

python = 3.7.7
pandas = 1.0.3
neat-python = 0.92
numpy = 1.17.0
matplotlib = 3.1.1
(conda install)graphviz = 2.38.0
(pip install)graphviz = 0.13.2



#--- parameters for the xianxing experiment ---#[NEAT]
fitness_criterion     = max
fitness_threshold     = 99
pop_size              = 300
reset_on_extinction   = True[DefaultGenome]
# node activation options
activation_default      = random
activation_mutate_rate  = 0.1
activation_options      = relu# node aggregation options
aggregation_default     = sum
aggregation_mutate_rate = 0.1
aggregation_options     = sum# node bias options
bias_init_mean          = 0.0
bias_init_stdev         = 1.0
bias_max_value          = 30.0
bias_min_value          = -30.0
bias_mutate_power       = 0.5
bias_mutate_rate        = 0.7
bias_replace_rate       = 0.1# genome compatibility options
compatibility_disjoint_coefficient = 1.0
compatibility_weight_coefficient   = 0.5# connection add/remove rates
conn_add_prob           = 0.5
conn_delete_prob        = 0.5# connection enable options
enabled_default         = True
enabled_mutate_rate     = 0.1feed_forward            = True
initial_connection      = full# node add/remove rates
node_add_prob           = 0.2
node_delete_prob        = 0.2# network parameters
num_hidden              = 0
num_inputs              = 1
num_outputs             = 1# node response options
response_init_mean      = 1.0
response_init_stdev     = 0.0
response_max_value      = 30.0
response_min_value      = -30.0
response_mutate_power   = 0.0
response_mutate_rate    = 0.0
response_replace_rate   = 0.0# connection weight options
weight_init_mean        = 0.0
weight_init_stdev       = 1.0
weight_max_value        = 30
weight_min_value        = -30
weight_mutate_power     = 0.5
weight_mutate_rate      = 0.8
weight_replace_rate     = 0.1[DefaultSpeciesSet]
compatibility_threshold = 3.0[DefaultStagnation]
species_fitness_func = max
max_stagnation       = 20
species_elitism      = 3[DefaultReproduction]
elitism            = 3
survival_threshold = 0.3


import os
import neat
import visualize
import pandas as pddata = pd.read_csv('data.csv')
x_input = data.x
y_output = data.ydef inputshuju():x = []for i in range(len(x_input)):x1 = x_input[i]x.append([x1])return xdef outputshuju():y = []for i in range(len(y_output)):y1 = y_output[i]y.append([y1])return y# 1个输入,1个输出
xor_inputs = inputshuju()
xor_outputs = outputshuju()def eval_genomes(genomes, config):# 评估函数for genome_id, genome in genomes:  # 每一个个体genome.fitness = 100.0  # 适应度为100.0的评估net = neat.nn.FeedForwardNetwork.create(genome, config)  # 生成一个前向传导网络for xi, xo in zip(xor_inputs, xor_outputs):  # zip打包成元祖的列表,https://www.runoob.com/python3/python3-func-zip.htmloutput = net.activate(xi)genome.fitness -= (output[0] - xo[0]) ** 2  # 训练完后得到一个fitnessdef run(config_file):# 读取配置文件config = neat.Config(neat.DefaultGenome, neat.DefaultReproduction,neat.DefaultSpeciesSet, neat.DefaultStagnation,config_file)# 创建种群p = neat.Population(config)# 打印训练过程p.add_reporter(neat.StdOutReporter(True))stats = neat.StatisticsReporter()p.add_reporter(stats)p.add_reporter(neat.Checkpointer())# 迭代1000次winner = p.run(eval_genomes, 1000)# 显示最佳网络print('\nBest genome:\n{!s}'.format(winner))print('\nOutput:')winner_net = neat.nn.FeedForwardNetwork.create(winner, config)for xi, xo in zip(xor_inputs, xor_outputs):output = winner_net.activate(xi)print("input {!r}, expected output {!r}, got {!r}".format(xi, xo, output))# 打印网络结构node_names = {-1: 'x', 0: 'y'}visualize.draw_net(config, winner, True, node_names=node_names)visualize.plot_stats(stats, ylog=False, view=True)visualize.plot_species(stats, view=True)# p = neat.Checkpointer.restore_checkpoint('neat-checkpoint-49')# p.run(eval_genomes, 10)if __name__ == '__main__':local_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)config_path = os.path.join(local_dir, 'config-feedforward')run(config_path)


from __future__ import print_functionimport copy
import warningsimport graphviz
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as npdef plot_stats(statistics, ylog=False, view=False, filename='avg_fitness.svg'):""" Plots the population's average and best fitness. """if plt is None:warnings.warn("This display is not available due to a missing optional dependency (matplotlib)")returngeneration = range(len(statistics.most_fit_genomes))best_fitness = [c.fitness for c in statistics.most_fit_genomes]avg_fitness = np.array(statistics.get_fitness_mean())stdev_fitness = np.array(statistics.get_fitness_stdev())plt.plot(generation, avg_fitness, 'b-', label="average")plt.plot(generation, avg_fitness - stdev_fitness, 'g-.', label="-1 sd")plt.plot(generation, avg_fitness + stdev_fitness, 'g-.', label="+1 sd")plt.plot(generation, best_fitness, 'r-', label="best")plt.title("Population's average and best fitness")plt.xlabel("Generations")plt.ylabel("Fitness")plt.grid()plt.legend(loc="best")if ylog:plt.gca().set_yscale('symlog')plt.savefig(filename)if view:plt.show()plt.close()def plot_spikes(spikes, view=False, filename=None, title=None):""" Plots the trains for a single spiking neuron. """t_values = [t for t, I, v, u, f in spikes]v_values = [v for t, I, v, u, f in spikes]u_values = [u for t, I, v, u, f in spikes]I_values = [I for t, I, v, u, f in spikes]f_values = [f for t, I, v, u, f in spikes]fig = plt.figure()plt.subplot(4, 1, 1)plt.ylabel("Potential (mv)")plt.xlabel("Time (in ms)")plt.grid()plt.plot(t_values, v_values, "g-")if title is None:plt.title("Izhikevich's spiking neuron model")else:plt.title("Izhikevich's spiking neuron model ({0!s})".format(title))plt.subplot(4, 1, 2)plt.ylabel("Fired")plt.xlabel("Time (in ms)")plt.grid()plt.plot(t_values, f_values, "r-")plt.subplot(4, 1, 3)plt.ylabel("Recovery (u)")plt.xlabel("Time (in ms)")plt.grid()plt.plot(t_values, u_values, "r-")plt.subplot(4, 1, 4)plt.ylabel("Current (I)")plt.xlabel("Time (in ms)")plt.grid()plt.plot(t_values, I_values, "r-o")if filename is not None:plt.savefig(filename)if view:plt.show()plt.close()fig = Nonereturn figdef plot_species(statistics, view=False, filename='speciation.svg'):""" Visualizes speciation throughout evolution. """if plt is None:warnings.warn("This display is not available due to a missing optional dependency (matplotlib)")returnspecies_sizes = statistics.get_species_sizes()num_generations = len(species_sizes)curves = np.array(species_sizes).Tfig, ax = plt.subplots()ax.stackplot(range(num_generations), *curves)plt.title("Speciation")plt.ylabel("Size per Species")plt.xlabel("Generations")plt.savefig(filename)if view:plt.show()plt.close()def draw_net(config, genome, view=False, filename=None, node_names=None, show_disabled=True, prune_unused=False,node_colors=None, fmt='svg'):""" Receives a genome and draws a neural network with arbitrary topology. """# Attributes for network nodes.if graphviz is None:warnings.warn("This display is not available due to a missing optional dependency (graphviz)")returnif node_names is None:node_names = {}assert type(node_names) is dictif node_colors is None:node_colors = {}assert type(node_colors) is dictnode_attrs = {'shape': 'circle','fontsize': '9','height': '0.2','width': '0.2'}dot = graphviz.Digraph(format=fmt, node_attr=node_attrs)inputs = set()for k in config.genome_config.input_keys:inputs.add(k)name = node_names.get(k, str(k))input_attrs = {'style': 'filled','shape': 'box'}input_attrs['fillcolor'] = node_colors.get(k, 'lightgray')dot.node(name, _attributes=input_attrs)outputs = set()for k in config.genome_config.output_keys:outputs.add(k)name = node_names.get(k, str(k))node_attrs = {'style': 'filled'}node_attrs['fillcolor'] = node_colors.get(k, 'lightblue')dot.node(name, _attributes=node_attrs)if prune_unused:connections = set()for cg in genome.connections.values():if cg.enabled or show_disabled:connections.add((cg.in_node_id, cg.out_node_id))used_nodes = copy.copy(outputs)pending = copy.copy(outputs)while pending:new_pending = set()for a, b in connections:if b in pending and a not in used_nodes:new_pending.add(a)used_nodes.add(a)pending = new_pendingelse:used_nodes = set(genome.nodes.keys())for n in used_nodes:if n in inputs or n in outputs:continueattrs = {'style': 'filled','fillcolor': node_colors.get(n, 'white')}dot.node(str(n), _attributes=attrs)for cg in genome.connections.values():if cg.enabled or show_disabled:#if cg.input not in used_nodes or cg.output not in used_nodes:#    continueinput, output = cg.keya = node_names.get(input, str(input))b = node_names.get(output, str(output))style = 'solid' if cg.enabled else 'dotted'color = 'green' if cg.weight > 0 else 'red'width = str(0.1 + abs(cg.weight / 5.0))dot.edge(a, b, _attributes={'style': style, 'color': color, 'penwidth': width})dot.render(filename, view=view)return dot


原理很简单,先用panda读取数据,然后用neat算法(遗传拓扑神经网络)迭代进化出我们需要的拓扑和权重,初始设定的fitness_threshold = 99,迭代次数为1000次,当fitness > 99,或者迭代了1000次,代码运行结束,最后可以看下实验最后部分结果。

 ****** Running generation 1 ****** Population's average fitness: -44417.02749 stdev: 40257.92716
Best fitness: 89.04762 - size: (1, 1) - species 1 - id 544
Average adjusted fitness: 0.902
Mean genetic distance 1.631, standard deviation 0.836
Population of 300 members in 2 species:ID   age  size  fitness  adj fit  stag====  ===  ====  =======  =======  ====1    1   281     89.0    0.902     02    0    19       --       --     0
Total extinctions: 0
Generation time: 0.034 sec (0.034 average)****** Running generation 999 ****** Population's average fitness: -66597.44638 stdev: 271056.35588
Best fitness: 92.77414 - size: (1, 1) - species 64 - id 275343
Average adjusted fitness: 0.980
Mean genetic distance 2.519, standard deviation 0.711
Population of 301 members in 5 species:ID   age  size  fitness  adj fit  stag====  ===  ====  =======  =======  ====21  756    56     92.8    0.989   41762  182    51     92.2    0.955   14864  154   101     92.8    0.981   10172   80    52     91.7    0.990     473   68    41     92.0    0.987     4
Total extinctions: 0
Generation time: 0.066 sec (0.069 average)
Saving checkpoint to neat-checkpoint-999Best genome:
Key: 254624
Fitness: 92.77413717482956
Nodes:0 DefaultNodeGene(key=0, bias=-2.67537926563292, response=1.0, activation=relu, aggregation=sum)3113 DefaultNodeGene(key=3113, bias=-2.00329012513426, response=1.0, activation=relu, aggregation=sum)
Connections:DefaultConnectionGene(key=(-1, 0), weight=0.48258719499769087, enabled=True)DefaultConnectionGene(key=(-1, 3113), weight=-1.74060320260046, enabled=True)Output:
input [100], expected output [45], got [45.583340234136166]
input [110], expected output [51], got [50.40921218411307]
input [120], expected output [54], got [55.23508413408999]
input [130], expected output [61], got [60.060956084066895]
input [140], expected output [66], got [64.8868280340438]
input [150], expected output [70], got [69.7126999840207]
input [160], expected output [74], got [74.53857193399762]
input [170], expected output [78], got [79.36444388397452]
input [180], expected output [85], got [84.19031583395143]
input [190], expected output [89], got [89.01618778392834]


最后,代码迭代了1000次结束的不是fitness > 99结束的,可以看下最后的Best fitness = 92.77414,然后我们看下原来的输出和实际的输出相差多少。如下

input [100], expected output [45], got [45.583340234136166]
input [110], expected output [51], got [50.40921218411307]
input [120], expected output [54], got [55.23508413408999]
input [130], expected output [61], got [60.060956084066895]
input [140], expected output [66], got [64.8868280340438]
input [150], expected output [70], got [69.7126999840207]
input [160], expected output [74], got [74.53857193399762]
input [170], expected output [78], got [79.36444388397452]
input [180], expected output [85], got [84.19031583395143]
input [190], expected output [89], got [89.01618778392834]



Nodes:0 DefaultNodeGene(key=0, bias=-2.67537926563292, response=1.0, activation=relu, aggregation=sum)3113 DefaultNodeGene(key=3113, bias=-2.00329012513426, response=1.0, activation=relu, aggregation=sum)
Connections:DefaultConnectionGene(key=(-1, 0), weight=0.48258719499769087, enabled=True)DefaultConnectionGene(key=(-1, 3113), weight=-1.74060320260046, enabled=True)

-1代表x,0代表y,生成的3113只是进化的多余的节点,可以不用管,假设线性回归方程为y = kx + b

从下面的这行的输出可以得出k = weight = 0.48258719499769087

DefaultConnectionGene(key=(-1, 0), weight=0.48258719499769087, enabled=True)

同理,得出b = bias = -2.67537926563292

0 DefaultNodeGene(key=0, bias=-2.67537926563292, response=1.0, activation=relu, aggregation=sum)




y = 0.4737 x - 1.33




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