支持的平台包括Linux,Android,* BSD和Mac OS X.

测试环境中,让 api.xlxh.net 关联到IP为 的测试服务器,
在本机的 /etc/hosts 文件 中记录相应的域名IP映射关系
本机在尝试 解析一个域名时,会先去/etc/hosts中查找该域名对应的IP,并访问相应IP的服务器。
只有当/etc/hosts中 没有该域名的记录时,本机才会去DNS服务器进行域名解析。
DNS缓存 > /etc/hosts > DNS服务。
1、ONU WEB页面配置本地 DNS Service

2、如何验证 DNS Service功能是否 生效???

  1. PC直连被测设备 访问对应的域名(或页面设置的主机名) ,通过wireshare抓包软件 ,查看 该域名 返回的IP地址 是否 与设置 域名对应的IP地址一样(/etc/hosts文件)
  2. 通过dhs客户端指令解析 查看: nslookup 域名 查看 解析出的IP地址是否 和设置的IP一致
    nslookup api.xlxh.net

    Telnet ONU命令行通过 nslookup指令解析DNS
  3. 通过 host指令查看 域名对应的IP地址:
    host api.xlxh.net

3、DNS 服务器在linux下安装配置

3.1 安装Dnsmasq
sudo apt-get install dnsmasq

3.2 配置Dnsmasq
Dnsmasq所有的配置都在 /etc/dnsmasq.conf文件 中完成,按照需要简单做了以下修改。



3.3 按以上配置配置好Dnsmasq并启动后,会发现Dnsmasq无法正常解析域名,
使用ps -ef | grep dnsmasq查看后发现如下信息
dnsmasq 10384 1 0 15:16 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -x /var/run/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.pid -u
dnsmasq -r /var/run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf -7

其中dnsmasq -r /var/run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf说明Dnsmasq是从/var/run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf文件中获取上游DNS服务器,

# If the resolvconf package is installed, dnsmasq will use its output
# rather than the contents of /etc/resolv.conf to find upstream
# nameservers. Uncommenting this line inhibits this behaviour.
# Note that including a "resolv-file=<filename>" line in
# /etc/dnsmasq.conf is not enough to override resolvconf if it is
# installed: the line below must be uncommented.

3.4 启动Dnsmasq
sudo service dnsmasq start

3.5 设置ONU或路由器,将DNS服务指向本地DNS服务器
3.6 查看端口和进程
ps -ef |grep dnsmasq

netstat -tupnl |grep dnsmasq

4、 dnsmasq 命令参数详解:

 dnsmasq -r /var/default_resolv.conf -M 0 -T 6 -P 0 -U 0 --r:-r, --resolv-file=<file>
Read the IP addresses of the upstream nameservers from <file>, instead of /etc/resolv.conf. For the format of this file see resolv.conf(5). The only lines relevant to dnsmasq are nameserver ones. Dnsmasq can be told to poll more than one resolv.conf file, the first file name specified overrides the default, subsequent ones add to the list. This is only allowed when polling; the file with the currently latest modification time is the one used.-M 0:-M, --dhcp-boot=[tag:<tag>,]<filename>,[<servername>[,<server address>|<tftp_servername>]]
(IPv4 only) Set BOOTP options to be returned by the DHCP server. Server name and address are optional: if not provided, the name is left empty, and the address set to the address of the machine running dnsmasq. If dnsmasq is providing a TFTP service (see --enable-tftp ) then only the filename is required here to enable network booting. If the optional tag(s) are given, they must match for this configuration to be sent. Instead of an IP address, the TFTP server address can be given as a domain name which is looked up in /etc/hosts. This name can be associated in /etc/hosts with multiple IP addresses, which are used round-robin. This facility can be used to load balance the tftp load among a set of servers.-T 6:-T, --local-ttl=<time>
When replying with information from /etc/hosts or configuration or the DHCP leases file dnsmasq by default sets the time-to-live field to zero, meaning that the requester should not itself cache the information. This is the correct thing to do in almost all situations. This option allows a time-to-live (in seconds) to be given for these replies. This will reduce the load on the server at the expense of clients using stale data under some circumstances.-P 0:-P, --edns-packet-max=<size>
Specify the largest EDNS.0 UDP packet which is supported by the DNS forwarder. Defaults to 4096, which is the RFC5625-recommended size.-U 0:
-U, --dhcp-vendorclass=set:<tag>,[enterprise:<IANA-enterprise number>,]<vendor-class>
Map from a vendor-class string to a tag. Most DHCP clients provide a "vendor class" which represents, in some sense, the type of host. This option maps vendor classes to tags, so that DHCP options may be selectively delivered to different classes of hosts. For example --dhcp-vendorclass=set:printers,Hewlett-Packard JetDirect will allow options to be set only for HP printers like so: --dhcp-option=tag:printers,3, The vendor-class string is substring matched against the vendor-class supplied by the client, to allow fuzzy matching. The set: prefix is optional but allowed for consistency.
Note that in IPv6 only, vendorclasses are namespaced with an IANA-allocated enterprise number. This is given with enterprise: keyword and specifies that only vendorclasses matching the specified number should be searched.
-x, --pid-file=<path>
Specify an alternate path for dnsmasq to record its process-id in. Normally /var/run/dnsmasq.pid.详细参数见:http://www.thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/docs/dnsmasq-man.html#lbAE

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