它们从IllustratorSketch导出为SVGPNG ,并在HTML页面中以4种尺寸显示它们(原始尺寸48 x 48px64 x 64px32 x 32px24 x 24px )。 然后,我通过检查7种设备3种浏览器上的资产来运行测试:

  • MacBook Pro (Chrome, Firefox, Safari)

    MacBook Pro(Chrome,Firefox,Safari)

  • Lenovo Thinkpad (Chrome, Firefox)


  • Windows 10 gaming PC with an Acer P244W monitor (Chrome, Firefox)

    带有Acer P244W显示器的Windows 10游戏PC(Chrome,Firefox)

  • iPad Pro (Chrome, Firefox, Safari)

    iPad Pro(Chrome,Firefox,Safari)

  • Pixel 3a (Chrome, Firefox)

    Pixel 3a(Chrome,Firefox)

  • Motorola Moto E4 (Chrome, Firefox)

    摩托罗拉Moto E4(Chrome,Firefox)

  • iPhone 11 Pro (Chrome, Firefox, Safari)

    iPhone 11 Pro(Chrome,Firefox,Safari)

I repeated the process 3 times to be confident in what I was seeing.


结果汇总 (Results Summary)

The detailed results are nuanced. For our purposes, I’ll summarize the takeaways here. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to illustrate all the findings; that would be a bit like talking about the matrix while inside the matrix.


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