
Temperature Class (Temperature.java)
• One field, a double, named fTemp. • One constructor that accepts one argument.
o The constructor should assign the value of this argument to fTemp. • A method named toCelsius that returns the temperature (value of fTemp) in Celsius.
F to C conversion: (fTemp - 32) * (5/9)
• A method named toKelvin that returns the temperature (value of fTemp) in Kelvin.
F to K conversion: (fTemp + 459.67) * (5/9)
• Neither the toCelsius or toKelvin methods should alter the value of the fTemp field.

TemperatureDemo Class (TemperatureDemo.java)
This is the class that will demo a Temperature object; thus, it contains the main method.
In the main method:
• Prompt the user to enter a temperature in Fahrenheit.
• Construct an instance of your Temperature object
o The user’s input value is passed as the argument to the constructor
• Using the Temperature object’s toCelsius, and toKelvin methods, print:
o The temperature in Celsius.
o The temperature in Kelvin.
o All output should be rounded to 2 decimal places.
Be sure to use comments to document your code.

Sample Input/Output
Please enter the Fahrenheit temperature: 98.6
Celsius Temperature: 37.00 Kelvin Temperature: 310.15


/***This program can convert a user's input for Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius and Kelvin.*/import java.text.DecimalFormat;import java.util.Scanner;class Temperature {private static double fTemp;//private static//double fTemp;//Temperature(double fTemp){//  tem = fTemp;public Temperature(double t) {fTemp = t;}//Create one field//public static void main(String[] args) {//double fTemp;//Instantiate a Temperature object//Temperature demo = new Temperature();//}//A method named toCelsius that returns the temperature (value of fTemp) in Celsiuspublic static double toCelsius(){//Scanner show1 = new Scanner(System.in);//System.out.println("Please enter the Fahrenheit temperature: ");//double fTemp = Double.parseDouble(show1.nextLine());double result = (fTemp - 32) * (5.0/9.0);return result;}//A method named toKelvin that returns the temperature (value of fTemp) in Kelvinpublic static double toKelvin(){//Scanner show2 = new Scanner(System.in);//System.out.println("Please enter the Fahrenheit temperature: ");//double fTemp = Double.parseDouble(show2.nextLine());double result = (fTemp + 459.67) * (5.0/9.0);return result;}
}class TemperatureDemo {public static void main(String[] args) {//Prompt the user to enter a temperature in Fahrenheit.Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);System.out.println("Please enter the Fahrenheit temperature: ");double fTemp = Double.parseDouble(keyboard.nextLine());//Instantiate a Temperature objectTemperature demo = new Temperature(fTemp);//Convert input temperature to be rounded to 2 decimal places.DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.00");System.out.print("Celsius Temperature: ");//Print the temperature in Celsius using the toCelsius method of Temperature objectSystem.out.println(df. format(Temperature.toCelsius()));System.out.print("Kelvin Temperature: ");//Print the temperature in Kelvin using the toKelvin method of Temperature objectSystem.out.println(df. format(Temperature.toKelvin()));}

P.S. 被“//”的绝大部分为“待用”部分——意为之前尝试过可行,但正在寻找更好方式的足迹。

可以看出,在class Temperature { private static double fTemp; }中所花费大量时间的尝试。目前还有一个对于此处的疑问:为什么语句是这样,而不是直接的double fTemp呢?(因为这一class的其它method引用不了。可是为什么呢?)(待今后的我来回答~)

Temperature demo = new Temperature(fTemp);

Please enter the Fahrenheit temperature:
Celsius Temperature: -17.78
Kelvin Temperature: 255.37



/***This program can convert a user's input for Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius and Kelvin.*/import java.text.DecimalFormat;import java.util.Scanner;class Temperature {private static double fTemp;public Temperature(double t) {fTemp = t;}//A method named toCelsius that returns the temperature (value of fTemp) in Celsiuspublic static double toCelsius(){double result = (fTemp - 32) * (5.0/9.0);return result;}//A method named toKelvin that returns the temperature (value of fTemp) in Kelvinpublic static double toKelvin(){double result = (fTemp + 459.67) * (5.0/9.0);return result;}
}class TemperatureDemo {public static void main(String[] args) {//Prompt the user to enter a temperature in Fahrenheit.Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);System.out.println("Please enter the Fahrenheit temperature: ");double fTemp = Double.parseDouble(keyboard.nextLine());//Instantiate a Temperature objectTemperature demo = new Temperature(fTemp);//Convert input temperature to be rounded to 2 decimal places.DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.00");System.out.print("Celsius Temperature: ");//Print the temperature in Celsius using the toCelsius method of Temperature objectSystem.out.println(df. format(Temperature.toCelsius()));System.out.print("Kelvin Temperature: ");//Print the temperature in Kelvin using the toKelvin method of Temperature objectSystem.out.println(df. format(Temperature.toKelvin()));}


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