import; //导入依赖的package包/类


* Navigates through the focus items in a container returning the container child that has a

* descendant matching the {@code selector}.


* The navigation starts in the {@code direction} specified and

* {@link Direction#reverse(Direction) reverses} once if needed. Fails if there is not a

* focused

* descendant, or if after completing both directions no focused child has a descendant

* matching

* {@code selector}.


* Fails if the menu item can not be navigated to.


* @param uiDevice the device under test.

* @param container contains children to navigate over.

* @param selector the selector for the object to navigate to.

* @param direction the direction to start navigating.

* @return the object navigated to.


public static UiObject2 assertNavigateTo(UiDevice uiDevice, UiObject2 container,

BySelector selector, Direction direction) {

int count = 0;

while (count < 2) {

BySelector hasFocusedDescendant = By.hasDescendant(FOCUSED_VIEW);

UiObject2 focusedChild = null;

SearchCondition untilHasFocusedDescendant = Until


boolean result = container.wait(untilHasFocusedDescendant,


if (!result) {

// HACK: Try direction anyways because play control does not always have a

// focused item.

UiDeviceUtils.pressDpad(uiDevice, direction);

UiObject2Asserts.assertWaitForCondition(container, untilHasFocusedDescendant);


for (UiObject2 c : container.getChildren()) {

if (c.isFocused() || c.hasObject(hasFocusedDescendant)) {

focusedChild = c;




if (focusedChild == null) {"No focused item found in container " + container);


if (focusedChild.hasObject(selector)) {

return focusedChild;


if (!UiObject2Utils.hasSiblingInDirection(focusedChild, direction)) {

direction = Direction.reverse(direction);



UiDeviceUtils.pressDpad(uiDevice, direction);

}"Could not find item with " + selector);

return null;


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