NMS by Representative Region: Towards Crowded Pedestrian Detection by
Proposal Pairing论文笔记




pedestrian detection in crowded scenes is still challenging
然后作者发现目前的NMS方法不太work的样子,然后就提出了a novel Representative Region NMS (R^2NMS)的方法

A relative low threshold of intersection over union (IoU) leads to missing highly over lapped pedestrians, while a higher one brings in plenty of false positives.
对NMS和Adaptive NMS的分析。

红色的框是full body predictions
绿色框是visible body predictions
原始的NMS方法会让红色虚点框消失, 而作者的方法保留了这点.

*对Adaptive NMS的分析

However, density estima tion itself remains a diffificult task.
Besides, the matching from the density to the optimal IoU threshold is still handcrafted in AdaptiveNMS, and thus the exact matching is diffificult to acquire.



作者的基本框架如图, CNN Feature Extractor 在 CrowdHuman dataset中作者利用 Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) with ResNet-50 作为baseline
对于 CityPersons dataset, 采取了Faster R-CNN framework.


这个算法就是看visual part,当这一部分超过IOU留下visual part 和Full part

其中A是 an anchor A is viewed as positive matched to the
ground-truth pair Q = (F, V)
α1 = 0.7 and β1 = 0.7.

这一部分是将特征级联,但是中间加入01色素图与Full part 做元素相乘
for a pair of annotation Q = (F, V), a pair of proposal X = (Pf,Pv) is positive

α2, β2 is 0.5 and 0.5.


对于整篇论文,我感觉就是安照这个模型做 ,然后就没什么想法,
没什么改进, 完全不知道如何改进
如果对问题重定义,将Crowded Pedestrian Detection改为
Crowded Pedestrian search 是不是也有研究意义

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