
  • 一、在pycharm中,用python3.11时,在Debug调试时出现 pydev debugger: CRITICAL WARNING: 报错
  • 二、调试中出现中文乱码

一、在pycharm中,用python3.11时,在Debug调试时出现 pydev debugger: CRITICAL WARNING: 报错

pydev debugger: CRITICAL WARNING: This version of python seems to be incorrectly compiled (internal generated filenames are not absolute)
pydev debugger: The debugger may still function, but it will work slower and may miss breakpoints.
pydev debugger: Related bug: http://bugs.python.org/issue1666807
已连接到 pydev 调试器(内部版本号 222.4459.20)pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <frozen codecs>
pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <frozen importlib._bootstrap>
pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>
pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <frozen zipimport>
pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <string>
pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <frozen abc>
pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <frozen ntpath>
pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <frozen _collections_abc>
pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <frozen os>
pydev debugger: Unable to find real location for: <frozen genericpath>


2、在 2中填入 -Xfrozen_modules=off
另外升级pycharm到 2022.3版本 即可消除该问题。



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