
  • 前言
    • 功能介绍:
      • 1、靠近亮灯、距离保持约10cm常亮,远离延时熄灭
      • 2、靠近点亮/熄灭LED,延时期间操作不响应
      • 3、挥手点亮/熄灭LED,悬停进行非无极pwm调光
  • 接线
  • 效果图
  • 源码
    • 通用部分
      • APDS9930.cpp
      • APDS9930.h
    • 1、靠近亮灯、距离保持约10cm常亮,远离延时熄灭
    • 2、点亮/熄灭LED,延时期间操作不响应
    • 3、挥手点亮/熄灭LED,悬停进行非无极pwm调光
  • 参考图


开发板:Arduino Uno Rev3 创客主板
开发环境:Arduino IDE
开发语言:Arduino 语言(类C语言)




当有物体靠近传感器约10cm的位置时,触发中断,点亮LED LIGHT_TIME毫秒,持续触发则常亮,无则灭灯。 通过修改 宏定义 LIGHT_TIME调节延时,LED负极接在数字10口(正极 3.3V供电)


当有物体靠近传感器约10cm的位置时,触发中断,点亮/熄灭LED,延时RESPONSE_TIME毫秒,延时期间操作不响应。 通过修改 宏定义 RESPONSE_TIME调节延时响应。



  • 如果4RESPONSE_TIME毫秒内 没有触发4次中断,即4RESPONSE_TIME毫秒内,划过传感区域,则为开关模式,会进行LED的亮灭操作(亮到设定的pwm_val)
  • 如果4RESPONSE_TIME毫秒内 触发了4次中断,即4RESPONSE_TIME毫秒以上,物体一直停留在传感区域内,则为pwm调光模式,会进行LED的pwm非无极调光(每次在当前基础上增加PWM_CHANGE_VAL)
  • 如果在pwm调光模式下,物体移出了传感区域,则会结束pwm值的调节。若下次继续快划,则进行开关,若继续悬停,则继续调光。
  • 单位延时RESPONSE_TIME毫秒,延时期间操作不响应。
  • 通过修改 宏定义 RESPONSE_TIME调节延时响应,若想增加调光速率,可减小此值。
  • 通过修改 宏定义 PWM_CHANGE_VAL,调节单次pwm调光的大小,范围1-255。若想要更细致的调光,可减小此值。


 Arduino Pin  APDS-9930 Board  Function3.3V         VL               据说用作参考电压,得接上3.3V         VCC              PowerGND          GND              GroundA4           SDA              I2C DataA5           SCL              I2C Clock2            INT              Interrupt10           -                LED


Arduino+APDS9930 实现手势控制灯亮灭、调光等




/**@file    APDS-9930.cpp@brief   Library for the SparkFun APDS-9930 breakout board@author  Shawn Hymel (SparkFun Electronics)@copyright  This code is public domain but you buy me a beer if you usethis and we meet someday (Beerware license).This library interfaces the Avago APDS-9930 to Arduino over I2C. The libraryrelies on the Arduino Wire (I2C) library. to use the library, instantiate anAPDS9930 object, call init(), and call the appropriate functions.APDS-9930 current draw tests (default parameters):Off:                   1mAWaiting for gesture:   14mAGesture in progress:   35mA
*/#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Wire.h>#include "APDS9930.h"/**@brief Constructor - Instantiates APDS9930 object
{}/**@brief Destructor
{}/**@brief Configures I2C communications and initializes registers to defaults@return True if initialized successfully. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::init()
{uint8_t id;/* Initialize I2C */Wire.begin();/* Read ID register and check against known values for APDS-9930 */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_ID, id) ) {Serial.println(F("ID read"));return false;}if ( !(id == APDS9930_ID_1 || id == APDS9930_ID_2) ) {Serial.println(F("ID check"));Serial.println(String("ID is ") + String(id, HEX));//return false;}/* Set ENABLE register to 0 (disable all features) */if ( !setMode(ALL, OFF) ) {Serial.println(F("Regs off"));return false;}/* Set default values for ambient light and proximity registers */if ( !wireWriteDataByte(APDS9930_ATIME, DEFAULT_ATIME) ) {return false;}if ( !wireWriteDataByte(APDS9930_WTIME, DEFAULT_WTIME) ) {return false;}if ( !wireWriteDataByte(APDS9930_PPULSE, DEFAULT_PPULSE) ) {return false;}if ( !wireWriteDataByte(APDS9930_POFFSET, DEFAULT_POFFSET) ) {return false;}if ( !wireWriteDataByte(APDS9930_CONFIG, DEFAULT_CONFIG) ) {return false;}if ( !setLEDDrive(DEFAULT_PDRIVE) ) {return false;}if ( !setProximityGain(DEFAULT_PGAIN) ) {return false;}if ( !setAmbientLightGain(DEFAULT_AGAIN) ) {return false;}if ( !setProximityDiode(DEFAULT_PDIODE) ) {return false;}if ( !setProximityIntLowThreshold(DEFAULT_PILT) ) {return false;}if ( !setProximityIntHighThreshold(DEFAULT_PIHT) ) {return false;}if ( !setLightIntLowThreshold(DEFAULT_AILT) ) {return false;}if ( !setLightIntHighThreshold(DEFAULT_AIHT) ) {return false;}if ( !wireWriteDataByte(APDS9930_PERS, DEFAULT_PERS) ) {return false;}return true;
}/*******************************************************************************Public methods for controlling the APDS-9930******************************************************************************//**@brief Reads and returns the contents of the ENABLE register@return Contents of the ENABLE register. 0xFF if error.
uint8_t APDS9930::getMode()
{uint8_t enable_value;/* Read current ENABLE register */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_ENABLE, enable_value) ) {return ERROR;}return enable_value;
}/**@brief Enables or disables a feature in the APDS-9930@param[in] mode which feature to enable@param[in] enable ON (1) or OFF (0)@return True if operation success. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::setMode(uint8_t mode, uint8_t enable)
{uint8_t reg_val;/* Read current ENABLE register */reg_val = getMode();if ( reg_val == ERROR ) {return false;}/* Change bit(s) in ENABLE register */enable = enable & 0x01;if ( mode >= 0 && mode <= 6 ) {if (enable) {reg_val |= (1 << mode);} else {reg_val &= ~(1 << mode);}} else if ( mode == ALL ) {if (enable) {reg_val = 0x7F;} else {reg_val = 0x00;}}/* Write value back to ENABLE register */if ( !wireWriteDataByte(APDS9930_ENABLE, reg_val) ) {return false;}return true;
}/**@brief Starts the light (Ambient/IR) sensor on the APDS-9930@param[in] interrupts true to enable hardware interrupt on high or low light@return True if sensor enabled correctly. False on error.
bool APDS9930::enableLightSensor(bool interrupts)
{/* Set default gain, interrupts, enable power, and enable sensor */if ( !setAmbientLightGain(DEFAULT_AGAIN) ) {return false;}if ( interrupts ) {if ( !setAmbientLightIntEnable(1) ) {return false;}} else {if ( !setAmbientLightIntEnable(0) ) {return false;}}if ( !enablePower() ) {return false;}if ( !setMode(AMBIENT_LIGHT, 1) ) {return false;}return true;}/**@brief Ends the light sensor on the APDS-9930@return True if sensor disabled correctly. False on error.
bool APDS9930::disableLightSensor()
{if ( !setAmbientLightIntEnable(0) ) {return false;}if ( !setMode(AMBIENT_LIGHT, 0) ) {return false;}return true;
}/**@brief Starts the proximity sensor on the APDS-9930@param[in] interrupts true to enable hardware external interrupt on proximity@return True if sensor enabled correctly. False on error.
bool APDS9930::enableProximitySensor(bool interrupts)
{/* Set default gain, LED, interrupts, enable power, and enable sensor */if ( !setProximityGain(DEFAULT_PGAIN) ) {return false;}if ( !setLEDDrive(DEFAULT_PDRIVE) ) {return false;}if ( interrupts ) {if ( !setProximityIntEnable(1) ) {return false;}} else {if ( !setProximityIntEnable(0) ) {return false;}}if ( !enablePower() ) {return false;}if ( !setMode(PROXIMITY, 1) ) {return false;}return true;
}/**@brief Ends the proximity sensor on the APDS-9930@return True if sensor disabled correctly. False on error.
bool APDS9930::disableProximitySensor()
{if ( !setProximityIntEnable(0) ) {return false;}if ( !setMode(PROXIMITY, 0) ) {return false;}return true;
}/**Turn the APDS-9930 on@return True if operation successful. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::enablePower()
{if ( !setMode(POWER, 1) ) {return false;}return true;
}/**Turn the APDS-9930 off@return True if operation successful. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::disablePower()
{if ( !setMode(POWER, 0) ) {return false;}return true;
}/*******************************************************************************Ambient light sensor controls******************************************************************************//**@brief Reads the ambient (clear) light level as a 16-bit value@param[out] val value of the light sensor.@return True if operation successful. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::readAmbientLightLux(float &val)
{uint16_t Ch0;uint16_t Ch1;/* Read value from channel 0 */if ( !readCh0Light(Ch0) ) {return false;}/* Read value from channel 1 */if ( !readCh1Light(Ch1) ) {return false;}val = floatAmbientToLux(Ch0, Ch1);return true;
}bool APDS9930::readAmbientLightLux(unsigned long &val)
{uint16_t Ch0;uint16_t Ch1;/* Read value from channel 0 */if ( !readCh0Light(Ch0) ) {return false;}/* Read value from channel 1 */if ( !readCh1Light(Ch1) ) {return false;}val = ulongAmbientToLux(Ch0, Ch1);return true;
}float APDS9930::floatAmbientToLux(uint16_t Ch0, uint16_t Ch1)
{uint8_t x[4] = {1, 8, 16, 120};float ALSIT = 2.73 * (256 - DEFAULT_ATIME);float iac  = max(Ch0 - ALS_B * Ch1, ALS_C * Ch0 - ALS_D * Ch1);if (iac < 0) iac = 0;float lpc  = GA * DF / (ALSIT * x[getAmbientLightGain()]);return iac * lpc;
}unsigned long APDS9930::ulongAmbientToLux(uint16_t Ch0, uint16_t Ch1)
{uint8_t x[4] = {1, 8, 16, 120};unsigned long ALSIT = 2.73 * (256 - DEFAULT_ATIME);unsigned long iac  = max(Ch0 - ALS_B * Ch1, ALS_C * Ch0 - ALS_D * Ch1);if (iac < 0) iac = 0;unsigned long lpc  = GA * DF / (ALSIT * x[getAmbientLightGain()]);return iac * lpc;
}bool APDS9930::readCh0Light(uint16_t &val)
{uint8_t val_byte;val = 0;/* Read value from channel 0 */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_Ch0DATAL, val_byte) ) {return false;}val = val_byte;if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_Ch0DATAH, val_byte) ) {return false;}val += ((uint16_t)val_byte << 8);return true;
}bool APDS9930::readCh1Light(uint16_t &val)
{uint8_t val_byte;val = 0;/* Read value from channel 0 */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_Ch1DATAL, val_byte) ) {return false;}val = val_byte;if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_Ch1DATAH, val_byte) ) {return false;}val += ((uint16_t)val_byte << 8);return true;
}/*******************************************************************************Proximity sensor controls******************************************************************************//**@brief Reads the proximity level as an 8-bit value@param[out] val value of the proximity sensor.@return True if operation successful. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::readProximity(uint16_t &val)
{val = 0;uint8_t val_byte;/* Read value from proximity data register */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_PDATAL, val_byte) ) {return false;}val = val_byte;if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_PDATAH, val_byte) ) {return false;}val += ((uint16_t)val_byte << 8);return true;
}/*******************************************************************************Getters and setters for register values******************************************************************************//**@brief Returns the lower threshold for proximity detection@return lower threshold
uint16_t APDS9930::getProximityIntLowThreshold()
{uint16_t val;uint8_t val_byte;/* Read value from PILT register */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_PILTL, val_byte) ) {val = 0;}val = val_byte;if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_PILTH, val_byte) ) {val = 0;}val |= ((uint16_t)val_byte << 8);return val;
}/**@brief Sets the lower threshold for proximity detection@param[in] threshold the lower proximity threshold@return True if operation successful. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::setProximityIntLowThreshold(uint16_t threshold)
{uint8_t lo;uint8_t hi;hi = threshold >> 8;lo = threshold & 0x00FF;if ( !wireWriteDataByte(APDS9930_PILTL, lo) ) {return false;}if ( !wireWriteDataByte(APDS9930_PILTH, hi) ) {return false;}return true;
}/**@brief Returns the high threshold for proximity detection@return high threshold
uint16_t APDS9930::getProximityIntHighThreshold()
{uint16_t val;uint8_t val_byte;/* Read value from PILT register */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_PIHTL, val_byte) ) {val = 0;}val = val_byte;if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_PIHTH, val_byte) ) {val = 0;}val |= ((uint16_t)val_byte << 8);return val;
}/**@brief Sets the high threshold for proximity detection@param[in] threshold the high proximity threshold@return True if operation successful. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::setProximityIntHighThreshold(uint16_t threshold)
{uint8_t lo;uint8_t hi;hi = threshold >> 8;lo = threshold & 0x00FF;if ( !wireWriteDataByte(APDS9930_PIHTL, lo) ) {return false;}if ( !wireWriteDataByte(APDS9930_PIHTH, hi) ) {return false;}return true;
}/**@brief Returns LED drive strength for proximity and ALSValue    LED Current0        100 mA1         50 mA2         25 mA3         12.5 mA@return the value of the LED drive strength. 0xFF on failure.
uint8_t APDS9930::getLEDDrive()
{uint8_t val;/* Read value from CONTROL register */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_CONTROL, val) ) {return ERROR;}/* Shift and mask out LED drive bits */val = (val >> 6) & 0b00000011;return val;
}/**@brief Sets the LED drive strength for proximity and ALSValue    LED Current0        100 mA1         50 mA2         25 mA3         12.5 mA@param[in] drive the value (0-3) for the LED drive strength@return True if operation successful. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::setLEDDrive(uint8_t drive)
{uint8_t val;/* Read value from CONTROL register */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_CONTROL, val) ) {return false;}/* Set bits in register to given value */drive &= 0b00000011;drive = drive << 6;val &= 0b00111111;val |= drive;/* Write register value back into CONTROL register */if ( !wireWriteDataByte(APDS9930_CONTROL, val) ) {return false;}return true;
}/**@brief Returns receiver gain for proximity detectionValue    Gain0       1x1       2x2       4x3       8x@return the value of the proximity gain. 0xFF on failure.
uint8_t APDS9930::getProximityGain()
{uint8_t val;/* Read value from CONTROL register */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_CONTROL, val) ) {return ERROR;}/* Shift and mask out PDRIVE bits */val = (val >> 2) & 0b00000011;return val;
}/**@brief Sets the receiver gain for proximity detectionValue    Gain0       1x1       2x2       4x3       8x@param[in] drive the value (0-3) for the gain@return True if operation successful. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::setProximityGain(uint8_t drive)
{uint8_t val;/* Read value from CONTROL register */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_CONTROL, val) ) {return false;}/* Set bits in register to given value */drive &= 0b00000011;drive = drive << 2;val &= 0b11110011;val |= drive;/* Write register value back into CONTROL register */if ( !wireWriteDataByte(APDS9930_CONTROL, val) ) {return false;}return true;
}/**@brief Returns the proximity diodeValue    Diode selection0       Reserved1       Reserved2       Use Ch1 diode3       Reserved@return the selected diode. 0xFF on failure.
uint8_t APDS9930::getProximityDiode()
{uint8_t val;/* Read value from CONTROL register */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_CONTROL, val) ) {return ERROR;}/* Shift and mask out PDRIVE bits */val = (val >> 4) & 0b00000011;return val;
}/**@brief Selects the proximity diodeValue    Diode selection0       Reserved1       Reserved2       Use Ch1 diode3       Reserved@param[in] drive the value (0-3) for the diode@return True if operation successful. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::setProximityDiode(uint8_t drive)
{uint8_t val;/* Read value from CONTROL register */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_CONTROL, val) ) {return false;}/* Set bits in register to given value */drive &= 0b00000011;drive = drive << 4;val &= 0b11001111;val |= drive;/* Write register value back into CONTROL register */if ( !wireWriteDataByte(APDS9930_CONTROL, val) ) {return false;}return true;
}/**@brief Returns receiver gain for the ambient light sensor (ALS)Value    Gain0        1x1        4x2       16x3      120x@return the value of the ALS gain. 0xFF on failure.
uint8_t APDS9930::getAmbientLightGain()
{uint8_t val;/* Read value from CONTROL register */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_CONTROL, val) ) {return ERROR;}/* Shift and mask out ADRIVE bits */val &= 0b00000011;return val;
}/**@brief Sets the receiver gain for the ambient light sensor (ALS)Value    Gain0        1x1        4x2       16x3       64x@param[in] drive the value (0-3) for the gain@return True if operation successful. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::setAmbientLightGain(uint8_t drive)
{uint8_t val;/* Read value from CONTROL register */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_CONTROL, val) ) {return false;}/* Set bits in register to given value */drive &= 0b00000011;val &= 0b11111100;val |= drive;/* Write register value back into CONTROL register */if ( !wireWriteDataByte(APDS9930_CONTROL, val) ) {return false;}return true;
}/**@brief Gets the low threshold for ambient light interrupts@param[out] threshold current low threshold stored on the APDS-9930@return True if operation successful. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::getLightIntLowThreshold(uint16_t &threshold)
{uint8_t val_byte;threshold = 0;/* Read value from ambient light low threshold, low byte register */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_AILTL, val_byte) ) {return false;}threshold = val_byte;/* Read value from ambient light low threshold, high byte register */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_AILTH, val_byte) ) {return false;}threshold = threshold + ((uint16_t)val_byte << 8);return true;
}/**@brief Sets the low threshold for ambient light interrupts@param[in] threshold low threshold value for interrupt to trigger@return True if operation successful. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::setLightIntLowThreshold(uint16_t threshold)
{uint8_t val_low;uint8_t val_high;/* Break 16-bit threshold into 2 8-bit values */val_low = threshold & 0x00FF;val_high = (threshold & 0xFF00) >> 8;/* Write low byte */if ( !wireWriteDataByte(APDS9930_AILTL, val_low) ) {return false;}/* Write high byte */if ( !wireWriteDataByte(APDS9930_AILTH, val_high) ) {return false;}return true;
}/**@brief Gets the high threshold for ambient light interrupts@param[out] threshold current low threshold stored on the APDS-9930@return True if operation successful. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::getLightIntHighThreshold(uint16_t &threshold)
{uint8_t val_byte;threshold = 0;/* Read value from ambient light high threshold, low byte register */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_AIHTL, val_byte) ) {return false;}threshold = val_byte;/* Read value from ambient light high threshold, high byte register */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_AIHTH, val_byte) ) {return false;}threshold = threshold + ((uint16_t)val_byte << 8);return true;
}/**@brief Sets the high threshold for ambient light interrupts@param[in] threshold high threshold value for interrupt to trigger@return True if operation successful. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::setLightIntHighThreshold(uint16_t threshold)
{uint8_t val_low;uint8_t val_high;/* Break 16-bit threshold into 2 8-bit values */val_low = threshold & 0x00FF;val_high = (threshold & 0xFF00) >> 8;/* Write low byte */if ( !wireWriteDataByte(APDS9930_AIHTL, val_low) ) {return false;}/* Write high byte */if ( !wireWriteDataByte(APDS9930_AIHTH, val_high) ) {return false;}return true;
}/**@brief Gets if ambient light interrupts are enabled or not@return 1 if interrupts are enabled, 0 if not. 0xFF on error.
uint8_t APDS9930::getAmbientLightIntEnable()
{uint8_t val;/* Read value from ENABLE register */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_ENABLE, val) ) {return ERROR;}/* Shift and mask out AIEN bit */val = (val >> 4) & 0b00000001;return val;
}/**@brief Turns ambient light interrupts on or off@param[in] enable 1 to enable interrupts, 0 to turn them off@return True if operation successful. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::setAmbientLightIntEnable(uint8_t enable)
{uint8_t val;/* Read value from ENABLE register */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_ENABLE, val) ) {return false;}/* Set bits in register to given value */enable &= 0b00000001;enable = enable << 4;val &= 0b11101111;val |= enable;/* Write register value back into ENABLE register */if ( !wireWriteDataByte(APDS9930_ENABLE, val) ) {return false;}return true;
}/**@brief Gets if proximity interrupts are enabled or not@return 1 if interrupts are enabled, 0 if not. 0xFF on error.
uint8_t APDS9930::getProximityIntEnable()
{uint8_t val;/* Read value from ENABLE register */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_ENABLE, val) ) {return ERROR;}/* Shift and mask out PIEN bit */val = (val >> 5) & 0b00000001;return val;
}/**@brief Turns proximity interrupts on or off@param[in] enable 1 to enable interrupts, 0 to turn them off@return True if operation successful. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::setProximityIntEnable(uint8_t enable)
{uint8_t val;/* Read value from ENABLE register */if ( !wireReadDataByte(APDS9930_ENABLE, val) ) {return false;}/* Set bits in register to given value */enable &= 0b00000001;enable = enable << 5;val &= 0b11011111;val |= enable;/* Write register value back into ENABLE register */if ( !wireWriteDataByte(APDS9930_ENABLE, val) ) {return false;}return true;
}/**@brief Clears the ambient light interrupt@return True if operation completed successfully. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::clearAmbientLightInt()
{if ( !wireWriteByte(CLEAR_ALS_INT) ) {return false;}return true;
}/**@brief Clears the proximity interrupt@return True if operation completed successfully. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::clearProximityInt()
{if ( !wireWriteByte(CLEAR_PROX_INT) ) {return false;}return true;
}/**@brief Clears all interrupts@return True if operation completed successfully. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::clearAllInts()
{if ( !wireWriteByte(CLEAR_ALL_INTS) ) {return false;}return true;
}/*******************************************************************************Raw I2C Reads and Writes******************************************************************************//**@brief Writes a single byte to the I2C device (no register)@param[in] val the 1-byte value to write to the I2C device@return True if successful write operation. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::wireWriteByte(uint8_t val)
{Wire.beginTransmission(APDS9930_I2C_ADDR);Wire.write(val);if ( Wire.endTransmission() != 0 ) {return false;}return true;
}/**@brief Writes a single byte to the I2C device and specified register@param[in] reg the register in the I2C device to write to@param[in] val the 1-byte value to write to the I2C device@return True if successful write operation. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::wireWriteDataByte(uint8_t reg, uint8_t val)
{Wire.beginTransmission(APDS9930_I2C_ADDR);Wire.write(reg | AUTO_INCREMENT);Wire.write(val);if ( Wire.endTransmission() != 0 ) {return false;}return true;
}/**@brief Writes a block (array) of bytes to the I2C device and register@param[in] reg the register in the I2C device to write to@param[in] val pointer to the beginning of the data byte array@param[in] len the length (in bytes) of the data to write@return True if successful write operation. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::wireWriteDataBlock(  uint8_t reg,uint8_t *val,unsigned int len)
{unsigned int i;Wire.beginTransmission(APDS9930_I2C_ADDR);Wire.write(reg | AUTO_INCREMENT);for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {Wire.beginTransmission(APDS9930_I2C_ADDR);Wire.write(val[i]);}if ( Wire.endTransmission() != 0 ) {return false;}return true;
}/**@brief Reads a single byte from the I2C device and specified register@param[in] reg the register to read from@param[out] the value returned from the register@return True if successful read operation. False otherwise.
bool APDS9930::wireReadDataByte(uint8_t reg, uint8_t &val)
{/* Indicate which register we want to read from */if (!wireWriteByte(reg | AUTO_INCREMENT)) {return false;}/* Read from register */Wire.requestFrom(APDS9930_I2C_ADDR, 1);while (Wire.available()) {val = Wire.read();}return true;
}/**@brief Reads a block (array) of bytes from the I2C device and register@param[in] reg the register to read from@param[out] val pointer to the beginning of the data@param[in] len number of bytes to read@return Number of bytes read. -1 on read error.
int APDS9930::wireReadDataBlock(   uint8_t reg,uint8_t *val,unsigned int len)
{unsigned char i = 0;/* Indicate which register we want to read from */if (!wireWriteByte(reg | AUTO_INCREMENT)) {return -1;}/* Read block data */Wire.requestFrom(APDS9930_I2C_ADDR, len);while (Wire.available()) {if (i >= len) {return -1;}val[i] = Wire.read();i++;}return i;


/**@file    APDS-9930.h@brief   Library for the SparkFun APDS-9930 breakout board@author  Shawn Hymel (SparkFun Electronics)@copyright    This code is public domain but you buy me a beer if you usethis and we meet someday (Beerware license).This library interfaces the Avago APDS-9930 to Arduino over I2C. The libraryrelies on the Arduino Wire (I2C) library. to use the library, instantiate anAPDS9930 object, call init(), and call the appropriate functions.
*/#ifndef APDS9930_H
#define APDS9930_H#include <Arduino.h>/* Debug */
#define DEBUG                   0/* APDS-9930 I2C address */
#define APDS9930_I2C_ADDR       0x39/* Command register modes */
#define REPEATED_BYTE           0x80
#define AUTO_INCREMENT          0xA0
#define SPECIAL_FN              0xE0/* Error code for returned values */
#define ERROR                   0xFF/* Acceptable device IDs */
#define APDS9930_ID_1           0x12
#define APDS9930_ID_2           0x39/* Misc parameters */
#define FIFO_PAUSE_TIME         30// Wait period (ms) between FIFO reads/* APDS-9930 register addresses */
#define APDS9930_ENABLE         0x00
#define APDS9930_ATIME          0x01
#define APDS9930_PTIME          0x02
#define APDS9930_WTIME          0x03
#define APDS9930_AILTL          0x04
#define APDS9930_AILTH          0x05
#define APDS9930_AIHTL          0x06
#define APDS9930_AIHTH          0x07
#define APDS9930_PILTL          0x08
#define APDS9930_PILTH          0x09
#define APDS9930_PIHTL          0x0A
#define APDS9930_PIHTH          0x0B
#define APDS9930_PERS           0x0C
#define APDS9930_CONFIG         0x0D
#define APDS9930_PPULSE         0x0E
#define APDS9930_CONTROL        0x0F
#define APDS9930_ID             0x12
#define APDS9930_STATUS         0x13
#define APDS9930_Ch0DATAL       0x14
#define APDS9930_Ch0DATAH       0x15
#define APDS9930_Ch1DATAL       0x16
#define APDS9930_Ch1DATAH       0x17
#define APDS9930_PDATAL         0x18
#define APDS9930_PDATAH         0x19
#define APDS9930_POFFSET        0x1E/* Bit fields */
#define APDS9930_PON            0b00000001
#define APDS9930_AEN            0b00000010
#define APDS9930_PEN            0b00000100
#define APDS9930_WEN            0b00001000
#define APSD9930_AIEN           0b00010000
#define APDS9930_PIEN           0b00100000
#define APDS9930_SAI            0b01000000/* On/Off definitions */
#define OFF                     0
#define ON                      1/* Acceptable parameters for setMode */
#define POWER                   0
#define AMBIENT_LIGHT           1
#define PROXIMITY               2
#define WAIT                    3
#define AMBIENT_LIGHT_INT       4
#define PROXIMITY_INT           5
#define SLEEP_AFTER_INT         6
#define ALL                     7/* LED Drive values */
#define LED_DRIVE_100MA         0
#define LED_DRIVE_50MA          1
#define LED_DRIVE_25MA          2
#define LED_DRIVE_12_5MA        3/* Proximity Gain (PGAIN) values */
#define PGAIN_1X                0
#define PGAIN_2X                1
#define PGAIN_4X                2
#define PGAIN_8X                3/* ALS Gain (AGAIN) values */
#define AGAIN_1X                0
#define AGAIN_8X                1
#define AGAIN_16X               2
#define AGAIN_120X              3/* Interrupt clear values */
#define CLEAR_PROX_INT          0xE5
#define CLEAR_ALS_INT           0xE6
#define CLEAR_ALL_INTS          0xE7/* Default values */
#define DEFAULT_ATIME           0xED
#define DEFAULT_WTIME           0xFF
#define DEFAULT_PTIME           0xFF
#define DEFAULT_PPULSE          0x08
#define DEFAULT_POFFSET         0// 0 offset
#define DEFAULT_CONFIG          0
#define DEFAULT_PDRIVE          LED_DRIVE_100MA
#define DEFAULT_PDIODE          2
#define DEFAULT_PGAIN           PGAIN_8X
#define DEFAULT_AGAIN           AGAIN_1X
#define DEFAULT_PILT            0// Low proximity threshold
#define DEFAULT_PIHT            50// High proximity threshold
#define DEFAULT_AILT            0xFFFF// Force interrupt for calibration
#define DEFAULT_AIHT            0
#define DEFAULT_PERS            0x22// 2 consecutive prox or ALS for int./* ALS coefficients */
#define DF                      52
#define GA                      0.49
#define ALS_B                       1.862
#define ALS_C                       0.746
#define ALS_D                       1.291/* State definitions */
};#ifdef _AVR_IO_H_
// Do not use this alias as it's deprecated
#endif/* APDS9930 Class */
class APDS9930 {public:/* Initialization methods */APDS9930();~APDS9930();bool init();uint8_t getMode();bool setMode(uint8_t mode, uint8_t enable);/* Turn the APDS-9930 on and off */bool enablePower();bool disablePower();/* Enable or disable specific sensors */bool enableLightSensor(bool interrupts = false);bool disableLightSensor();bool enableProximitySensor(bool interrupts = false);bool disableProximitySensor();/* LED drive strength control */uint8_t getLEDDrive();bool setLEDDrive(uint8_t drive);// uint8_t getGestureLEDDrive();// bool setGestureLEDDrive(uint8_t drive);/* Gain control */uint8_t getAmbientLightGain();bool setAmbientLightGain(uint8_t gain);uint8_t getProximityGain();bool setProximityGain(uint8_t gain);bool setProximityDiode(uint8_t drive);uint8_t getProximityDiode();/* Get and set light interrupt thresholds */bool getLightIntLowThreshold(uint16_t &threshold);bool setLightIntLowThreshold(uint16_t threshold);bool getLightIntHighThreshold(uint16_t &threshold);bool setLightIntHighThreshold(uint16_t threshold);/* Get and set interrupt enables */uint8_t getAmbientLightIntEnable();bool setAmbientLightIntEnable(uint8_t enable);uint8_t getProximityIntEnable();bool setProximityIntEnable(uint8_t enable);/* Clear interrupts */bool clearAmbientLightInt();bool clearProximityInt();bool clearAllInts();/* Proximity methods */bool readProximity(uint16_t &val);/* Ambient light methods */bool readAmbientLightLux(float &val);bool readAmbientLightLux(unsigned long &val);float floatAmbientToLux(uint16_t Ch0, uint16_t Ch1);unsigned long ulongAmbientToLux(uint16_t Ch0, uint16_t Ch1);bool readCh0Light(uint16_t &val);bool readCh1Light(uint16_t &val);//private:/* Proximity Interrupt Threshold */uint16_t getProximityIntLowThreshold();bool setProximityIntLowThreshold(uint16_t threshold);uint16_t getProximityIntHighThreshold();bool setProximityIntHighThreshold(uint16_t threshold);/* Raw I2C Commands */bool wireWriteByte(uint8_t val);bool wireWriteDataByte(uint8_t reg, uint8_t val);bool wireWriteDataBlock(uint8_t reg, uint8_t *val, unsigned int len);bool wireReadDataByte(uint8_t reg, uint8_t &val);int wireReadDataBlock(uint8_t reg, uint8_t *val, unsigned int len);



APDS-9930 Ambient light and proximity sensor
Davide Depau
December 11, 2015
https://github.com/Davideddu/APDS9930Shawn Hymel @ SparkFun Electronics
October 24, 2014
https://github.com/sparkfun/APDS-9930_RGB_and_Gesture_SensorTests the proximity interrupt abilities of the APDS-9930.
Configures the APDS-9930 over I2C and waits for an external
interrupt based on high or low proximity conditions. Move your
hand near the sensor and watch the LED on pin 13.Hardware Connections:IMPORTANT: The APDS-9930 can only accept 3.3V!Arduino Pin  APDS-9930 Board  Function3.3V         VCC              PowerGND          GND              GroundA4           SDA              I2C DataA5           SCL              I2C Clock2            INT              Interrupt10           -                LEDResources:
Include Wire.h and APDS9930.hDevelopment environment specifics:
Written in Arduino 1.6.5
Tested with Arduino Uno and MegaThis code is beerware; if you see me (or any other SparkFun
employee) at the local, and you've found our code helpful, please
buy us a round!Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.
****************************************************************/#define DUMP_REGS#include <Wire.h>
#include "APDS9930.h"// Pins
#define APDS9930_INT    2// Needs to be an interrupt pin
#define LED_PIN         10// LED for showing interrupt// Constants
#define PROX_INT_HIGH   600// Proximity level for interrupt
#define PROX_INT_LOW    0// No far interrupt// 亮灯延时
#define LIGHT_TIME 5000// Global variables
APDS9930 apds = APDS9930();
uint16_t proximity_data = 0;
volatile bool isr_flag = false;void setup() {// Set LED as outputpinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);pinMode(APDS9930_INT, INPUT);// Initialize Serial portSerial.begin(9600);Serial.println();Serial.println(F("------------------------------"));Serial.println(F("APDS-9930 - ProximityInterrupt"));Serial.println(F("------------------------------"));// Initialize interrupt service routineattachInterrupt(0, interruptRoutine, FALLING);// Initialize APDS-9930 (configure I2C and initial values)if ( apds.init() ) {Serial.println(F("APDS-9930 initialization complete"));} else {Serial.println(F("Something went wrong during APDS-9930 init!"));}// Adjust the Proximity sensor gainif ( !apds.setProximityGain(PGAIN_2X) ) {Serial.println(F("Something went wrong trying to set PGAIN"));}// Set proximity interrupt thresholdsif ( !apds.setProximityIntLowThreshold(PROX_INT_LOW) ) {Serial.println(F("Error writing low threshold"));}if ( !apds.setProximityIntHighThreshold(PROX_INT_HIGH) ) {Serial.println(F("Error writing high threshold"));}// Start running the APDS-9930 proximity sensor (interrupts)if ( apds.enableProximitySensor(true) ) {Serial.println(F("Proximity sensor is now running"));} else {Serial.println(F("Something went wrong during sensor init!"));}#ifdef DUMP_REGS/* Register dump */uint8_t reg;uint8_t val;for(reg = 0x00; reg <= 0x19; reg++) {if( (reg != 0x10) && \(reg != 0x11) ){apds.wireReadDataByte(reg, val);Serial.print(reg, HEX);Serial.print(": 0x");Serial.println(val, HEX);}}apds.wireReadDataByte(0x1E, val);Serial.print(0x1E, HEX);Serial.print(": 0x");Serial.println(val, HEX);
#endif}/** 主循环* 功能介绍:当有物体靠近传感器约10cm的位置时,触发中断,点亮LED LIGHT_TIME毫秒,持续触发则常亮,无则灭灯。 * 说明:通过修改 宏定义 LIGHT_TIME调节延时,LED负极接在数字10口(正极 3.3V供电)
void loop() {  // If interrupt occurs, print out the proximity levelif ( isr_flag ) {// Read proximity level and print it outif ( !apds.readProximity(proximity_data) ) {Serial.println("Error reading proximity value");} else {Serial.print("Proximity detected! Level: ");Serial.println(proximity_data);}// Reset flag and clear APDS-9930 interrupt (IMPORTANT!)isr_flag = false;if ( !apds.clearProximityInt() ) {Serial.println("Error clearing interrupt");}// 点亮和延时放在清除中断后面,可以避免连续中断之间的LED闪烁问题digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);delay(LIGHT_TIME);}else {// 无中断则熄灭LEDdigitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);}
}void interruptRoutine() {isr_flag = true;



APDS-9930 Ambient light and proximity sensor
Davide Depau
December 11, 2015
https://github.com/Davideddu/APDS9930Shawn Hymel @ SparkFun Electronics
October 24, 2014
https://github.com/sparkfun/APDS-9930_RGB_and_Gesture_SensorTests the proximity interrupt abilities of the APDS-9930.
Configures the APDS-9930 over I2C and waits for an external
interrupt based on high or low proximity conditions. Move your
hand near the sensor and watch the LED on pin 13.Hardware Connections:IMPORTANT: The APDS-9930 can only accept 3.3V!Arduino Pin  APDS-9930 Board  Function3.3V         VCC              PowerGND          GND              GroundA4           SDA              I2C DataA5           SCL              I2C Clock2            INT              Interrupt10           -                LEDResources:
Include Wire.h and APDS9930.hDevelopment environment specifics:
Written in Arduino 1.6.5
Tested with Arduino Uno and MegaThis code is beerware; if you see me (or any other SparkFun
employee) at the local, and you've found our code helpful, please
buy us a round!Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.
****************************************************************/#define DUMP_REGS#include <Wire.h>
#include "APDS9930.h"// Pins
#define APDS9930_INT    2// Needs to be an interrupt pin
#define LED_PIN         10// LED for showing interrupt// Constants
#define PROX_INT_HIGH   600// Proximity level for interrupt
#define PROX_INT_LOW    0// No far interrupt// 亮灯延时
#define LIGHT_TIME 5000
// 响应延时
#define RESPONSE_TIME 2000// Global variables
APDS9930 apds = APDS9930();
uint16_t proximity_data = 0;
volatile bool isr_flag = false;void setup() {// Set LED as outputpinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);pinMode(APDS9930_INT, INPUT);// 先熄灭LEDdigitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);// Initialize Serial portSerial.begin(9600);Serial.println();Serial.println(F("------------------------------"));Serial.println(F("APDS-9930 - ProximityInterrupt"));Serial.println(F("------------------------------"));// Initialize interrupt service routineattachInterrupt(0, interruptRoutine, FALLING);// Initialize APDS-9930 (configure I2C and initial values)if ( apds.init() ) {Serial.println(F("APDS-9930 initialization complete"));} else {Serial.println(F("Something went wrong during APDS-9930 init!"));}// Adjust the Proximity sensor gainif ( !apds.setProximityGain(PGAIN_2X) ) {Serial.println(F("Something went wrong trying to set PGAIN"));}// Set proximity interrupt thresholdsif ( !apds.setProximityIntLowThreshold(PROX_INT_LOW) ) {Serial.println(F("Error writing low threshold"));}if ( !apds.setProximityIntHighThreshold(PROX_INT_HIGH) ) {Serial.println(F("Error writing high threshold"));}// Start running the APDS-9930 proximity sensor (interrupts)if ( apds.enableProximitySensor(true) ) {Serial.println(F("Proximity sensor is now running"));} else {Serial.println(F("Something went wrong during sensor init!"));}#ifdef DUMP_REGS/* Register dump */uint8_t reg;uint8_t val;for(reg = 0x00; reg <= 0x19; reg++) {if( (reg != 0x10) && \(reg != 0x11) ){apds.wireReadDataByte(reg, val);Serial.print(reg, HEX);Serial.print(": 0x");Serial.println(val, HEX);}}apds.wireReadDataByte(0x1E, val);Serial.print(0x1E, HEX);Serial.print(": 0x");Serial.println(val, HEX);
#endif}/** 主循环* 功能介绍:当有物体靠近传感器约10cm的位置时,触发中断,点亮/熄灭LED,延时RESPONSE_TIME毫秒,延时期间操作不响应。 * 说明:通过修改 宏定义 RESPONSE_TIME调节延时响应,LED负极接在数字10口(正极 3.3V供电)
void loop() {// 临时变量uint8_t temp = 0;// If interrupt occurs, print out the proximity levelif ( isr_flag ) {// Read proximity level and print it outif ( !apds.readProximity(proximity_data) ) {Serial.println("Error reading proximity value");} else {Serial.print("Proximity detected! Level: ");Serial.println(proximity_data);}// 读取LED_PIN电平,反转电平temp = digitalRead(LED_PIN);if(temp == 0) digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);else digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);delay(RESPONSE_TIME);// Reset flag and clear APDS-9930 interrupt (IMPORTANT!)isr_flag = false;if ( !apds.clearProximityInt() ) {Serial.println("Error clearing interrupt");}}
}void interruptRoutine() {isr_flag = true;



APDS-9930 Ambient light and proximity sensor
Davide Depau
December 11, 2015
https://github.com/Davideddu/APDS9930Shawn Hymel @ SparkFun Electronics
October 24, 2014
https://github.com/sparkfun/APDS-9930_RGB_and_Gesture_SensorTests the proximity interrupt abilities of the APDS-9930.
Configures the APDS-9930 over I2C and waits for an external
interrupt based on high or low proximity conditions. Move your
hand near the sensor and watch the LED on pin 13.Hardware Connections:IMPORTANT: The APDS-9930 can only accept 3.3V!Arduino Pin  APDS-9930 Board  Function3.3V         VCC              PowerGND          GND              GroundA4           SDA              I2C DataA5           SCL              I2C Clock2            INT              Interrupt10           -                LEDResources:
Include Wire.h and APDS9930.hDevelopment environment specifics:
Written in Arduino 1.6.5
Tested with Arduino Uno and MegaThis code is beerware; if you see me (or any other SparkFun
employee) at the local, and you've found our code helpful, please
buy us a round!Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.
****************************************************************/#define DUMP_REGS#include <Wire.h>
#include "APDS9930.h"// Pins
#define APDS9930_INT    2// Needs to be an interrupt pin
#define LED_PIN         10// LED for showing interrupt// Constants
#define PROX_INT_HIGH   600// Proximity level for interrupt
#define PROX_INT_LOW    0// No far interrupt// 亮灯延时
#define LIGHT_TIME 5000
// 响应延时
#define RESPONSE_TIME 300
// pwm每次变动的值
#define PWM_CHANGE_VAL 32// Global variables
APDS9930 apds = APDS9930();
uint16_t proximity_data = 0;
volatile bool isr_flag = false;// 中断计数
uint8_t interrupt_num = 0;
// 循环计数
uint8_t loop_num = 0;
// 0为开关模式 1为pwm调光模式
uint8_t mode = 0;
// pwm值
uint8_t pwm_val = 255;
// LED亮标志位 0灭 1亮
uint8_t led_on_flag = 0;void setup() {// Set LED as outputpinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);pinMode(APDS9930_INT, INPUT);// Initialize Serial portSerial.begin(9600);Serial.println();Serial.println(F("------------------------------"));Serial.println(F("APDS-9930 - ProximityInterrupt"));Serial.println(F("------------------------------"));// Initialize interrupt service routineattachInterrupt(0, interruptRoutine, FALLING);// Initialize APDS-9930 (configure I2C and initial values)if ( apds.init() ) {Serial.println(F("APDS-9930 initialization complete"));} else {Serial.println(F("Something went wrong during APDS-9930 init!"));}// Adjust the Proximity sensor gainif ( !apds.setProximityGain(PGAIN_2X) ) {Serial.println(F("Something went wrong trying to set PGAIN"));}// Set proximity interrupt thresholdsif ( !apds.setProximityIntLowThreshold(PROX_INT_LOW) ) {Serial.println(F("Error writing low threshold"));}if ( !apds.setProximityIntHighThreshold(PROX_INT_HIGH) ) {Serial.println(F("Error writing high threshold"));}// Start running the APDS-9930 proximity sensor (interrupts)if ( apds.enableProximitySensor(true) ) {Serial.println(F("Proximity sensor is now running"));} else {Serial.println(F("Something went wrong during sensor init!"));}#ifdef DUMP_REGS/* Register dump */uint8_t reg;uint8_t val;for(reg = 0x00; reg <= 0x19; reg++) {if( (reg != 0x10) && \(reg != 0x11) ){apds.wireReadDataByte(reg, val);Serial.print(reg, HEX);Serial.print(": 0x");Serial.println(val, HEX);}}apds.wireReadDataByte(0x1E, val);Serial.print(0x1E, HEX);Serial.print(": 0x");Serial.println(val, HEX);
#endif// 先熄灭LEDdigitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
}/** 主循环* 功能介绍:*    当有物体靠近传感器约10cm的位置时,可以触发中断。*    如果4*RESPONSE_TIME毫秒内 没有触发4次中断,即4*RESPONSE_TIME毫秒内,划过传感区域,则为开关模式,会进行LED的亮灭操作(亮到设定的pwm_val)*    如果4*RESPONSE_TIME毫秒内 触发了4次中断,即4*RESPONSE_TIME毫秒以上,物体一直停留在传感区域内,则为pwm调光模式,会进行LED的pwm非无极调光(每次在当前基础上增加PWM_CHANGE_VAL)*    如果在pwm调光模式下,物体移出了传感区域,则会结束pwm值的调节。若下次继续快划,则进行开关,若继续悬停,则继续调光。*    单位延时RESPONSE_TIME毫秒,延时期间操作不响应。 * 说明:*    通过修改 宏定义 RESPONSE_TIME调节延时响应,若想增加调光速率,可减小此值。*    通过修改 宏定义 PWM_CHANGE_VAL,调节单次pwm调光的大小,范围1-255。若想要更细致的调光,可减小此值。*    LED负极接在数字10口(正极 3.3V供电)
void loop() {// 临时变量uint8_t temp = 0;loop_num++;// If interrupt occurs, print out the proximity levelif ( isr_flag ) {interrupt_num++;// Read proximity level and print it outif ( !apds.readProximity(proximity_data) ) {Serial.println("Error reading proximity value");} else {Serial.print("Proximity detected! Level: ");Serial.println(proximity_data);}// Reset flag and clear APDS-9930 interrupt (IMPORTANT!)isr_flag = false;if ( !apds.clearProximityInt() ) {Serial.println("Error clearing interrupt");}delay(RESPONSE_TIME);} else {delay(RESPONSE_TIME);}// 4次循环即 4*RESPONSE_TIME毫秒if(4 == loop_num) {// Serial.println("loop_num == 4");loop_num = 0;// 触发中断数小于4,认为是划过,非悬停状态。if(interrupt_num < 4 && interrupt_num > 0) {Serial.println("interrupt_num < 4 && interrupt_num > 0");// 如果是开关模式if(mode == 0) {// 读取LED_PIN电平temp = digitalRead(LED_PIN);Serial.print("temp:");Serial.println(temp);// temp>0 为 熄灭 或 pwm<255亮灯 状态if(temp > 0) {// pwm==255则点亮LEDif(pwm_val == 255) {analogWrite(LED_PIN, 0);led_on_flag = 1;}// pwm!=255else {// 如果灯是熄灭状态,点亮至之前设定的pwm_valif(led_on_flag == 0) {analogWrite(LED_PIN, pwm_val);led_on_flag = 1;}// 如果灯是点亮状态,则熄灭else {analogWrite(LED_PIN, 255);led_on_flag = 0;}}} else {// 熄灭LEDanalogWrite(LED_PIN, 255);led_on_flag = 0;}} else {// 切换为开关模式mode = 0;}Serial.print("pwm_val:");Serial.println(pwm_val);} else if(interrupt_num == 4) {Serial.println("interrupt_num == 4");// 切换为pwm调光模式mode = 1;pwm_val += PWM_CHANGE_VAL;// 0到255之间的PWM频率值analogWrite(LED_PIN, pwm_val);if(pwm_val == 255) led_on_flag = 0;else led_on_flag = 1;Serial.print("pwm_val:");Serial.println(pwm_val);}// 清零loop_num = 0;interrupt_num = 0;}
}void interruptRoutine() {isr_flag = true;


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    前言:使用友善之臂tiny4412进行嵌入式学习,对于初学者而言并不是一件轻松事情,即使该平台已经存在很多年,网上也有很多分享,但由于官方文档相对还是不够全面,导致很多初学者遇到问题不知如何下手,如果 ...

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