
  • 使用数据
  • Batch Perception算法
    • 原理
    • 代码实现
  • Ho-Kashyap算法
    • 原理
    • 代码实现
  • MSE算法
    • 原理
    • 代码实现
  • 代码汇总


Batch Perception算法


设有一组样本y1,y2,...,yny_1,y_2,...,y_ny1​,y2​,...,yn​,各样本均规范化表示,我们的目的是找一个解向量aaa ,使aTyi>0a^T y_i>0aTyi​>0。在线性可分的情况下,满足上式的aaa是无穷的。所以要引出一个损失函数进行优化。这个准则的基本思想是错分样本最少:
J(a)=∑y∈Y(−aTy)J(a)=\sum_{y\in Y}(-a^{T}y)J(a)=∑y∈Y​(−aTy)
∂J∂a=∑y∈Y(−y)\frac{\partial J}{\partial a}=\sum_{y\in Y}(-y)∂a∂J​=∑y∈Y​(−y)
ak+1=ak−η∑y∈Y(−y)a_{k+1}=a_{k}-η\sum_{y\in Y}(-y)ak+1​=ak​−η∑y∈Y​(−y)


# Define batch perception algorithm
# Input: w1, w2
#   w1: Samples in class 1
#   w2: Samples in class 2
# Output: a, n
#   a: the parameters
#   n: number of iterations
def batch_perception(w1, w2):# Generate the normalized augmented samplesw = trans_sample(w1, w2)# Initiationa = np.zeros_like(w[1])eta = 1                             # Learning ratetheta = np.zeros_like(w[1])+1e-6    # Termination conditionsn = 0                               # Number of iterations# Implement the algorithmwhile True:y = np.zeros_like(w[1])for sample in w:if np.matmul(a.T, sample) <= 0:# the sample is misclassified y += sampleeta_y = eta * yif all(np.abs(eta_y)<=theta):# if the termination conditions are satisfied, terminate the iterationbreaka += eta_yn += 1print ("The dicision surface a is {}\nThe number of iterations is {}.".format(a, n))return a, n



刚才的准则函数都是关注于错分样本,而对正确分类的样本则没有考虑在内。MSE准则函数把求解目标从不等式形式变成了等式形式:求取满足 aTyi=bia^T y_i=b_iaTyi​=bi​的权向量。在这里,bib_ibi​是任取的正常数。

如果记矩阵 Y∈Rn∗dY\in R^{n*d}Y∈Rn∗d且其每行都是一个样本 yTy^TyT,向量 b=[b1,b2,...,bn]Tb=[b_1,b_2,...,b_n]^Tb=[b1​,b2​,...,bn​]T,那么就可以表述为存在Ya=b>0Ya=b>0Ya=b>0。为了求解这个问题,使用MSE准则函数:
J=∣∣Ya−b∣∣2=∑i=1n(aTyi−bi)2J=||Ya-b||^2=\sum_{i=1}^{n}(a^T y_i-b_i)^2J=∣∣Ya−b∣∣2=∑i=1n​(aTyi​−bi​)2

∂J∂a=2YT(Ya−b)\frac{\partial J}{\partial a}=2Y^T(Ya-b)∂a∂J​=2YT(Ya−b)
∂J∂b=−2(Ya−b)\frac{\partial J}{\partial b}=-2(Ya-b)∂b∂J​=−2(Ya−b)
bk+1=bk+2ηk12(∂J∂b−∣∂J∂b∣)b_{k+1}=b_k+2η_{k}\frac{1}{2}(\frac{\partial J}{\partial b}-|\frac{\partial J}{\partial b}|)bk+1​=bk​+2ηk​21​(∂b∂J​−∣∂b∂J​∣)


# Define Ho-Kashyap algorithm
# Input: w1, w2
#   w1: Samples in class 1
#   w2: Samples in class 2
# Output: a, b, n
#   a, b: the parameters
#   e: training errors
def HK_algorithm(w1, w2):# Generate the normalized augmented samplesw = trans_sample(w1, w2)# Initiationa = np.zeros_like(w[1])b = np.zeros(w.shape[0]) + 0.5yita = 0.5                          # learning rateth_b = np.zeros(w.shape[0]) + 1e-6  # Termination condition of bth_n = 10000                        # Termination condition of nn = 0                               # Number of iterations# Implement the algorithmwhile n <= th_n:e = np.matmul(w, a) - be_ = 0.5 * (e + np.abs(e))b += 2 * (yita) * e_a = np.matmul(np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(w.T, w)), w.T), b)n += 1if all(np.abs(e) == 0): # if the errors are all 0, terminate the iterationprint ("The dicision surface a is {}.".format(a))print ("The dicision errors are {}.".format(e))return a, b, eif all(np.abs(e) <= th_b): # if the termination conditions are satisfied, terminate the iterationprint ("The dicision surface a is {}.".format(a))print ("The dicision errors are {}.".format(e))return a, b, e# if the termination conditions are not satisfied when n = th_n, terminate the iterationprint ("Iteration exceed the maxinum number! No solution found !")print ("The current dicision surface a is {}.".format(a))print ("The current dicision errors are {}.".format(e))return a, b, e



y=WTx+b,W∈Ed∗c,b∈Rcy=W^{T}x+b,W\in E^{d*c},b\in R^{c}y=WTx+b,W∈Ed∗c,b∈Rc
如果j=argmax(WTx+b)j=argmax(W^{T}x+b)j=argmax(WTx+b),则x∈ωjx\in \omega_jx∈ωj​

令W^=WbT,x^=x1∈Rd+1,X^=(x1^,x2^,...,xn^)∈R(d+1)∗n\hat{W}=\begin{matrix}W\\b^T\\\end{matrix},\hat{x}=\begin{matrix}x\\1\\\end{matrix}\in R^{d+1}, \hat{X}=(\hat{x_1},\hat{x_2},...,\hat{x_n})\in R^{(d+1)*n}W^=WbT​,x^=x1​∈Rd+1,X^=(x1​^​,x2​^​,...,xn​^​)∈R(d+1)∗n
W^=(X^X^T+λI)−1X^YT∈R(d+1)∗c\hat{W}=(\hat{X}\hat{X}^{T}+\lambda I)^{-1}\hat{X}Y^{T}\in R^{(d+1)*c}W^=(X^X^T+λI)−1X^YT∈R(d+1)∗c


# Define the multiple classed test function
# Input: w, a
#   w: [[class1], [class2], ...]
#   a: the parameters (sample_d+1, class_n)
# Output: f_ratio
#   f_ratio: false ratio
def multi_class_mse_test(w, a):w_ = copy.deepcopy(w)cnt = 0for class_i, sample in enumerate(w_):print(sample)for sample_i, test_sample in enumerate(sample):test_sample.append(1)test_sample = np.array(test_sample)print(np.matmul(a.T, test_sample))test_result = np.argmax(np.matmul(a.T, test_sample))if test_result != class_i: cnt += 1f_ratio = cnt / ((class_i+1)*(sample_i+1))print("The false rate is {} ".format(f_ratio))return f_ratio


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import copy# Sample w1, w2, w3, w4
w1 = [[0.1, 1.1],   [6.8, 7.1],   [-3.5, -4.1], [2.0, 2.7],   [4.1, 2.8],   [3.1, 5.0],   [-0.8, -1.3], [0.9, 1.2],   [5.0, 6.4],   [3.9, 4.0]]
w2 = [[7.1, 4.2],   [-1.4, -4.3], [4.5, 0.0],   [6.3, 1.6],   [4.2, 1.9],   [1.4, -3.2],  [2.4, -4.0],  [2.5, -6.1],  [8.4, 3.7],   [4.1, -2.2]]
w3 = [[-3.0, -2.9], [0.5, 8.7],   [2.9, 2.1],   [-0.1, 5.2],  [-4.0, 2.2],  [-1.3, 3.7],  [-3.4, 6.2],  [-4.1, 3.4],  [-5.1, 1.6],  [1.9, 5.1]]
w4 = [[-2.0, -8.4], [-8.9, 0.2],  [-4.2, -7.7], [-8.5, -3.2], [-6.7, -4.0], [-0.5, -9.2], [-5.3, -6.7], [-8.7, -6.4], [-7.1, -9.7], [-8.0, -6.3]]# Generate the normalized augmented samples
# Input: w1, w2
#   w1: samples in class 1
#   w2: samples in class 2
# Output: w
#   w: normalized augmented samples in class 1 and a
def trans_sample(w1,w2):w_1 = copy.deepcopy(w1)w_2 = copy.deepcopy(w2)# Augmentationfor sample in w_1: sample.append(1)for sample in w_2: sample.append(1)# Regulationw_1 = np.array(w_1)w_2 = -np.array(w_2)w   = np.concatenate([w_1, w_2])return w# Define batch perception algorithm
# Input: w1, w2
#   w1: Samples in class 1
#   w2: Samples in class 2
# Output: a, n
#   a: the parameters
#   n: number of iterations
def batch_perception(w1, w2):# Generate the normalized augmented samplesw = trans_sample(w1, w2)# Initiationa = np.zeros_like(w[1])eta = 1                             # Learning ratetheta = np.zeros_like(w[1])+1e-6    # Termination conditionsn = 0                               # Number of iterations# Implement the algorithmwhile True:y = np.zeros_like(w[1])for sample in w:if np.matmul(a.T, sample) <= 0:# the sample is misclassified y += sampleeta_y = eta * yif all(np.abs(eta_y)<=theta):# if the termination conditions are satisfied, terminate the iterationbreaka += eta_yn += 1print ("The dicision surface a is {}\nThe number of iterations is {}.".format(a, n))return a, n# Define Ho-Kashyap algorithm
# Input: w1, w2
#   w1: Samples in class 1
#   w2: Samples in class 2
# Output: a, b, n
#   a, b: the parameters
#   e: training errors
def HK_algorithm(w1, w2):# Generate the normalized augmented samplesw = trans_sample(w1, w2)# Initiationa = np.zeros_like(w[1])b = np.zeros(w.shape[0]) + 0.5yita = 0.5                          # learning rateth_b = np.zeros(w.shape[0]) + 1e-6  # Termination condition of bth_n = 10000                        # Termination condition of nn = 0                               # Number of iterations# Implement the algorithmwhile n <= th_n:e = np.matmul(w, a) - be_ = 0.5 * (e + np.abs(e))b += 2 * (yita) * e_a = np.matmul(np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(w.T, w)), w.T), b)n += 1if all(np.abs(e) == 0): # if the errors are all 0, terminate the iterationprint ("The dicision surface a is {}.".format(a))print ("The dicision errors are {}.".format(e))return a, b, eif all(np.abs(e) <= th_b): # if the termination conditions are satisfied, terminate the iterationprint ("The dicision surface a is {}.".format(a))print ("The dicision errors are {}.".format(e))return a, b, e# if the termination conditions are not satisfied when n = th_n, terminate the iterationprint ("Iteration exceed the maxinum number! No solution found !")print ("The current dicision surface a is {}.".format(a))print ("The current dicision errors are {}.".format(e))return a, b, e# Define multiple class MSE algorithm
# Input: w
#   w: [[class1], [class2], ...]
# Output: a
#   a: the parameters (sample_d+1, class_n)
def multi_class_mse(w_i):w_ = copy.deepcopy(w_i)class_n = len(w_)sample_n = len(w_[0])# Initiationw = []y = np.zeros((class_n, class_n*sample_n))for class_idx, class_sample in enumerate(w_):for sample in class_sample: sample.append(1)w.append(sample)y[class_idx, class_idx*sample_n:(class_idx+1)*sample_n] = 1print(y)w = np.array(w).T # w: (class_n*sample_n, 3)# y: (class_n, class_n*sample_n)a = np.matmul(np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(w, w.T)+0.01), w), y.T)print ("The dicision surface a is {}.".format(a))return a# Define the multiple classed test function
# Input: w, a
#   w: [[class1], [class2], ...]
#   a: the parameters (sample_d+1, class_n)
# Output: f_ratio
#   f_ratio: false ratio
def multi_class_mse_test(w, a):w_ = copy.deepcopy(w)cnt = 0for class_i, sample in enumerate(w_):print(sample)for sample_i, test_sample in enumerate(sample):test_sample.append(1)test_sample = np.array(test_sample)print(np.matmul(a.T, test_sample))test_result = np.argmax(np.matmul(a.T, test_sample))if test_result != class_i: cnt += 1f_ratio = cnt / ((class_i+1)*(sample_i+1))print("The false rate is {} ".format(f_ratio))return f_ratio# Show the classification results
# Input: w1, w2
#   w1: Samples in class 1
#   w2: Samples in class 2
#   a: the parameters
def show_result(w1, w2, a):# Samples in class 1w_1 = np.array(w1)x1 = w_1[:, 0]y1 = w_1[:, 1]plt.scatter(x1, y1, marker = '.',color = 'red')# Samples in class 2w_2 = np.array(w2)x2 = w_2[:, 0]y2 = w_2[:, 1]plt.scatter(x2, y2, marker = '.',color = 'blue')# Decision surfacex = np.arange(-10, 10, 0.1)y = -a[0]/a[1]*x - a[2]/a[1]plt.plot(x, y)plt.xlabel('x_1')plt.ylabel('x_2')plt.title('Classfication Result')plt.show()# Show the multiple classification results
# Input: w, a
#   w: [[class1], [class2], ...]
#   a: the parameters
def multi_class_show_result(w, a):class_n = len(w)for class_idx, class_sample in enumerate(w):# Samples in class_idxw_i = np.array(class_sample)x = w_i[:, 0]y = w_i[:, 1]plt.scatter(x, y)# Decision surfacex = np.arange(-10, 10, 0.1)y = -a[0][class_idx]/a[1][class_idx]*x - a[2][class_idx]/a[1][class_idx]plt.plot(x, y)plt.xlabel('x_1')plt.ylabel('x_2')plt.title('Classfication Result')plt.show()if __name__ == "__main__":print("The result of the batch perception algorithm is shown below")print("w1 and w2")a, n = batch_perception(w1, w2)show_result(w1, w2, a)print("w3 and w2")a, n = batch_perception(w3, w2)show_result(w3, w2, a)print("-------------------------------------")print("The result of the Ho-Kashyap algorithm is shown below")print("w1 and w3")a, b, e = HK_algorithm(w1, w3)show_result(w1, w3, a)print("w2 and w4")a, b, e = HK_algorithm(w2, w4)show_result(w2, w4, a)print("-------------------------------------")print("The result of the multiple calss MSE is shown below")a = multi_class_mse([w1[:8], w2[:8], w3[:8], w4[:8]])multi_class_show_result([w1[:8], w2[:8], w3[:8], w4[:8]], a)multi_class_mse_test([w1[8:], w2[8:], w3[8:], w4[8:]], a)

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