一、 分类

  1. 简单介词

   指由一个单词构成的介词,简单介词也可能由形容词、副词、名词、连词等转变而来,常用的有:by, in, after, on, at, past, since, till, until, over, opposite, off, near, of, with, up, under, toward(s), through, like, from, for, down, during, except, but, beyond, between,besides, beside, beneath, below, behind, before, among, along, against, above, across, about, amid(st), onto, undernearth, unlike, around, round, next, despite, than, save 除......之外。

  He wrote by candlelight 他在烛光下写作。

  She paused in admiration of the beautiful view. 她驻足观赏美景。

  The ground beneath us was a bank covered with the grass. 我们脚下是长着青草的河岸。

  The wine can be drunk before, during and after a meal.  这种酒在饭前、饭后、饭中饮用均可。

  From behind her desk she heard them passing in the garden. 她从书桌后听见他们从花园中走过。

  The orchard is just up this road about  a smile past  the school on your left. 果园就在这条路边,离左边的学校约一英里远。


  in →静态(在......内), read in the study. 在书房里读书;

  into→动态(进入)walk into the study.走进书房;

  across  动态 (在.....的另一边): The villa is across the river. 别墅在河对岸。

       动态(从......一边到另一边): A swan is flying across the lake. 一只天鹅正在飞过湖面。

  alongside  动态(在......旁边, 与...在一起): The children ran alongside, screaming farewells. 孩子们一边跟着跑, 一边大声喊再见。

  ·      静态(在......旁边)He had two acres of land alongside a cherry orchard down the valley. 他在山谷低处的樱桃园旁有两英亩土地。

  提示:除near 外, 介词没有比较级和最高级的形式。例如:

  who comes nearest her in wit. 谁在智力上最接近他?

  Call me again nearer the time of the party. 晚会快开的时候,再叫我一声。

  Why don't you move your chair nearer mine?  你为什么不把椅子挪离我近一些呢?

  In fact this computer cost nearer two thousand dollars. 事实上,这台计算机差不多花了2000美元。

  2. 以现在分词形式和过去分词形式结尾的介词:

  这类介词由分词演变而来,常用的有:excepting 除......外;including 包括;regarding 关于;barring 除......外, concerning 关于;touching 关于;considering 就......而言, saving 除外; respecting 关于, pending 在......期间/在......以前, failing 如果没有/若无......时;following 在......以后, wanting 无/缺,  given 如果考虑到.

  I want to ask your advice concerning one or two questions. 我想就一两个问题征求你的意见.

  Barring any last minute problems, we should finish the job tonight. 除非最后一分钟出问题,否则今晚我们应该能完成任务.

  The investigation was reorganiozed, following the resignation of the prime minister. 在首相辞职后,调查进行了重新组织.

  3. 合成介词

  这类介词由两个单词组合而成,凝聚力强,连写,已成为独立的单词, 常用的有: into 进入, outside 在.....外, within 在......之内; without 没有;throughout 遍及/贯穿; inside 在......之内, upon 在......上, alongside 在......旁边/沿着, notwithstanding 虽然.

  He grew up overnight upon starting school.  上学后, 他一下子长大成熟了许多.

  I don't care what you do outside working hours. 我并不在意你上班时间之外华做什么.

  Throughout his career his main concerns have been with foreign affairs. 在整个职业生涯中,他主要从事外交事务.

  4. 短语介词

  短语介词是短语性的固定介词搭配, 可以由"介词+名词+介词", "介词+介词","介词+动词","形容词+介词","副词+介词"等构成, 常用的有 out of 从......里面/从......中, but for 要不是, ahead of  在......前, according to 根据, apart from 除......外, along with  同......一起, because of 由于/因为,  together with 同.......一起, as to 关于,至于, save for  除了, in front of 在......之前, in place of 代替, on behalf of 代表, near to 靠近, instead of 替代/而不, next to 紧靠旁边/贴近, on prior to 在.....之前, in view of 考虑到, in spite of 尽管, in accordance with 根据, by means of 用/依靠, as from 自......起, as for 至于, apart from 除......外/ 若无, expect for 除.....外, as concerns 关于, as compared with 同......相比, for want of 因为缺乏, at the cost of 以......为代价, over against 在......对面/正对着, down to 下至/直至, away from 离开, irrespective of 不顾, with a view to 旨在/目的是, on the point of 正要......之际, in the event of 如果发生./万一, for the sake of 为了, by way of  经由/通过, up to 一直到, thanks to 由于/多亏, previous to 先于, due to 由于, deviod of 毫无......的, in return for 作为.......的报答/交换;with the exception of 除了, in between 在.....之间, without regard to 不考虑, 不顾.

  Mary was close to tears. 玛丽快要落下泪来了.

  The village was uncomfortably close to the river. 这个村庄靠近河流令人不安.

  She continued to care for her farther up till the time of his death. 她一直照顾父亲直到他去世.

  He knew that he was up against a powerful political force. 她明白入自己遇到了强大的政治势力.

  The country road ahead of us was rather muddy. 我们前面的乡村道路泥泞不堪.

  He got a lot of fun out\ of sweeping dead leaves in the yard. 他觉得清扫庭院中的枯叶挺有乐趣.

  Henery always does whatever he please without regard to the feeling  of others. 亨丽做事总是随心所欲,从不考虑别人的感情.

  Different methods are used depending on what results are required. 根据所需结果采用不同的方法.

  In between school and university I did a two-month crash course in spoken English.  在中学毕业之后到上大学之前这段时间, 我上了两个月的英语口语速成班.

  Mrs. Newman was composed, eager, and on top of every situation. 纽曼夫人从容而热情,凡事都能应付自如.

  At length, save for an occasional rustle, the wooden hut was silent. 终于, 小木屋里安静下来了, 只有偶尔发出的沙沙声.

  要注意的是, 短语介词中的搭配都是固定的,不可随意变更,如by means of 不可说成by means to

  [提示]短语介词不同于介词短语.短语介词是用作介词的短语, (如 with a view to), 不可独立使用,本身不能用作句子成分,后面要跟名词,动名词或代词等; 介词短语是由介词+宾语构成的短语(如 with a view to buying a car), 本身可作句子成分,如作定语、状语等,可独立使用。比较:

  They lived among the hills. 他们住在山中。 (among the hills 是介词短语,作状语)

  I will help you for the sake of our friendship. 为了我们的友谊,我是愿意帮助你的(for the sake of 是短语介词, for the sake of our friendship 是介词短语,作状语)

  I'll take this one for want of a better. 没有更好的, 我就拿这一个。 (for want of 是短语介词, for want of a better one 是介词短语)

  5. 介词和副词

  英语中,有少量介词和副词同形。 短语动词中若有这类双重词性的词,有介词宾语者为介词,无介词宾语者为副词。 比较off:

  The wedding is off. 婚礼取消了。

  He took a day off. 他休息了一天。

  The town is only two miles off. 小城就在两英里之外。

  She turned off into a side road. 她拐进了一条岔道。

  The price was already 20% off. 价格已经打八折。

  The joke didn't quite come off. 那个笑话没有得到预期的效果。

  The college entrance examination is only three days off. 三天后就要高考了。

  以上句中off 用作副词。

  The book is off the shelf. 书从架子上掉下来了。

  He is off duty today. 他今天不值班。

  The cover is off the box now. 盒盖掉了。

  It is not far off ten o'clock. 现在差不多10点钟了。

  The baby is three days off one year old. 这婴儿再过3天满周岁。

  He is two years off fifty. 再过两年他就满50周岁了。

  The ship was blown off her course. 轮船被风吹离了航线。

  The hotel is only 300 meters off the coast. 这家膂旅馆离海边只有300米。

  You will pay 10% off the price if you buy both. 如果两件都买的话,可以便宜10%。

  以上句中的off 用作介词


  When she came to, she found herself in hospital. 她醒来时发现自己在医院里。(副词)

  She came to herself a few minutes later. 几分钟后,她苏醒过来了。(介词)

  There was no water left, so he had to go without. 没有水剩下了,所以他只得渴着。(副词)

  He went without water for two days. 他两天没有喝水。(介词)

  6. 从“天边的草原”看英语介词使用的复杂性

  英语介词虽然数量不多,但用法还是颇为复杂的,所以汉语中的“的”为例, 英语中没有固定的与之相对应的词,绝不等同于of 或 's 所有格。在不同的词结构中,“的”字往往要译为不同的介词或其它词,视内在含义而定。 比如“天边的草原”要译为the grassland on the horizon, 用 on, 而“南山的竹”要译为 the bamboos at the southern hill, 用at:


  路边的野花  the wild flowers on the roadside          哈尔滨的夏天    the summer in Harbin

  墙上的窗户  the windows in the wall            博物馆的入口    the entrance to the museum

  柏拉图的著作  the works by Plato              英语写的论文    the paper in English

  作诗的天赋  the talent for writing poetry          水中的月    the moon reflected in water

  早晨的太阳  the rising sun in the morning        历史的见证    the witness to history

  描述自然风光的书  a book on natural scenery        岸 边的垂柳    the willows on the shore

  穿过森林的小路  the path through the woods         汉白玉的雕像    a statue in marble

  山中的寺庙    the temple in the hills          脾气暴躁的人  a man with a hot temper

  追名逐利的人 a man after fame and gain          不屑一顾的人  a man beneath notice

  复原无望的人  a man beyond hope of recovery        路上的一个坑  a hollow in the road

  人口的减少   a decrease in population          篱笆上的一个洞  a hole in the fence

  两国间的战争  a war between the two countries,     树上的鸟儿  the birds in the tree

  对自由的渴望   a longing for freedom           对她不利的证据   the evidence against her

  墙上/面上的裂缝   a break in the wall/ surface        臂上的伤  the wound in one's arm

  月光下的散步  a walk in the moonlight        河对岸的村庄   the village beyond the river

  山脚下的小溪   the stream at the foot of the hill                 年轻时的梦想   the dream in youth

  地下的财宝  the treasure beneath the ground            年逾古稀的老人   an ole man  past seventy

  废墟中的野花   the wild flowers amid the ruins                他身后的好名声   a good name behind him

  蓝天下的群山  the mountains against  the clear blue sky

  2. 同一介词可以与不同的动词搭配, 不同的介词也可以与同一动词搭配

  He lives   by the river 他住在河边。

  She sat  by the window. 她靠窗户坐着。

  A car ran  by them.  一辆车从他们旁边驶过。

  She went   by him without saying anything. 她默默无言地从他身边走过。

  They came by the nearest road. 他们抄近路来。

  He entered by the back door. 他从后门进入。

  They travelled by land. 他们陆上旅行。

  He woked  by day. 他们白天工作。

  The price fell by 3 percent.价格下降。

  The ship sailed  on the sea. 船在海上航行。

          out of the harbor.船驶出码头。

          into the harbor船驶进码头。

          under the bridge. 船在桥下航行。

         across the  Atlantic. 船横渡过大西洋。

         towards the island. 船驶向那个岛。

            up the river. 船驶向河的上游。

         by the river. 船靠岸行驶。

         down the river. 船驶向下游。

         past the lighthouse. 船从灯塔旁驶过。

         against the wind.逆风行船。

         before the wind. 顺风行船。

           for Shanghai. 船驶向上海。

         to the mouth of the river. 船驶向河口。

          with the tide. 涨潮时开船。

7. 从"从.......开始" 看英语介词的表述的精确性

  “从......开始”无论是“从今天开始”、“从8点开始”、“从南京开始”,汉语中一个“从”字足矣, 但这个“从” 字绝不可一概译为英语中的“from”. 英语中介词的使用是非常严格而精确的,汉语中的同一个词往往要用不同的英语介词表述,试以“从”字为例。

  The winter vacation begins from today. 寒假从今天开始。

  The meeting began at eight o'clock. 会议从8点钟开始。

  He began his career by doing odd jobs. 他是从打零工开始起家的。

  Our school begin in September. 我们从9月份开始工作。

  Let's begin with this lesson. 让我们从这一课开始。

  The movement began at Beijing. 这次运动是从北京开始的。

  Charity begins at home.行善从家庭开始。

  Her illness started with a slight fever. 她的病是从轻微发焕然烧开始的。

  To protect the environment, start with me. 保护环境,从我做起。

  The mid-term examination will begin on Monday. 期中考试将从星期一开始。

  The exhibition began on march 15, 2013. 展览自2013年3月15日开始。

  Starting at age 40, blood pressure should be measured every five months.从40岁开始,应该每5个月量一次血压。



  The book is beyond her. 这本书她读不懂。

  The man is beneath contempt. 那人为人所不齿。

  The retired general lived in a small castle miles  three miles past the village. 那位退役将军住在村庄过去三英里的一座小城堡里。


  Who is she talking to? 她在同谁谈话?

  Which hotel did you stay at? 你住在哪家宾馆?

  Which desk did you put the book on? 你把书放在哪个桌子上了?

  3.定语从句中位于that/whom/which 之前的介词也可以放在句尾:

  在这种情况下,关系代词可以省略,但介词不可放在that前面,而必须放在句尾,that 可省略,例如:

  She is teacher (whom , that ) I once worked together with. 她是一位老师,与我做过同事。

  This is the kind of life(that, which)he is used to. 他已经习惯了这种生活。

  3. 某些wh-词引导的名词性从句中,关系代词为介词宾语位于从句句首时,介词应后置:

  I don't know what you are driving at. 我不知道你是什么意途。

  Money is what he is badly in need of. 他急需的是钱。

  I wonder whose room he was in. 我不知道他是在谁的房间里。

  I don't know what he looks like. 我不知道他长得什么样。

  4. 动词不定式作定语,需要介词同句中的主语构成介宾关系时, 介词应后置:

  The lake is safe to swim in. 这个湖里游泳是安全的。

  The table lamp is bright enough to read by.这个台灯很亮,看书没有问题。

  5. 动词不定式作定语,需要介词同动词不定式所修饰的名词构成介宾关系时,介词应后置:

  It is the key to open the box with. 这就是开那个箱子的钥匙。

  In those days he even didn't have  any money to buy food with. 在那些日子里,他甚至连购买食物的钱都没有。

  They pledged their newly borrowed house house for a loan to do business with. 他们以刚购置的房屋作为抵押,弄到一笔贷款来做生间。

  3. 在某些“(不及物)动词+介词”结构中,介词紧跟动词后:


  The thief broke into the house. 盗贼闯进了屋子。

  She looked after her brother. 她照看弟弟。

  He takes after his mother. 他像他的妈妈(不可说 He takes his mother after.)


  1. 介词的宾语不仅限于名词和代词,还可以是其他词类或句子。


    The car ran into a wall, and two men were killed. 汽车撞到了墙上, 两人身亡。

    I shall answer you concerning your request. 关于你的请求, 我将给予答复。

    The park is home to half of the world's population of gorillas. 这个公园是世界上一半大猩猩的家。

    That is a building constructed of wood, metal, concrete, etc. 那是一幢用木材、金属和混凝土等建成的建筑物。

    Human affairs are all subject to change and disasters. 人世界,事不由已,变迁灾祸,难以预料。

    It was towards sunset on a cool autumn today. 那是一个秋日微凉的黄昏。、

    They trudged westward, day and night, over dusty roads and roaring rivers, under hot suns and cold rains, through green valleys and windy wastelands. 他们向着西方,艰苦跋涉,日夜兼程,走过尘土飞扬的道路,渡过咆哮的河流,经受着烈日的曝晒和朔风怒号的荒原。


    She is interested in it.她对此感兴趣。

    Whereever he went, he carried the photo with him. 他无论到那里,都将那幅照片随身带着。


    Your plan is far from perfect. 你的计划,远不完美。

    I have advised him in private. 我私下劝过他。

    In short, I have done my best. 总之一句话,我已经尽了全力。

    The bridge is anything but safe. 这座桥一点也不安全。

    In, from, but, near, instead of, 等后可用形容词作宾语。

  (4)副词。 例如:

    She came from afar. 她自远方来。

    He shouted from below. 他从下面喊叫。

    We have trusted her till recently. 我们直到最近还一直相信她。

    I can't see the tower clearly from here. 我从这里看不清那座塔。

    They have never seen each other since five years ago. 他们五年来一直未见过面。

    She received them coldly instead of warmly. 他接待他们不热情,很冷淡。

    from, since, except, till, until, instead of 等后面可用副词作宾语。


    He insisted on doing it that way. 他坚持要那样做。

    She spent the morning in reading. 他把上午的时间用在读书上。

    He entered the room without taking off his hat. 他进了房间,没脱下帽子。

    Instead of attempting to save one species at a time, they are trying to save a complete natural environment. 他们努力拯救整个自然环境,而不是在一段时间内拯救一个物种。

    As for being adopted, I have no desire to find my real parents. 我是养子,可我并不想去找我的生身父母。

    in, on, without, instead of 等后可用动名词作宾语。

  (6)不定式。 例如:

    He did nothing but cry. 他只是哭个不停。

    I would sooner die than yield. 我宁死也不屈服。

    He couldn't do anything except wait for the reply. 她只能等待答服。

    He knew better than to trust the bypocrite. 他很明智,不会相信那个伪君子的。

    but, besides, except, than 等后可用不定式作宾语。








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    本文主要介绍HttpModule,它在一个网页请求过程中是一个怎样的过程是我们要知道的,在网页加载过程中HttpModule在何时被执行也是我们要知道的,以及,HttpModule在网页请求过程中,所 ...

  7. linux自学视频资料第四讲:目录

    大家下午好! 今天linux自学视频第四讲:目录 这一讲大家要记住linux中的文件的权限(这在第三讲中有讲到)和目录的权限 首先大家要记住:u g o 这三个字母的定义  然后是 r w x 这三个 ...

  8. [概统]本科二年级 概率论与数理统计 第四讲 连续型随机变量

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  9. 斯坦福大学深度学习与自然语言处理第四讲:词窗口分类和神经网络

    斯坦福大学在三月份开设了一门"深度学习与自然语言处理"的课程:CS224d: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing,授课老师是 ...


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