


安装 VSCode Shell 命令,按 Shift+Cmd+P 搜索 shell command install 回车即可。


Visual Studio Code 1.30.0

Usage: code [options] [paths...]

To read from stdin, append '-' (e.g. 'ps aux | grep code | code -')


-d, --diff Compare two files with each other.

-a, --add

-g, --goto Open a file at the path on the specified line and character position.

-n, --new-window Force to open a new window.

-r, --reuse-window Force to open a file or folder in an already opened window.

-w, --wait Wait for the files to be closed before returning.

--locale The locale to use (e.g. en-US or zh-TW).


instances of Code.

-v, --version Print version.

-h, --help Print usage.

Extensions Management:


--list-extensions List the installed extensions.

--show-versions Show versions of installed extensions, when using


--uninstall-extension ( | ) Uninstalls an extension.

--install-extension ( | ) Installs or updates the extension. Use `--force` argument to

avoid prompts.

--enable-proposed-api () Enables proposed API features for extensions. Can receive

one or more extension IDs to enable individually.


--verbose Print verbose output (implies --wait).

--log Log level to use. Default is 'info'. Allowed values are 'critical', 'error', 'warn',

'info', 'debug', 'trace', 'off'.

-s, --status Print process usage and diagnostics information.

-p, --performance Start with the 'Developer: Startup Performance' command enabled.

--prof-startup Run CPU profiler during startup

--disable-extensions Disable all installed extensions.

--disable-extension Disable an extension.

--inspect-extensions Allow debugging and profiling of extensions. Check the developer tools for the

connection URI.

--inspect-brk-extensions Allow debugging and profiling of extensions with the extension host being paused after

start. Check the developer tools for the connection URI.

--disable-gpu Disable GPU hardware acceleration.

--upload-logs Uploads logs from current session to a secure endpoint.

--max-memory Max memory size for a window (in Mbytes).


```// 在 VSCode 中打开当前目录

$ code .

// 在最近使用过的 VSCode 窗口打开当前目录

$ code -r .

// 创建新的窗口

$ code -n

$ code --new-window

// 更改语言

$ code --locale=es

// 跳转到指定文件的指定行列,相当于跳转到指定文件的指定行的从左到右第几个字符上

$ code -g /path/to/:10:10

$ code --goto /path/to/:10:20

// 打开 diff 编辑器比较文件

$ code -d

$ code --diff

// 查看帮助选项

$ code --help

// 禁用所有扩展

$ code --disable-extensions

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