safari cookie

You may not have anything to hide when we surf the Internet, but you still may want to clear your history every now and then. It’s pretty easy on Safari for OS X and only takes a couple clicks.

当我们上网时,您可能没有任何藏身之地,但是您仍然可能不时希望清除您的历史记录。 在OS X的Safari上,这非常简单,只需点击几下即可。

Clearing your browsing history doesn’t have to be an intricate chore. On Safari, all you do is click the “History” menu and select “Clear History…” at the bottom.

清除浏览历史记录不一定是一件繁琐的事情。 在Safari上,您要做的只是单击“历史记录”菜单,然后选择底部的“清除历史记录...”。

Once you do this, you will be given a choice, you can delete “the last hour”, “today”, “today and yesterday”, and “all history”. When you’ve decided, you can click the “Clear History” button and the history will be clear per your preference.

完成此操作后,您将可以选择,可以删除“最后一小时”,“今天”,“今天和昨天”以及“所有历史记录”。 确定后,您可以单击“清除历史记录”按钮,历史记录将根据您的喜好清除。

If you simply want to clear part of your history, you can click “Show History” (“Command + Y”).

如果您只想清除部分历史记录,则可以单击“显示历史记录”(“ Command + Y”)。

Click on the site or use the “Command” key to select several sites, then press the “Delete” key.


You can also set Safari to automatically clear your history every so often. When you open up the Safari preference (“Command + ,”), click the “General” tab, and select the “Remove History items” option.

您还可以将Safari设置为自动清除历史记录。 当您打开Safari首选项(“ Command +”)时,单击“常规”选项卡,然后选择“删除历史记录项”选项。

You can decide when or if your history is automatically deleted after one day, one week, two weeks, one month, one year, or you can keep your history indefinitely by selecting the manual option.


While you’re in the Safari preferences, click on the “Privacy” tab. We’ve talked about how to block third-party cookies, but we didn’t talk about clearing cookies altogether. Simply, click “Remove All Website Data…”.

在Safari偏好设置中,单击“隐私”选项卡。 我们已经讨论过如何阻止第三方Cookie ,但是我们没有谈论完全清除Cookie。 只需单击“删除所有网站数据…”。

You will be asked to confirm you want to “remove all data stored by websites on your computer”.


If you don’t want delete all your cookies, you can click the “Details…” button. On this page, you will see all the cookies stored on your computer.

如果您不想删除所有cookie,则可以单击“详细信息...”按钮。 在此页面上,您将看到计算机上存储的所有cookie。

If you select one, you can delete only that single cookie, or you can hold the “Command” button and select several, or you can “Remove All” of them.


Keep in mind if you do this, any websites you might have personalized will be removed, and you will be logged out of all websites (though it should be easy to log back in if you’ve saved your username and password).


Clearing your history and cookies isn’t necessarily sneaky. It’s good to be privacy-conscious because there are often times when someone will ask to use your computer for a minute. You may not be looking at anything untoward or scandalous, but then again, you don’t necessarily want just anyone knowing what you’ve been looking at or reading.

清除您的历史记录和cookie不一定是偷偷摸摸的。 保持隐私意识是件好事,因为有时候有人会要求您使用计算机一分钟。 您可能没有在看任何令人不快或丑闻的内容,但是再说一遍,您不必只让任何人知道您正在看或读的内容。


safari cookie

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