
<input type="text" id="txt">var txt = document.getElementById("text");// txt写成text<body><p><input type="text" id="txt"><button id="btnAdd">添加</button></p><ul><li><span>列表1</span><button>删除</button></li><li><span>列表2</span><button>删除</button></li><li><span>列表3</span><button>删除</button></li></ul><script>var btnAdd = document.getElementById("btnAdd");//出现错误的地方var txt = document.getElementById("txt");var ul = document.getElementsByTagName("ul")[0];btnAdd.onclick = function () {var value = txt.value;var li = document.createElement("li");li.innerHTML = ` <span>列表${value}</span><button>删除</button>`ul.appendChild(li);txt.value = "";}</script>

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